Someone who is responsible for national book statistics made a comparison based on the first issue of this type of magazine.

I found that no new magazine has ever been able to match the comprehensive sales of the first issue of this comic magazine. In fact, it received rave reviews, completely beyond imagination. This little book?

No, it should be named”Little Man’s Book” now, this is a comic!

Under the leadership of comic magazines, this was an entity in the sunset industry, which refreshed some people’s perceptions.

In the past, before the Internet became popular, entities occupied half of the country. However, due to the popularity of the Internet, more and more people like to read various things online, which greatly weakened the role of entities. Development has led to the decline of this once glorious industry.

However, for some people, such as people in the web industry, they think of publishing and taking the route of physical books when they have achieved certain achievements, although most people have obtained from physical books. It cannot be directly proportional to online subscription rewards, etc., but it is a supreme honor to own a physical book of your own. Think about it, if you walk in a bookstore or a major bookstore, there is a book with your own name. What a blessing it is to have physical books placed on bookshelves for people to watch.

The booming sales of comic magazines have successfully silenced some people who want to see a good show, and this second issue proves that comic magazines are not just temporary successes. Apart from fans, In addition to buying Manshi magazine, there are also many people who have never read books or comics online and learned about comics as a new thing through the magazine. Moreover, because of the story plot and interesting content in it, they wanted to buy it. I even knew that this comic magazine had an official website, so I registered an account and subscribed to other comics.

Comic magazines have driven online account registrations, and subscriptions have surged. This can be seen from the comments. If someone comments after reading the comics, he or she is a new fan. These comics are not only popular among teenagers, but also popular among middle-aged people. Many elderly people living alone accidentally saw the contents in the magazines brought back from their grandchildren, which aroused great interest and even asked their grandchildren. Please tell me, register an account to subscribe to updated content from the Internet, but for the new manga Natsume’s Book of Friends, you have to wait for the magazine update. The magazine, which comes out every fifteen days, has become the reason for the old man to wait for his grandson.

In this case, many people are ready to take action.

Some people just like to follow the trend. When comics come out, they follow the trend. When comics are adapted into anime, they follow the trend. When they open comic conventions, they follow the trend. And this physical magazine cannot avoid following the trend.

But no one can compare with Manshi, or even be far behind. There is no other reason. Manshi is the largest official comic website, whether it is benefits, or requirements or recommendations for signing contracts. , are very lenient. Even if there is no performance after publishing a comic, there will be corresponding rewards. It is said that comic authors with good performance will receive benefits, not to mention.

Then, everyone must be staring at this piece of cake and snatching it, and there are very few comic writers under other companies, because drawing a comic is not like writing a novel. It can take a day, or even more. A comic requires full attention and even sitting in front of it for a whole day and a week to draw that one picture and storyboard shot.

In this situation where there were very few works, someone launched a collection and was also preparing to launch a comic magazine to collect works.

As soon as the news came out, there were a lot of eager authors or companies signing up on their behalf. There were all kinds of people from all walks of life, but there were not a few outstanding works, because the good works were all posted on the Manshi official website. Those who get recommended can make a lot of money just by tipping. Unlike other websites, this tipping part is 80% equal to the website, with 8th author and 2nd website. Compared with other websites, it is already very conscientious!

In his previous life, Yin Nan had also been exposed to Internet articles and the like. He knew that some rewards were almost 50-50, with one dollar divided into two halves and tax deducted. It can be said that he got it. There are really very few, unless it is said that the great gods don’t care at all, but the small author only pays the two cents a month. If he deducts less, he can pay more. The accumulated money may not be able to buy a pack of cigarettes and make a living. Money and the like, so Yin Nan feels the same way.

When the news that someone was soliciting works reached Yin Nan’s ears, he was not angry at all. Instead, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of something he had thought of before, that he could open twelve The Newcomer Award collects submissions from foreign cartoonists and works together with submissions from authors on our own website. Twelve newcomers in each issue are selected and the top three are rewarded.

As soon as he said it, Yin Nan sent the news out and accepted the manuscript, which caused a sensation in the comics circle. A certain company that had already collected many works was immediately criticized. The manuscript was rejected, and after asking, I found out that the magazine for the third issue of Manshi was soliciting manuscripts from outside, and there were rewards.

How to play this?

I originally wanted to follow the trend and make some money, but why the hell are you poaching people invisibly?

However, you still have to follow the trend. Even if no one follows the trend now, someone will follow the trend in the future. It is better to seize the opportunity first and slowly open up the market.

Some people think so. After Yin Nan, a comic magazine was also released, with an issue every fifteen days. The first issue was followed by Manshi Comic Magazine, and many people bought it out of curiosity. One book, but the second issue was quickly restored to its original shape.

As mentioned before, there are very few good works. You can’t buy a whole comic just because it is barely readable. Moreover, based on the comparison of Manshi Comics, this new magazine’s The clumsiness was immediately apparent, and the two were not on the same level at all.

Not to mention slowly opening up the market first, I would be grateful if I could not lose too much in the future. If I still want to follow the trend without the strength, I will die without knowing it. ……

One and a half months have passed since the comic magazine published three issues.

The praise rate still increases, and the twelve newcomers awards are also arranged in the third phase. According to the work, except for the works of Meng Xiaoxiao and others, this is completely not mixed with any moisture at all. of the Twelve Newcomer Awards.

Many works that were originally buried were published in magazines and attracted the attention of many people. Not only did Manshi’s name become known to more people, but the author himself was also exposed. At the same time, there are also income. As the author, they sincerely thank NAN who gives them a chance to give them. _

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