New leader

The calculated Li Zhou.

Ever didn't quite understand what his teacher meant by making a fuss, but he knew that the teacher would not be very good, so he didn't ask more.

He excitedly informed Azel and Duke and Brian who had not returned to M star to come to the manor to see the miracle.

Azel was a little unclear, but she put down the handover work at hand and decided to take a look.

He knew Aivil and knew he wouldn't lie. Since Evel said it was a miracle, he must have seen something unexpected.

After telling the dean of the research institute that he would come back tomorrow to take over the rest of the work, he turned around and left the research institute regardless of the dean's reinstatement.

At the same time, Brian, who was about to say goodbye to his teacher and return to the M star, rushed over with Duke after learning that Xavier had brought his teacher to the manor.

Received a text message from Evel on the way, they thought something major happened, so they rushed to the manor.

However, as soon as they entered the living room, what they saw was that Aiweier was enjoying tea and snacks with his teacher, and there was nothing different, but Xie Er and Li Zhou, who were supposed to be the main bugs, were not.

Is there something wrong with Xavier and Li Zhou?

No, if something happened to Xavier and Li Zhou, the teacher and Evil would not be so calm.

Thinking of this, Brian frowned. After greeting the teacher respectfully, he asked, "Evil, you called us in such a hurry, what happened? Where's Xavier?"

Ever, who has calmed down a lot, said with a smile: "I asked you to come, of course something happened. As for Xavier, he is resting in the room with Li Zhou, who has successfully evolved."

"Evolution? Is Li Zhou okay?"

Duke was a little worried, he remembered that Li Zhou had just passed two levels more than three months ago. During that time, Li Zhou was extremely fragile and was always sick and groggy.

It just didn't take long, it's not good news to evolve again.

Seeing Duke's distrustful expression, Aivil said speechlessly: "The teacher is still here, and besides, I'm not as unreliable as you, even if I'm unreliable, you always believe it. Teacher."

Duke relaxed when he heard Evel Tiamos, and took his teacher's arm coquettishly: "Teacher, is everything Evel said true? Is Li Zhou really all right? ?"

Amos stroked Duke's hair, greeted Brian to sit down, and recounted what had just happened.

Duke was as delighted as Iville, chatting into discussion.

Li Zhou is the first male with wings, which is a rare opportunity for doctors and researchers like them.

Brian was thoughtful after hearing this, he looked at the teacher who was smiling and watching Iville and Duke play, and thought: "The teacher means that after the uprising is successful, you can choose Li Zhou as the new leader?"

Amos raised his eyebrows, but he was not at all surprised by Brian's sharpness, and said solemnly: "Is there such an idea, but in the end whether it is Li Zhou or Xavier, it depends on the time. Case."

Brian nodded knowingly, he knew the teacher had a good idea.

Amos wanted Li Zhou to be the new leader for three reasons.

More males fell on them.

Secondly, they don't want to retaliate against the males like the males squeeze the females, so it is necessary to recommend a bug that the females trust and the males also trust to preside over the overall situation.

And Li Zhou is the best choice. He is a male. Later, he will teach the evolution method to the male. After tasting the sweetness, the male who wants to shelter will of course trust Li Zhou. Not to mention female worms, Li Zhou's contribution is obvious to all.

Thirdly, even if their uprising is successful, most of the females who have been enslaved may be afraid that the females will become leaders, so Li Zhou can be selected as the new leader at this time. transition.

In particular, Li Zhou also has a monarch butterfly bloodline, which will make all parties more convinced.

The reason why the monarch butterfly is called the monarch butterfly is precisely because it is the king of the monarch butterfly family who leads the Zerg to dominate the interstellar space and defeat the star beasts to build a home.

The monarch butterfly family is also a strong generation from generation to generation, and this generation is not without high-ranking monarch butterfly females and males.

However, I don't know what happened, these high-level insects all encountered accidents at a young age, and no matter how the old male emperor of the previous generation checked, he could not find the reason.

So this generation has only the S-class Clyde to sit in this position, which is why Clyde goes to great lengths to maintain his image.

After all, males who were lower than SS rank were not qualified to be male emperors, but Clyde also had an S+ rank brother Prince Jacob.

Brian also thinks that his teacher's idea is very good. He has no opinion on whether Li Zhou is the leader or Xavier is the leader, and he will fully support it.

But will Li Zhou agree? In Brian's view, a leader is not a good position. There is too much to take on and more to give up.

Although he doesn't know Li Zhou that well, from what Li Zhou does, Li Zhou doesn't like power.

It would be impossible to help them if he hadn't liked Xavier too much.

Amos didn't know that he saw it better than Brian.

He knew that Li Zhou was essentially a worm who was very reluctant to meddle in his own business. Extremely warm and respectful.

He doesn't know what kind of environment can create Li Zhou's contradictory character that is both indifferent and affectionate.

But he knew that as long as Xavier was there, Li Zhou would be the worm who was extremely enthusiastic about everything.

Li Zhou did not know that he had been seen so thoroughly by Amos, nor did he know that he would be pushed into the leadership position by Amos in the future.

At this time, he slowly opened his eyes, comforted by Xavier's mental power.

Looking at Xavier who was close at hand with red eyes looking at him, he said softly, "Who bullied my lady? Why are you crying like a bunny?"

Xavier looked at Li Zhou who woke up with joy, and quickly asked, "Is there any discomfort, does your back still hurt?"

Actually, he who was connected with Li Zhou's mental power knew that Li Zhou was completely fine, but he still couldn't help worrying, hoping that Li Zhou could tell him "all right".

Li Zhou didn't quite understand why Xavier was so happy to see him wake up, did he sleep for a long time?

Although he did feel the piercing pain in his sleep before, but now it doesn't hurt at all, and even his energy is restored.

Looking up, she found herself wrapped in wings.

Thinking it was Xavier's wings that were released to comfort him better, he stroked Xavier's red eyes and comforted: "I'm fine, my back doesn't hurt, and my energy has recovered. Let go of your wings, has the female father been brought back by you?"

Hearing Li Zhou's words, Xavier first nodded and said, "Don't worry, Aiweier is here to accompany her mother." Then she smiled at Li Zhou, but did not let go of her wings.

Li Zhou didn't rush him, just thought that his evolution had scared Xavier this time, so Xavier was acting like a spoiled brat with him in this way.

He likes Cheville like this, but he has always been like this. He is afraid that his father will laugh, so he speaks again: "Put the wings away first, am I really okay?"

However, after he said this, Xavier still smiled and did not speak.

Li Zhou knew that Xieweier was not a girl without importance, he laughed so much that he must have something he didn't find out.

Thinking for a moment, he came up with a shocking message.

"The wings are mine?!"

"That's right." Xavier looked into Li Zhou's eyes affectionately, and said, "My hero is a man with wings, and you will be stronger in the future, strong enough to be with me Kill the enemy side by side on the battlefield."

"Really?" Li Zhou's eyes widened instantly, his green eyes lit up.

He tried to control the wings to open, and it was very successful. The wings were like his arms, and they obeyed his commands very much.

Excitedly, she looked at Xavier, who was staring at him in amazement, Li Zhou said, "That's great, I can finally stop you from holding you back."

"You never hold me back." Xavier slowly approached Li Zhou and stole a kiss on his lips.

Of course Li Zhou would not let Xavier go, he turned passive into active and kissed Xavier deeply, sharing the joy of evolution with Xavier.

The gorgeous and domineering wings also slowly rhythm with his excited mood.


Li Zhou and Xieweier, who were full of sawdust: ".."

Thinking of this possibility, Li Zhou let go of Xavier embarrassedly, looked back at the culprit - his own wings, and said embarrassedly, "It seems that before I can really control the pair of wings, Might as well order a firmer, bigger bed."

Xevier nodded with a smile, just as he was about to help Li Zhou stand up, the bedroom door was kicked open by the reckless Duke.

"What, what, ah! Wing, wing, wing!"

Brian behind Duke did not understand what wings could make Duke so excited, and said helplessly: "Don't you have wings too? Be careful not to fall."

Azel also looked at Duke, who was startled, speechlessly.

But when they walked into the bedroom and saw Li Zhou in the ruins, they were all speechless and wide-eyed, even the calm Marshal Amos was no exception.

After a long time, Evel, who secretly took pictures of everyone making a fool of himself, came out from behind everyone.

I looked at the stupid insects with satisfaction and said happily: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, aren't Li Zhou's wings bigger and more beautiful?"

Brian took the lead to slow down and teased: "What are you showing off, it should be showing off by Xavier."

"You!" Duke pursed his lips and muttered softly, "Li Zhou is my friend, can't I show it off?"

"Yes, yes." Sheville replied with a smile.

He lifted Li Zhou up, looked at Evil who was showing off to Brian after his answer, raised his eyebrows, and released all his wings quietly as his mental power surged.

Ever: "..this, this!"

Well, Aivil is also aphasia, because this young couple is simply too defiant.

He thought that Li Zhou was a miracle enough, but he didn't expect that Xavier's wings after evolution were not too much.

The rest of the females thought the same way, Amos even touched his stomach lightly and whispered: "You can really be born in a good era."

The worms who were immersed in surprise took a long time to recover.

At this time, both Xavier and Li Zhou had their wings closed, because Li Zhou's height after the evolution had soared, and their clothes were completely inappropriate, so they had to wear Xavier's clothes .

Cheville let the insects go downstairs to wait for them, and after a while, asked Morey to come and have a meal together, and then dragged Li Zhou into the cloakroom.

Looking at Li Zhou who was already a little taller than himself, he happily put the clothes he thought looked good on Li Zhou.

While wrapping, she explained carefully: "The back of all our female clothes can be opened and closed at will, just for the convenience of releasing the wings, so you should wear our female special clothes in the future."

Li Zhou nodded and cooperated with Xavier to "dress up" himself. From time to time, when Xavier was choosing accessories, he would steal a fragrance on Xavier's lips.

He feels great now, the weakness that has accompanied him since he woke up is completely gone.

Shaking hands, watching the arc that had turned from purple to white playfully jumping on his hand, Li Zhou smiled with satisfaction.

Sheville turned around and saw this scene, he looked at the arc that changed color curiously, and asked: "How did it change color?"

Li Zhouxiao took Xavier's hand with his arc-carrying hand and let the arc in his hand jump to Xavier's hand, when Xavier looked surprised when the arc didn't electrify him , to explain.

"Because, my ability has been upgraded again, and now I am a sixth-level high-level ability user, so the arc will turn white."

"It's because you have upgraded and your control ability is stronger, so the arc won't hit me, right?" Sheville asked curiously.

Li Zhou nodded. Although he used to be able to control the arc, he was not as handy as he is now, so it would have hurt Xavier. He never used powers in front of Xavier.

Now it's different, he can use his abilities more flexibly, not only can he not hurt Xavier, but he can also use his abilities to be romantic.

For example, use an electric arc to depict a little Xavier with wings floating in the air, illuminating the entire cloakroom.

Little Xavier continued to circle around the big Xavier with a long tail, until it fell on the shoulders of the big Xavier.

And Xavier carefully lifted the little Xavier from his shoulders, and looked at Li Zhou with bright eyes.

"Can I be another you?"


Li Zhou raised his hand again, and a man with domineering wings floated out.

Xiao Xiaoli Zhou floated straight to Xavier's hand, holding Xiao Xavier was a kiss.

And then in the blush of Xavier and the laughter of Li Zhou's hooligan, Xiaoli Zhou took Xiao Xavier's hand and floated to the top of the wardrobe and sat down, for the sweet love in the cloakroom The young couple provides a romantic atmosphere.

The author has this to say:

Arc Li Zhou: Arc Shevel is so beautiful, his long phoenix tail will shine, I like him very much.

Arc Xavier: Arc Li Zhou is so handsome, his wings are so domineering, I want to marry him.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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