God of Tricksters

1220 Sacrifice

The big monster grabbed his attention, but Theo caught something weird from the world's statement. 'Loved?'

He didn't understand why she stated it that way. After all, if she loved everything, it would mean she didn't love them anymore.

Theo tried to empty his mind, but his subconsciousness actually remembered what the God of Mischief said about the being in another dimension that reset the world.

From the meteor that brought the dinosaurs to extinction to the sudden disappearances of past great civilizations, he felt that the world was actually the one who caused this extermination instead of that being.

However, he couldn't accept this theory completely as well. After all, it would mean the world regularly exterminated all lives.

Ultimately, he started another conspiracy theory that the being in the other dimension, who was said to be able to watch them like watching a movie, manipulated the world.

And the God of Mischief was aware of their existence because he understood the world's system or simply how she acted.

Unfortunately for him, there was no answer because the world ignored him and continued without getting fazed.

'The one who is responsible for the creation of this creature has died. However, the effect still remains.'

Theo was slightly disappointed that she didn't answer his doubt, or she might not be able to answer a question at that level.

He could only move on for now, trying to figure out everything on his own.

At the same time, he found four King Class Monsters appearing near the slime, looking at this gigantic monster.

"This is…"

"Those humans are bastards. Even if they realize their action, they will still do it simply because of their greedy nature."

"No need to cry over spilled milk. We need to suppress this thing before it grows bigger."

"Mountain Saint is still on the other side, so we're the only ones who can delay its evolution."

"A monster that can become a King in just a few hours… if it's left for a few days, it might become a Saint… It's extremely dangerous."

"No. The other side is more dangerous because they have more spots like this. Look at this giant monster, it's absorbing the radiation."

"Anyway, we need to eliminate this creature as soon as possible."

"Alright. Let's work together."

All four of them immediately leaped toward the giant monster.

There were two monsters that took the initiative to attack the giant monster, but the moment they approached this giant creature, they received a huge reaction from the monster.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the creature before a tentacle shot out.

"!!!" It was so fast that one of them couldn't even escape this attack and got launched to the ground.

"Argh!" The monster screamed in pain while raising both hands. Surprisingly, there was a huge burn mark on the monster's arms. And before long, the heat melted everything from the elbow to the hand.

Yes, the monster's entire lower arms and hands melted to the ground together with his blood.

"Argh!" The monster couldn't endure the pain as it dropped to its knees. But before they could do something, the radiation spread all over the body.

The King Class Monster's body started releasing black dots all over the body before it screamed once again and died mysteriously.


All of them were shocked as they couldn't understand what had just happened.

"Why did he not use his Order to remove the radiation?"

When the question was uttered, the answer came from the other guy that attacked the monster.

"Because of this!" He shouted while shooting a white-colored ball.

All of them raised their heads to see what was going on but soon gasped when they saw the white ball turned yellow, green, and blue before the ball was deformed, completely not resembling its first form.

"I'm afraid this is his power. Something that can change the structure of everything, including our Order." After stating those words, he landed on the ground, regrouping with the two others.

"Radiation… Then, is it something like Mutation? Mutation Order?"

"Perhaps. But don't forget that the radiation here is absorbed by this one guy. Can you even imagine the power of that radiation, let alone the concentrated one? Even if we manage to defeat this guy, the blast of that radiation will kill everyone."

The three King Class Monsters felt the heaviness of this task. It wasn't because they didn't have the ability to kill them, they were simply scared of the apocalyptic consequence that the creature would bring the moment it was defeated.

"That's why he needs to be sealed instead of destroyed." Another voice suddenly came from their backs as another monster came. The monster's body was rocks that were stacked on top of each other, making it look like a golem.

"Mountain Saint." The three King Class Monsters immediately kneeled on the ground, greeting the golem.

Meanwhile, the golem sighed and looked at the monster with a sad expression. "If I have time, I'm sure that my power can deal with this monster without any consequences. However, the more time we give, the harder it will be to deal with this monster.

"So, I'll use my body to seal this creature. With that, the radiation won't affect anyone." The Mountain Saint had decided. After killing all the humans on the other side, whether they were innocent or involved in the nuclear attack, he returned only to sacrifice his life again.


"This is why I don't want to disrupt the balance. When you disrupt the balance, there will be something that no one can imagine appearing, like this creature before us. Don't worry. Mountain is rich in minerals. I can use the soil, minerals, or metals to dilute the radiation. It will take maybe a few hundred, if not thousands of years, but I can reduce this creature to nothing.

"In the meantime, I want the three of you to inform other Saints nearby to find a solution that can destroy this monster as soon as possible."

"Why do we need to pay the price because of those humans?" One of the King Class Monsters shouted in anger.

Even the other two couldn't contain their anger.

Only the Mountain Saint could smile calmly. "This might be my fault. If I was more aggressive in retaining the Orders, this wouldn't happen."

"It's those humans. They don't even feel grateful and want to get everything. Their greed has no limit!"

"That's enough." The Mountain Saint shook his head. "You all go now."

The three King Class Monsters could only clench their teeth and left. The Mountain Saint had made it clear that he wouldn't die when sealing this creature, so they could only find a way to solve it as soon as possible.

As soon as they left, the Mountain Saint raised both hands. As he submerged underground, the soil beneath the giant creature started to rise and envelop the monster until it was completely sealed inside a tall mountain, that was the body of the Mountain Saint himself.

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