The overall length of the first part of Digimon is actually not long, and Yin Nan actually knows this.

But when Zhang Heng told him that the broadcast and serialization of Digimon would be coming to an end soon, he still had some emotions in his heart – no matter what, it was an official work. Completion is a milestone for an author!

“Don’t you plan to continue drawing? Obviously there should be a lot of room for development in the worldview, right?”

Ran Yeyu, who had sneaked up to Yin Nan at some point, suddenly spoke up – speaking of this girl, Yin Nan had always felt strange, and was even very curious about what kind of family education she had. Only then can we educate a person with such a character!

It’s not wrong to say that she is gentle, because it is rare to see such obvious emotional changes in this girl. I know about her except in programming. In addition to her extremely high attainments in this field, she also showed her good painting ability when Yin Nan was too busy and asked her to help her draw the lines. She also showed her outstanding ability when singing the second song of Digimon. He has vulgar singing skills and his usual hobbies are reading comics and eating lemons. Apart from Yin Nan and Xia Liusu, he has almost no social interactions!

In short, he is very talented but also strange. Alone – so when seeing such a character suddenly speaking actively, Zhang Heng, who had never had a real conversation with her, even opened his mouth.

“I am too busy now, and the subsequent works have already started to be created. There will definitely be a sequel to Digimon in the future, but at least it is not yet time.”

But Yin Nan was not very surprised – because he knew that Ran Yeyu’s interest in comics seemed to be as much as her love for lemons, and discussions about comics with him often happened on weekdays. So now I just answer like this.

In the past three months, he himself has made two extractions through the system, and the results are quite satisfactory to him. Next A work is somewhat in the making, so I don’t have time to pay attention to the sequel of Digimon for a while!


After hearing this, Ran Yeyu didn’t get entangled, just nodded lightly and let it go – anyway, Yin Nan has revealed that there will be a sequel in the future, so she naturally won’t do more. There’s an argument!

“So what does today’s final broadcast say?”

“It’s the same as planned before – the last two episodes will be broadcast consecutively, and then the TV station’s advertisement will be placed at the end so as not to affect the audience’s viewing experience. After the broadcast, a few viewers will be selected to give away the original manuscript of the comic and peripheral toys.”


After Zhang Heng accepted the order and left, Yin Nan had some small expectations in his heart!

After the last milestone achievement event, he You know, the system itself should actually have some other functions that are not shown to him, but will only open permissions to him after he completes certain things!


‘Is finishing a comic an achievement?


Regardless of Yin Nan’s situation, since the news was posted online that Digimon will be released for the last time today, all the Digimon fans have mixed feelings in their hearts!

Although they know that there will be no absence in the world, and as the plot develops, they probably have a clear premonition in their hearts, but when the words of farewell and completion are clear in front of them, their hearts But it’s still extremely uncomfortable!

【Da, can we not finish it?】

【Big, the digital world is still so big! Okay, keep on drawing!】

【I don’t care about plot developments or anything like that! I don’t want to see Digimon end!】

【Didn’t someone say it was going to end when we defeated the vampire monster before? Wasn’t it over when the Four Heavenly Kings were defeated? Can’t you just keep on painting? 】

And some less calm readers have begun to leave such words on the Internet, and some readers have even expressed that they are willing to pay to let Yin Nan continue to publish Digimon. Keep painting!

【We can crowdfund, as long as you are willing to draw! money is not a problem!】

【Thousands of people blood book Digimon will never end! 】

But in the face of such remarks, some more sensible viewers just sighed!

Because they know that this time it should really be over.

And Shu Jie is obviously such an audience. He knows that as an author, it is impossible to change his attitude on this kind of matter, and he also knows that it is better for Digimon to end here than to continue forcibly. Maybe it will be better.

So he did not leave a message like those on the Internet, but just chose to sit quietly in front of the TV and wait for the last broadcast of Digimon – yes, he I don’t even plan to watch it on the Internet together with the barrage like before, but I plan to watch it on a TV where there will be no interference!

The delivery has officially begun!

In the previous episode, Taichi and others worked hard to fight against the last”Clown King” among the four dark kings for a long time, and finally defeated the”Holy Angelmon” evolved from Angelmon. Annihilated by the power at the gate of heaven!

“The next step is to say goodbye, right?…Sigh.”

Seeing all the selected children cheering, Shu Jie’s expression dimmed a little – in his opinion, since the official has announced that today is the last broadcast , then this episode should be a parting episode, right?

However, just when he and almost all the viewers were thinking this way…

“Do you think you won? Just by defeating the four weaklings I gave glory to, do you think you have won?”

The obscure and unintelligible sound makes people feel bored as if it were being rubbed with sandpaper, and the meaning between the words shocks everyone even more!

“How stupid!”

With the roar of the unknown monster, the dark tornado mountain under the feet of Taiyi and others suddenly collapsed, and a black hole so huge that it seemed to spread to the end of the world suddenly appeared, And sucked them in instantly!

At this point, Shu Jie immediately reacted – the plot is not over yet, there seems to be a final decisive battle! < a i=3> So he became excited instantly – compared to the departure that came immediately, of course such a reversal is more exciting!

‘Who is the opponent? Could it be stronger than the ultimate form of the Four Dark Kings? ’

And amidst the doubts in the minds of many people who reacted to the plot, the plot continued to develop. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection and recommendation

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