God of Tricksters

1098 Going Back

Isaac was a pursuer of the truth. He wanted to learn more about the truth of this world as a scientist. After all, if not because of this thirst, Isaac Newton wouldn't even bless him with his knowledge and power.

However, he had some common sense. With just a single look, if he researched this matter further, he would face a problem bigger than anything he'd ever seen in his entire life.

And this magical technology could even be used as a military base by many countries. The result would be obvious. He would become the target of many countries. Even if he offered his loyalty to another country, that country might kill him to stop Isaac from spreading anything to another country.

Hence, no matter how hard he tried, the end result would be the same. Dead.

"…" Isaac's expression darkened as he contemplated whether he should pick the mission or not. He needed to choose whether to follow his identity as a scientist or a normal human being.

Meanwhile, Mark was shocked by how Theo could actually point everything out. Isaac was a resourceful guy.

If Theo didn't have a good argument, he would call his statement bullshit. Yet, Isaac could only look down, falling into deep thought. It was clear that Theo's statement contained some sort of truth in it.

He wondered what kind of knowledge Theo had in his mind. Not only was Theo stronger than him, but he also had a deep knowledge of this world.

'To think I've still underestimated him this whole time. He's not a monster; he's far scarier than a monster… A devil in human clothing.' Mark turned serious, realizing he shouldn't hear any of this. However, he understood why Theo disclosed this information to them.

This served as a warning since they should be able to point it out sooner or later with all these obvious clues. That was why he wanted to prevent them from giving any information about this island.

On the contrary, Maya was reminded of the scene where she met Theo in the previous special region.

Theo was carrying a torch at that time. The flame was so mysterious that it could shield him from the extreme cold that could even freeze a Mythical Rank Expert.

From that scene alone, she realized Theo was more knowledgeable than anyone else here. The reason why he could know the secret must be related to the so-called Order.

'That dark knight who once gave something to him… The Queen of Destiny, the special regions…' Maya thought before a smile appeared on her face.

She knew this warning was directed to both her and Isaac. As the CEO of a weapon company, she could easily turn the idea into reality.

When that happened, the status of her Starry Group would soar through the sky.

As a genius in the business world, Maya could clearly see her group surpassing any other group. However, that greed could easily swallow her with just a single mistake.

More importantly, Theo would also lose his trust in her because of that greed.

'To put it simply, he wants me to choose either my greed or my humanity. Such a scary man.' Maya shook her head helplessly and wondered how Agata could even get his heart.

"Well, that's all I can say." Theo raised his hands. Even he didn't know anything about the secret. Everything was only his speculation with some curiosity behind it.

However, he didn't lie since he only stated his speculation. It was them who misunderstood him.

He picked this word play from the God of Mischief. With that explanation, he managed to warn them, give some truth that he came up with, and stop them from getting killed.

"Don't worry. I'm not planning to research the secret… Knowing it alone is enough. Although the secret of this island is tempting, I think you're more interesting. After all, I'm pretty sure that the island's secret is related to that weird Magic Power. It's better to follow you instead of anything else." Isaac waved his hand, brushing this matter off.

"That's right. You have been tempting me this whole time… I wonder if you're getting interested in my beauty and body that you're trying to scam me to sell my own body?" Maya smirked, taking this opportunity to tease him instead.

Theo only looked at her for a moment before turning away in disgust.

"Am I that disgusting? Come on. It's just a joke." Maya pouted. "Temperament aside, I think my body is as good as a model. My face is beautiful too."

"So, you know you have the worst temper…" Isaac dropped his jaw to the ground, never thinking Maya would say such a thing.

"…" Maya's eyebrows twitched. However, she couldn't refute it. "At least, I'm honest."

"All your statements are true, but when everyone looks at your temper after knowing you, they will go limp even with that body." Isaac smirked.

"Do you want to put a ring on your mouth? I can give you a free service…" Maya smiled as she took out a pistol. Since they were talking about Maya's temper, it was clear that Maya would certainly shoot his tongue or mouth to create a hole for a ring. But no one would want to experience such a thing.

At that instant, Isaac looked down, not daring to open his mouth again.

"We've wasted too much time here. We better go back and have some rest." Theo shook his head helplessly, ending this conversation.

"Right. Let's go back!" Isaac hurriedly responded, trying to hide behind Theo. Maya could only glare at him as they decided to return to their previous camp after getting their luggage back.

The next day, Theo led his group to search for herbs that could increase their status points. Obviously, Isaac's skill was useful in identifying their power, making the exploration more efficient.

Unfortunately for them, they had wasted two days here. The groups that had reached the island managed to sweep most of the herbs, leaving only a few for them. Even the volcano was discovered by them not long after.

In the end, Theo didn't have much harvest on this island. Though, the greatest thing he found on this island was the divination and the dragon. No one complained since they were satisfied with that alone.

Finally, after nine days, Theo's group returned to the shore, joining with the rest of the people.

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