
Sheville: I'll listen to you tonight

The bathroom of the master bedroom in the manor is much larger than the bathroom in the original villa, luxurious leather sofa, luxurious whole marble floor, bathroom cabinet, carpet and so on.

But what Li Zhou liked most was the transparent floor-to-ceiling window near the bathtub and the bathtub that was many times larger than the bathtub.

Li Zhou and Xavier are both tall men. In the past, there was only a bathtub in the bathroom of the small villa. If he wanted to take a bath with Xavier, he would have to bend his legs, otherwise the bathtub would not hold him at all both.

Now they don't have such troubles, the water temperature in the manor bath is intelligently regulated.

So it will always be kept at a comfortable water temperature, so that young couples playing in the water will not catch a cold because the water temperature becomes cold.

Although Xavier had to wait until the evening to fully recover, the evolved Xavier simply fascinated Li Zhou.

When Xavier was blushed by him, he stretched out his hand and clasped the back of Xavier's head, and then couldn't help kissing it.

Sheville has not recovered yet, and can only rely on Li Zhou to not fall into the pool softly.

At this time, he was slightly eagerly explored by Li Zhou. He was also eager to miss Li Zhou. He wanted to hug and respond to Li Zhou, but because he could not control his body, he almost slipped into the pool.

Li Zhou was still alert, hooked Xavier's thin waist directly, and locked him firmly in his arms to prevent Xavier from slipping again.

But even so, he didn't let go of Xavier, enjoying each other's joy to the fullest.

For a long time, Li Zhou, who was a little comforted, left Xavier's lips, and Xevier pressed his forehead to calm down the rapid breathing due to lack of oxygen.

Looking at Xavier's lips that had been made unusually rosy by himself, Li Zhou couldn't restrain the love in his heart, and lightly pecked the corner of Xavier's mouth twice, and then raised the corner of his mouth to be serious and disciplined to help Xavier take a shower.

He was very satisfied with the touch of Shevel's evolved body, which was incredibly smooth and flexible.

And in just a few minutes of contact, he found that Xavier's body temperature had also risen to a temperature that made him very comfortable.

It is not difficult to imagine how happy he will be when they are really together!

Xevier, who finally recovered, was a little puzzled. He looked at Li Zhou, who was gently helping to take a bath, and didn't understand why Li Zhou didn't continue.

Li Zhou seemed to feel something, raised his head and stroked Xie Weier's frown, and said softly: "It's not that I don't want to, but I prefer to be smart with you, for that wonderful moment of the night, now It was worth the wait.”

Speaking of this, Li Zhou teased Xavier: "What, what do you think?"

Xevier was a little embarrassed to be asked, and Nuo Nuo replied Li Zhou: "I, I know, I don't want to—"

"Don't you want to?" Li Zhou interrupted Xavier's next words with a smirk, and the hand in the water moved on Xavier's body, smearing Xavier's essential oil shower gel that can relieve tension on the nerves, "Your body doesn't tell me that, it tells me that you want me to—"

Li Zhou suddenly got close to Xavier, in Xavier's shy and curious eyes, he breathed softly, and said, "Let me occupy your body and mind."

Chever: ".."

Don't dare to tease Li Zhou any more, Xavier obediently shut his mouth.

After Li Zhou rinsed off the foam on both of them, Xavier already had the strength to support his body alone. (The review is really just a bath)

But he still let Li Zhou take him out of the bath, put on his pajamas, and then carried him back to the bed where the bedding had been changed, and continued to rest with his arms around him.

He likes the feeling of relying on Li Zhou. Whenever Li Zhou holds him and walks around with steady steps, his sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

Nestled in Li Zhou's already stronger arms, Xavier slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, long and regular breathing sounded in the silent bedroom.

Severe fell asleep.

In the past, when Xavier fell asleep, there was always a slight sadness in his eyebrows, but after evolution, Xavier, who really got rid of the oppression of spiritual power, has no sorrow.

He snuggled into Li Zhou's arms extremely easily, sleeping soundly and comfortably.

Seeing the smile on Xavier's unsure dream, Li Zhou gently hugged Xavier tighter, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He has worked hard these days to make Clyde and Prince Jacob tear each other beautifully.

Now he has to recharge his energy so that he can have the energy to deal with the next things.

At the same time, in the palace, Clyde's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Clyde, who was busy and dizzy, looked blankly at Mandel, who was crying to him about Sheville's injustice, and a violent emotion rose in his heart.

He is not free now, and he is not in the mood to care about this guy who can't wink. He simply said a few words of comfort and wanted to send Mandel away. :лf

But after Mandel heard his comfort, not only did he not, but he kept talking about how much he suffered and let himself be the master of him.

It was revealed by the forum that Clyde, who was physically and mentally exhausted in the ring with Jacob, was extremely irritable, and his hands moved nervously.

When Mandel asked him to call the shots again, he couldn't help picking up the tea bowl and threw it on Mandel's head.

The tea was just brought by Prino, or it was boiling hot water.

At this time, it fell on the unsuspecting Mandel head, and the hot Mandel was crying.

Clyde was upset by Mandel's howl, grabbed a pot of hot water on the table, and fell on Mandel again.

Mandel wanted to avoid, but he didn't dare, looking at Clyde's cold eyes, he realized later that he was not special at all, Clyde treated him Always use.

When Clyde finally stopped, Mandel had been tortured to death by him.

He was just a C-level female, and his physical fitness was not that good.

At this time, being attacked by Clyde with boiling water, of course, can't stand it anymore.

Clyde looked at Mandel's rag doll, smiled a little pervertedly, took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer and pressed Mandel's tongue and poured it down before ordering Prino sends Mandel back to Guy's house.

Plino silently hugged Mandel, looking at Mandel, who became more painful because of the medicine, and was shocked.

But he didn't dare to show any expression. After bowing to Clyde, he steadily stepped out of the bedroom.

What happened in Clyde's palace is not a secret, after all, many insect servants have seen the dying Mandel.

Jane also saw it, he came to Clyde specially, because of the big court meeting and the news on the Internet, Clyde has not stepped into his bedroom for a week.

He in the "pregnant" state needs the comfort of the hero very much.

The concubine entered his bedroom.

He was worried about not getting the chance to get close to Clyde's palace, isn't it the best chance?

After venting, Clyde was in a much better mood. Hearing the bug waiter to report "Female concubine Zhen asking for a meeting" also made Jane step into his bedroom for the first time.

Jane endured nausea and Clyde's condescension, and was forced to stay with Clyde for a while in the bedroom that had just been cleaned up and the smell of blood had not dissipated. Clyde let go.

Jen clenched the thing hidden in her sleeve, wiped the lips kissed by Clyde, and was glad that she was "pregnant" again.

Back in the bedroom, he wrote a small note, and handed it to Ai Xiao along with the things in his sleeve, asking him to give it to Evel or Aiwei after the court meeting tomorrow. After Brian, he dodged into the bathroom.

Although nothing substantive happened with Clyde, he was disgusting, disgusting Clyde's kisses and touches.

Li Zhou and Xie Weier did not know what happened in the palace.

Severe, who became active after a sleep, received a communication from the head of the Guy family asking Mandel for leave.

After he hung up the communication, he asked Li Zhou, who was busy with dinner in the kitchen, if he had any thoughts.


Shewell also felt the same way. The Guy family only said that Mandel had a little illness and was not going to work for the past two days. Although this reason seemed impeccable, it always revealed a little weirdness.

As far as he knows, the Guy family doesn't pay attention to the female son who is only C-rank. Even if Mandel is not feeling well, it should not be the owner of the family who asks him for leave in person. There must be a problem. .

In addition, the tone of the patriarch in the communication was not at all worried about the younger generation's illness, but revealed a hint of joy.

Rejoice, why joy? Sheville was puzzled.

Also, he always had a bad premonition.

Although Li Zhou didn't know what Xavier was worried about, he couldn't see Xavier frown.

wiped her hands, walked to Xavier and comforted: "Ask the military female you sent to monitor Mandel's whereabouts, I believe there will be the answer you want."

Severe nodded and began to contact the female soldier who was sent to monitor Mandel.

From the military females, he learned that because Mandel was slapped in the face because of his high profile in the military department, he was looked down upon by the military females.

When I was in the logistics department, I was made difficult by all kinds of things. The logistics minister, Quincy, even took care of Mandel to the death, and gave him all the dirty work.

Today, Mandel, who couldn't stand it, ran out of the army during his lunch break, and entered the palace on a road they never found.

Into the palace?

Cheville frowned, he knew that Mandel was Clyde's eyeliner, and he should go to see Clyde when he entered the palace, but he still couldn't understand why Mandel asked for leave after entering the palace.

Thinking about the continuation of the Great Ceremony tomorrow, Seville sent Brian and Evel a text message.

The general idea is: Tomorrow, during the break of the Great Court, can I ask if there are any insect servants who know what happened after Mandel entered the palace.

After both Brian and Aivil replied, he helped Li Zhou bring the cooked food to the table.

Seeing the table full of oysters with garlic, scrambled eggs with chives and old pigeon soup with antlers, Xavier blushed.

If he remembered correctly, the ingredients used in these dishes are all aphrodisiac.

It seems that Li Zhou was really suffocated during the period of his injury. I made these dishes for him today to prepare him for tossing him with flowers at night.

Thinking of Li Zhou's upgrade, they didn't have a good love because of physical reasons. When Li Zhou was healed, and he was injured and couldn't let Li Zhou mess up, Xieweier felt a little guilty.

Looking at Li Zhou who was grinning and serving food for himself, Xavier endured shame and said in a voice that only Li Zhou could hear.

"My wings have changed, I can show you tonight, and I will listen to you tonight..."

The author has this to say:

That part is really just a bath! The other paragraph is just about the villain beating his subordinates, and there is really nothing wrong. Don't think about the whip when you see it! For the third time, this time I did not bring a whip and changed it to boiling water. Can the reviewer let me go?

This happened during the time when Sheville ran back from the side star of the imperial capital without telling Clyde.

On this day after Li Zhou found out that the pacifier was poison. In order to appease Xavier, and to satisfy himself, he made a lot of delicious food.

Li Zhou kept adding food to Xavier: eat more tonic.

Sheville happily accepts.

In the evening, Li Zhou trapped Xavier in the quilt, and smiled and corrected Xavier.

The next day at noon, Xavier clutched his waist and thought: The free dinner is indeed poisonous.

I wish the college entrance examination students a great success. Don't think about it after today's test, and prepare for tomorrow's subject is victory. Don't get the answer right. I believe that you can all be admitted to your favorite university and start your university life perfectly!

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