God of Tricksters

1063 Neutralizing the Whale's Power

"It's time for the challenge."

"Challenge?!" Maya furrowed her eyebrows while looking at the whole before her vision was covered with the rising seawater.

It wasn't the sea. It was the water in front of them, creating a launchpad that could send them to the air with the help of Mark's ability.

"Mark, Isaac!" Theo shouted their names, informing them they needed to reinforce the boat immediately.

Without hesitation, Isaac utilized his skill, reinforcing the boat as well as the people on it. Mark also maintained his wind ability.

Just by looking at the angle, he knew Theo wanted to pass the whale from above. So, he poured more strength to launch them into the sky.


The boat once again soared to the sky.

"Kh…" Isaac gritted his teeth, wondering if this was the right thing to do. After all, the one in front of them was none other than a Mythical Rank Monster. Even if they combined their strength, they couldn't defeat it.

Like they feared, they saw the whale letting out a loud sound.


The whale's voice shook the sea as if it could even release a shock wave, resulting in the raging water.

Just looking at it was enough to scare Isaac.

However, Theo maintained his calm and stood near the edge.

"Maya, Mark!"

Remembering Theo's order, Maya immediately activated the defense mechanism that was only one button away from starting. Mark retracted the wind he used to fly and gathered all of it in his hands, preparing to shoot it as soon as he saw Theo's signal.

Suddenly, the Magic Power fluctuated from below as if the whale was angry. The hole on top of the whale that was usually used to spurt out water started contracting.

"Joker! It's going to shoot us with the water. The boat can't handle a Mythical Rank Monster's attack!"

"Don't worry. It won't hit us!" Theo smirked as he leaped off the boat, planning to challenge the whale himself.

"What? Did he escape?" Isaac widened his eyes in shock before he heard Theo's voice.

"Mark! Shoot it!"

"!!!" Mark heard the signal and immediately released all the wind he had stored downwards. In that instant, he suddenly understood why Theo wanted him to store that Magic Power. He knew the whale would react this way.

At the same time as the wind flew forward, the whale also released a high pressure water. The water was so strong that it could rip a human's body apart.

Even Theo would at least be heavily injured if he received this attack.

However, Mark's wind passed Theo and clashed with the water first.

The wind excluded a green light as if they were shining. From that light, Theo could see another energy moving inside the wind.

'A concentrated energy inside the wind? The second eruption?' Theo widened his eyes as he couldn't help but smile, thinking, 'It seems Mark has become stronger.'

The wind that dispersed the water for two seconds suddenly broke apart, causing a huge shock wave that pushed the water back a bit. When it broke apart, the inner gale erupted, pushing back the water.

"Good, good, good." Theo smirked as he raised both hands, gathering his Magic Power on his arms.

Theo had prepared using his Thunderclap Fist and Invisible Vortex this time after rejecting the idea of using the Ascension Step, which could give birth to extreme pressure.


The whale let out another cry as he poured more Magic Power into the hole, producing more water than what he stored inside his body.

When he saw this, Theo couldn't help but smirk, as he had been waiting for this water to come out.

Theo poured his Magic Power into his Order and utilized it, removing the water element.

'In my reality, the water never exists.' Theo thought as he removed the water affinity, resulting in the burst of water disappearing, leaving only the pressure.

"What? It disappeared?! No, the Magic Power is still there…" Isaac dropped his jaw to the ground, staring at their clash. Since he had reinforced the boat, all he needed to do was maintain it.

Hence, he had some time to look at their clash since he would also know if Theo failed to withstand the Mythical Rank Monster's attack.

However, never in his wildest dream could he imagine the water disappearing.

"What did he do?!" Isaac sucked a cold breath. He knew Theo must do something, considering his Magic Power fluctuated for a second. It was even easier for him to see it due to his Analyze Skill.

Theo was unaware of Isaac's thoughts as he completely focused on the whale.

As soon as Mark's wind was neutralized, he punched forward, releasing all the Magic Power he had gathered.


A thunderclap shook the area as it reinforced Theo's shock wave, giving birth to a shock wave at the same level as Mark's, who mastered Wind Element.

However, Theo had one more trump card. He had gathered multiple invisible balls with his Perfect Control and shot them forward.

"Those are… a ball? Invisible? I have never seen this." Isaac also saw the Magic Power fluctuation. He never thought Theo could create something at this level since he could easily sneak-attack a person if they weren't good at Awareness.

The balls exploded when they touched the shock wave, neutralizing the pressure for two seconds.

Still, as one would expect from a Mythical Rank Monster, the whale's strength looked bottomless. Without showing any sign of exhaustion, the whale kept maintaining the pressure, burning away Theo's Magic Power at a high pace.

Knowing what the whale did, Theo finally let go of his Control and used Telekinesis to fly away as though he had been blown away by the whale. Even the water started coming out again.

"Did he lose?! Joker!" Isaac called Joker a few times, trying to save him.

However, Maya stopped him while saying, "No need to get that worked up. We have passed the whale, so there's no more reason for Joker to continue trying."

"Passed the whale…" Isaac looked down again, realizing they had passed the whale's body and started falling. "That makes sense…"

"…" Maya shook her head helplessly as Isaac expressed his reaction too much.

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