
Severe gave a soft "ah".

Looking at Duke's expression, Li Zhou knew that he had sold himself again, thinking of the anxious eyes of Sheville just now, and his heart was sweet and happy.

He knew that Xavier was afraid that he would be hurt, so he was angry that he concealed the arrest.

After giving Duke a "you look good" look, he chased after Xavier's back.

Looking at Xavier who was angry, but seeing him chasing, he subconsciously slowed down and waited for him, Li Zhou's heart was extremely soft.

Like his hair, soft and well-behaved.

Go up and hold Xavier's hand, Li Zhou said solemnly to Xavier who was still stern: "I'm sorry, I should have told you."

Sheville stopped, looked at Li Zhou, who had a serious expression and apologized to him, and said, "Li Zhou, I don't want to blame you, I'm just scared."

"I know." Li Zhou touched Xavier's half-length hair, running his fingers back and forth in his brown hair, feeling the silky touch.

"I won't hide you next time, and I don't want to hide you this time, but there are some things I haven't figured out yet, and I don't know how to talk to you."

"What happened?" Xavier frowned, and clenched Li Zhou's hand tightly, as if giving him strength.

Li Zhou paused, looked at Xavier's gentle and calm eyes, and made up his mind: "Go home first, and I will tell you everything when I get home."

"Okay, let's go home."

Chevir firmly clenched Li Zhou's hand and walked towards their new home on Isol.

This is a small villa with three floors above ground and one basement floor, which is somewhat similar to the small villa on their Imperial Capital Star, where Li Zhou and Xieweier can stay wherever they can stay. All covered with non-slip comfortable carpet.

The basement was transformed into a medical room and Li Zhou's laboratory by Shewell, and the first floor was the living room, dining room, kitchen and a utility room.

There are two bedrooms on the second floor, Xavier and Li Zhou live in one, and Marshal Amos lives in the other.

In fact, the master bedroom is on the third floor. It is very large and has a terrace. The terrace was transplanted by Li Zhou with flowers and plants such as roses, a few peonies and some small daisies. It is very beautiful.

They originally wanted Amos to live there, but considering the inconvenience of Amos being pregnant, they changed the bedroom on the third floor, leaving their female father to live in after giving birth.

Because Xavier traveled day and night without a moment's delay, it was only 9:00 am when we arrived at Isol.

They were delayed in the military for a while, and it was only ten o'clock when they got home.

Li Zhou was afraid that Xavier would be tired and hungry. When he got home, he did not tell Xavier his guess, but went to the kitchen and made a simple toast for Xavier with the toast he made before. Tuna sandwiches, and made a cup of caramel milk tea with black tea and milk.

When he came out with something, he saw Amos walking down in comfortable home clothes with a high belly.

Amos was surprised to see Seville resting on the sofa.

"Come back so soon? Did the trip go well?"

& nbsp; Get Archie over here."

Amos was helped by Xavier on the sofa and sneered: "It's normal, it's been almost ten months and I haven't had any problems, so I'm in a hurry."

Xevier blinked, and asked inexplicably, "Father, what exactly did you threaten Clyde with to make him want to get rid of you so much."

"It's nothing." Amos beckoned Xavier to sit beside him, and said, "I have an agreement with him, as long as I give birth smoothly, you will be the new commander of the military. The military department for many years is about to get out of its control, of course it is urgent."

"Dad...you don't have to be like this." Sheville was a little moved. She has been keeping a low profile, and the female father, who has been condescending with the royal family, actually did it for him and Clyde. such an agreement.

Amos smiled, because he was in a good mood after pregnancy, some round face exuded the kindness of being a father, he reached out and patted Xavier slightly because of excitement shaking hands.

"It's worth it, and it's time to give all the power to you. The female father can't control the army very well because of Archie's restrictions. They are looking for a reason to parachute the commander-in-chief to fight with you in the courtroom, it is better to directly draw the salary from the bottom."

Sevier knew that Amos was right, no matter how powerful he was and how outstanding he was, as long as he didn't sit in the position of the marshal, then his name was not right.

Li Zhou, who was standing at the door of the kitchen, saw the two father and son having a heart-to-heart conversation. After thinking about it, he returned to the kitchen and made a cheese and egg sandwich for Amos.

Amos in the third trimester of pregnancy did not like meat and seafood, but liked eggs, milk and vegetarian food, so Li Zhou always made nutritious meals for Amos in different ways.

Afraid of Li Zhou's trouble, Amos once told Li Zhou that he didn't have to be so troublesome, he could eat nutrient solution to supplement the nutrients his body needed.

Li Zhou just shook his head and said earnestly, "Father, I am using you for experiments now. When Xavier is pregnant, I will be able to take care of him."

Amos knew that Li Zhou said this to reassure him, but he was still happy for Xavier, so he no longer stopped Li Zhou, but happily discussed the taste of dishes with Li Zhou , and secretly told Xavier about this in private.

Sheville blushed that night and Li Zhou had a wonderful night.

When Li Zhou came out again with sandwiches and milk tea, the father and son had finished whispering, and Xavier was half-squatting on the ground and put his face on Amos' stomach.

As Amos' stomach rose and fell, Xavier's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked up at Amos, who was smiling.

"Father, move, move."

Amos nodded: "Yes, he has been ten months, it is the time to be active. The egg shell will take shape in the last two months, when the egg shell hardens , he will be honest, and it will not be far from his birth."

Cheville looked at his female father with a vague understanding, obviously not yet recovered from the shock just now.

Seeing Li Zhou coming, he quickly said: "Li Zhou, Li Zhou, he moved! He moved!"

Li Zhou looked very excited at Xavier, put down the things in his hand, and squatted in front of Amos, looking at Amos with curiosity.

Amos smiled and put Li Zhou's hand on his stomach, and after a while, there was another ups and downs.

Li Zhou is also stupid.

Although he knew that there would be fetal movement in pregnancy, he had never felt the fetal movement up close.

At this time, feeling the ups and downs of the palm, his first feeling was that life is really a miracle.

Looking at Xavier who was also surprised and smiling, Li Zhou suddenly had a very clear concept and expectation for the child.

He asked Xavier softly: "Our future children will also be so healthy and punch in your stomach."

"Yes." Shevell nodded fiercely.

Looking at the stupid child of his own, Amos raised his eyebrows, and finally saw in these two little devils what they should look like at their age.

Laughing and pulling up the young couple who were still very curious about his stomach, Amos sniffed lightly: "Li Zhou, what have you done, it smells so good."

Li Zhou then remembered the sandwiches and milk tea he made: "I made something to eat, you and Xavier should be hungry."

Sheville looked at the triangular-shaped thing in front of him and asked, "What is this? You have never done it before, and this tea is delicious."

"This is milk tea and sandwiches, yours is tuna. My father can't eat seafood, so I made cheese and eggs, which can quickly replenish the body's energy. This drink is milk tea, you can try it. "

The father and son nodded again and again, picked up their sandwiches, looked at them first, and then took a bite.

The taste of the sandwich seemed to suit their tastes, father and son narrowed their eyes at the same time and took another big bite.

Li Zhou looked at the almost identical movements of the two fathers and sons in front of him, and thought to himself, although Xavier was not born by Amos, he was brought up by Amos after all, and some habits were exactly the same.

The most intuitive feeling is that both father and son love sweets.

For example, now, father and son serve milk tea at the same time, they both smell it first, then take a sip.

After noticing that it was delicious, her eyes lit up, and she began to enjoy it.

When both father and son were full, Li Zhou did not clean up, but took the initiative to talk about the S-rank mutant star beast.

His three sentences successfully made Xavier and Amos interested.

"The mutation of the star beast is related to me. After the star beast mutates, it has supernatural powers. More than 90% of the advanced females who have practiced the exercises can have supernormal powers."

"What is an ability?"

"Can I really have powers?"

Father and son asked questions at the same time, making Li Zhou a little dumbfounded.

In these two sentences, the first sentence was asked by Amos, and the latter sentence was asked by Xavier. He thought that the father and son would be curious about what he said "the mutation of the star beast is related to me", but he didn't expect it to be supernatural.

The brain circuits of the father and son have magically overlapped again.

He did not explain the ability, but asked tentatively: "Aren't you curious about the mutation of star beasts?"

"Curious!" The father and son said in unison, "But we are better at bizarre energy."

"Okay." Li Zhou was a little stunned. He felt that he might really think too much, let alone Xavier, even Amos was more curious about supernatural power than the reason for the mutation of the star beast exploration.

Although he knew, they were afraid of blaming themselves.

Looking at the eager father and son, Li Zhou thought about it, raised his hand, and the Senbai electric arc jumped mischievously on his hand like a elf.

"This is the supernatural power." Li Zhou looked at Amos and explained, "This is the manifestation of my physical energy and spiritual power after I practiced the exercises."

"Then why don't we have it? Is it because of the short time of practice?" Amos didn't understand.

Li Zhou nodded and thought: "There should be a reason for this, but the more reason I think is because of the female insect's wings, the female insect's spiritual power mostly acts on the wings, so This development may have been overlooked.”

"Then how should it be developed?" Xavier was a little anxious. Ever since he knew that Li Zhou's ability was acquired through practice, he was very envious.

Li Zhou grabbed Xie Weier's hand and said softly: "I have read a lot of materials these days and found the spiritual stone to test the spiritual root. Only after testing the spiritual root can I help you. Guiding the ability to appear. Guess what - what is the spirit stone?"

Sheville didn't understand why Li Zhou asked him what the spirit stone was, but Li Zhou never asked him meaningless questions. Since he asked him, he must know something.

"Lingshi, Lingshi.." Xieweier muttered to himself, his eyes wandering, and when he set his eyes on his chest, he suddenly made an "ah" and raised his eyes a little Looking at Li Zhou in disbelief.

Seeing Li Zhou smiling and nodding at him, he unbuttoned the collar and took out the butterfly jade pendant with very similar wings.


Li Zhou nodded: "Xieweier, hold the jade pendant tightly, and follow me with your spiritual power."

Cheville quickly clenched the jade pendant, and the door of the spiritual sea opened to welcome the entry and guidance of Li Zhou's spiritual power. After a while, the butterfly jade pendant glowed red and dazzling!

The author has this to say:

Butterfly jade pendant: Hahaha, as a token of love, I finally reappeared after dozens of chapters.

Li Zhou: Thank you, don't steal the show.

Cherville: Don't steal the show, thank you.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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