【Oh my god, I never thought that my favorite singer would be voicing my favorite comic. Oh my god.】——sea of wind

【Holy shit, holy shit, the last song was sung by Ni Si’er? ? ?】——coffee

【Wait, the Renta I hate the most is actually the voice of NAN? Why?】——The Mushroom Picking Sister Liang

Why, actually it was just because Yin Nan had more free time during that time, so he was bored and cast a role, but everyone’s reaction seemed a bit big.

【It’s really unacceptable. My dear NAN is dubbing a scumbag. Oh my god.】——A Tao

【No, the point is Ni Sirer. Oh my god, this is the first time!】——To put it simply

After the animation was broadcast, the response was imaginable, but Yin Nan would never have thought that because of Ni Sirer, the response to the animation would be greater than he imagined. Much bigger.

Even some entertainment reports reported on this comic. No, the main center should be Ni Si’er.

Ni Sir, a natural beauty who has been astonishingly talented since her debut and has become the number one singer, actually dubbed and sang for an anime, which many people, including her manager Sister Wang, did not expect.

Therefore, when the new reports came out, the Internet reports were overwhelming, and the agent, Sister Wang, became very angry.

Throwing the newspaper in front of Ni Sir’er, Sister Wang hated the iron and said:”Look at the good things you have done, when did you end up working for a childish villain?” Book dubbing and singing? It’s over, it’s over”

“Sister Wang, this is not a childish novel.”Ni Si’er seems to know how much trouble she has caused, but she still defends what she likes.

Because Sister Wang and Ni Si’er don’t pay much attention to the news, so they don’t know about”Slam Dunk” for the time being.”The Master” and”The Prince of Tennis” are animations and comics that are linked to the country. Sister Wang thought they were villain books that could not be put on the stage

“What is this book if it’s not a childish little book? Didn’t you read the report? Come and let me tell you.”Sister Wang was angry. She randomly found a report on her mobile phone and read it loudly to Ni Si’er.

“The famous singer Ni Si’er sang for a certain animation. Is this the end of her career as a singer?”

“Also, if famous singers don’t have enough money to sing, can they make money from dubbing for animations?”

“Look, look!”

Sister Wang is going crazy

“That, Sister Wang……”

“What? Even if you apologize to me now, I won’t accept it. You are responsible for what you do yourself!”

“No, I volunteered to dub and sing, so it has nothing to do with funding.”


Sister Wang vomited three liters of blood and died.

I was so pissed off that I really wanted to knock Sister Wang on the head to see what she was thinking. Ni Siren got hundreds of thousands of RMB in her account just for singing a random song, and she did it for free. Yes, this is such an advantage!

Thinking about it, Sister Wang didn’t have a good impression of this person at all, and she even scolded Zhang Heng because she suddenly remembered that it was the person named Zhang Heng who beat her. electricity.

Zhang Heng was innocently shot.

At this time, Sister Wang’s cell phone rang.

Sister Wang’s expression changed. She knew who was calling her without even thinking about it.

After cautiously picking up the phone, Sister Wang agreed again and again. After talking on the phone for about half an hour, Sister Wang hung up. Her expression could not be described as stormy

“I don’t want to, I can’t just forget it, I have to go to Manshi for a trip”

“By the way, you are not allowed to go, you stay here for me.”

After Sister Wang finished speaking, she left angrily. Before leaving, she found two people to guard Ni Sirer.

Ni Sirer :……

Ni Sirer, who couldn’t live without her, could only worry and was afraid that Sister Wang would do something, so she could only call Yin Nan. As a result, she called Yin Nan several times but no one answered. It seemed that her mobile phone was not with her..

Ni Sier felt that something was wrong, so she could only pray secretly that Sister Wang would not do anything outrageous.

Sister Wang, who went to Manshi Company, had already organized a speech on the way. It stands to reason that the dubbing and music of Ni Si’er have already been completed. This matter is irreversible, but regarding reputation issues and financial issues, Sister Wang We have to settle things with them, or we will file a lawsuit in the worst case!

After finally arriving at the entrance of Manshi Company, Sister Wang got off the car and saw many people gathered around the entrance of Manshi Company, many of whom were fans of Yin Nan.

Looking from the outside, Sister Wang didn’t expect that the Manshi Company seemed quite big.

Sister Wang thought this way. In fact, she only saw one building, and the one next to it was also Manshi. No, Yin Nan recently planned to expand a building to accommodate the newly added Teng. Zi Game Company, but due to insufficient funds, Yin Nan gave up this idea for the time being.

A group of people surrounded the door. Sister Wang wanted to go in, but was pushed out

“I said, eldest sister, there is an idiom in China called first come, first served. Why are you squeezing?”A non-mainstream girl looked at Sister Wang up and down and said

“What do you mean, you called me eldest sister?”Sister Wang suddenly frowned.

“Yes, what else can you call her if you don’t call her Big Sister? Why, are you because of”Dora A” or”Slam Dunk” or”Prince of Tennis”?》?”

“What about”Prince of Tennis” or”Slam Dunk”, what kind of mess?”

“Why, you haven’t read these comics, so why are you here?”Non-mainstream girls are even more disdainful

“Comics? When did the little book have such a noble name? That’s right, only naive brats like you can watch it.”

Sister Wang couldn’t help but speak loudly, but as soon as she finished speaking, all the fans who were crowded suddenly turned around.

No. I don’t know how many people’s eyes were fixed on Sister Wang. Suddenly, Sister Wang was speechless

“Big sister, I suggest you catch up on the recent news. The National Sports Commission has decided to cooperate with”Prince of Tennis”, and you still said it was a villain’s book.”A person who is about the same age as Sister Wang said sarcastically.

“Yes, yes, they call it comics, comics, not little books!”

“If you haven’t even read the comics, why are you here? Really, get out of here.”Someone was quite rude.

“Hey, are you saying this because you can’t stand NAN? Gee, jealousy really makes people twisted.”

Sister Wang:……

I couldn’t even say a word, and I almost choked to death because of people talking about each other. After a long time, Sister Wang finally understood. It turns out that these are all written by an author named NAN. She is a loyal fan, loves comics, and cannot tolerate any slander. Sister Wang is hard to beat by four people. She originally planned to come to Manshi to talk sense to Ni Si’er, a silly girl.

Come in angrily and leave in despair.

Along the way, Sister Wang finally found this information called NAN in the car. _

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