As soon as they entered the room, they found nothing inside other than a flat stone and a pearl in front of the mermaid. There was nothing they could see inside the cave.

Meanwhile, Isaac, Maya, and Mark were admiring the cave as though they were amazed by her living place. After all, the person in front of them was a special monster that no one had ever seen before.

"I believe this is our first meeting. Once again, let me introduce myself. I am what you humans call a King Class Monster. I'm known as the Queen of Destiny… Fate Queen is simply some sort of a password. I hope that you won't lead any other humans to this place unless they're like the gentleman before you." The Queen of Destiny politely introduced herself and pointed at Theo as if he was someone special.

"King Class Monster?!" Isaac dropped his jaw to the ground. Maya had cold sweat on her back while Mark furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if they had the chance to escape.

Everyone had heard enough of what a King Class was capable of. If one or two of them attacked the city, it could bring down their base.

That was why they thought the King Class Monster was a dangerous monster. However, it seemed their perception of the King Class Monster had been wrong.

Because of their intelligence, it was normal for them to think more about their actions and other things. Hence, there would be aggressive and passive King Class Monsters.

And the one before them was a passive monster who had kindness. She even looked easy to talk to.

Theo was the only one among them that knew this fact a long time ago, considering the first encounter with the King Class Monster was with Ava's mother, Avarice.

"Is it unbelievable that there is a monster like me?" The Queen of Destiny smiled.

Taken aback, Isaac hurriedly explained. "No, no, no. There's nothing wrong. It's just we have realized how shallow our thoughts were."

The trio became restless as they wondered how they should behave to a King Class Monster.

However, the Queen of Destiny corrected Isaac again by pointing at Theo. "To be honest, I would have killed you if you didn't come with him."

"Joker?" They looked at Theo with a curious gaze. Maya remembered the first time she encountered the Dark King.

At that time, the King Class Monster became friendly as soon as he saw Theo. It seemed Theo had been hiding something important this whole time. And this might be the reason why he could become stronger this quickly.

As for Mark and Isaac, they simply didn't know what to say. So, they chose to remain silent since Theo was the one in charge here.

Finding a King Class Monster alone was enough for them.

While they were fidgeting, Theo kept staring at the mermaid as though he wanted to say something.

"I have asked you many things, so there's no need for us to have this little talk." The mermaid waved her hands as she truly had talked about many things in the future she saw with her ability. "Though, I will allow each of you to ask me one thing. I will do my best to answer it."

"You should know what they're going to ask, right?" Theo furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you think?" The mermaid smiled. "Looking at the future is boring since you already know what to expect. I wonder if they can break from their own future…"

"Break our own future?" The trio exchanged looks as their faces became pale. It sounded so ominous as if breaking their future meant they would die.

The mermaid waved her hands, forming a white line in the air. This white line was formed by Magic Power like Theo usually did. However, she infused her Order in it, turning the Magic Power into white.

Then, she tapped one of the tips and poured more into it, resulting in the tip spreading into numerous branches.

"Every living being in this world has this string of fate." The mermaid pointed at the single line section before moving to the branches. "And every decision you make will give birth to a numerous future."

"That decision is this joint over here. This is what I call a variable. This variable is from everywhere. It can be from yourself or someone else. For example, if you choose to stop breathing and die, you get that future. If someone suddenly comes and assassinates you, you will have another future.

"If someone comes after you and another person arrives to save you, there will be another future. And that future will give birth to more possibilities and so on. This is what it means that your future is limitless.

"What I have done this whole time is calculating the future. For example, I know all of your names. Maya, Mark, and Isaac, right?

"That's because in the future I'd seen, you'd introduced yourself. That's why there's no need for me to ask your name anymore. It's boring and convenient at the same time.

"That's why I'm going to test you right now whether you can reach the future I haven't seen or not. This is what I mean by breaking the future…

"After all, your destiny has been decided the moment you were born. It's just the variable that can break it to give birth to another unknown future. That's why I want to ask the three of you…

"Think about one question that you want to ask the most while putting this one requirement… What kind of question that you want to ask but something that I would never see it coming?" The Queen of Destiny smirked and said, "You have one minute to think about this question and explain to me why you ask that question.

"If the question reaches my standard, I will read your future as the reward. How about it?" The Queen of Destiny finished her explanation with an invitation.

And it was obvious from their faces that they were ready for this challenge.

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