The equipment department is a dog

Shevell, Brian, Duke and Quincy stepped off the starship.

Quincy's white starship was quietly docked in the hinterland of the desolate star, like a gift waiting for Xavier to unpack.

Shevell paused for a while, his eyes narrowed and he turned back to look at Quincy who was following behind them, followed by a cold and low voice.

"Didn't Lieutenant General Quincy stay on guard around the starship?"

Quincy also seemed to wonder why there were no military females guarding the starship.

"Something happened!" Quincy said calmly, "I left an entire A-level elite team to guard the starship, a total of 24 female soldiers, but I can't contact them now."

Severe did not speak, and looked silently at the bottom of the starship, as if there was something there that attracted him very much.

Quincy seemed to be in a hurry, his black crustacean wings stretched out instantly, in an alert attitude, and flew towards the starship first.

The speed was so fast that even Duke, who had just awakened the earth-type ability, couldn't catch it.

A solid earth wall was suddenly pulled up between the ships, blocking Quincy's way.

Because of the sudden incident, Quincy was unprepared. During the flight at full speed, he could not adjust his flying posture greatly, he could only tilt his wings forward, the uppermost shell wings protected himself, and the thin bottom like a A layer of gauze wings penetrated into the hard and thick earth wall like a sharp blade.

In just one click, Duke's earthen wall collapsed and shattered, and Quincy's ordinary face could be vaguely seen in the dust.

Brian couldn't care about why there was a dirt wall at this time, because Quincy was trying to protect himself, and the moment of the explosion also exposed his mental power level.

That was not the S rank that was shown in the last physical examination, but the SS+ rank that was very close to the pre-evolution Xavier psychic power level, the highest existing psychic power level in the empire.

Brian didn't know how Quincy evaded routine inspections and concealed his mental power level.

But apparently the purpose of his trip was not to test new weapons at all, but to kill Shever.

Quincy also knew that he was exposed at that moment, so he stopped hiding in midair and looked coldly at the three females running towards him.

"I don't think I have any flaws, how did the deputy commander see it?"

Shevell, Brian and Duke surrounded Quincy in a triangle, isolating Quincy and approaching the starship. Hearing Quincy's question, Shevell looked up at Quincy.

"It is because there is no flaw that is the biggest flaw."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Quincy seemed to be interested, but did not attack, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes did not even smile at all.

Sevier didn't answer right away, looking at Quincy's ease, he knew that he had a backhand, and the backhand had a high probability of holding the newly developed high-attack weapon of the equipment department, so he had to try his best to delay the time , waiting to reunite with his own worm.

He has already marked the way he came, it is not far from Isol star, if you don't hold Quincy down, Isol star in the dark will be Quincy's next star Target, because his female father is on Isol!

Thinking of this, Xavier said calmly: "It's very simple, Lieutenant General Quincy is a well-known transparent worm in the military, and he is most afraid of trouble, how could he lead the team personally from thousands of miles away? This little planet is looking for me?"

"Is that so? I can't say that, so it can't be because this mission is very important. My conscience finds it?" Quincy said coolly.

"This possibility is not ruled out, but it is contrary to the image you have always created that you don't care about everything. When things go wrong, there must be demons, so I just want to test you."

Shevell looked up at Quincy in mid-air, and continued: "From the results of my temptation, you were just hiding yourself before, but I'm curious, who are you loyal to? After all , If something happens to me now, even a worm will suspect Clyde, he is not stupid and will not send you to take this opportunity to kill me."

"Clap clap —" Quincy clapped hands in the air.

"Wonderful! Xavier is not bad for Xavier, but you are here today. I just wanted to send you away by yourself, but you have to follow so many people to die. As for my loyalty to Who, go down and ask the ghost!"

Quincy's eyes fell on Shevell, Brian, and Duke, as if they were too dead to die.

the same wings.

In Quincy's surprised eyes, Xavier said: "You hide your strength, don't I?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duke and Brian attacked Quincy, while Xavier took advantage of their attack to head straight for Quincy's starship.

And fly.

No wonder he felt weird when he observed the starship, that was because the weapons that occupied most of the starship's load were gone, and the starship became lighter, of course something was wrong.

Not good! Sheville frowned.

He thought that the female soldiers also rebelled and waited for them in the starship with weapons, so he deliberately separated Quincy and the starship, in order to prevent Quincy from giving orders, he is good Catch turtles in the urn.

But he guessed wrong, the female soldiers did not rebel, it was Quincy who killed them and gave the weapon to someone unknown.

But there is a high probability that it is his own bug, and before Quincy showed that there was something in a starship, just to lure them to the hinterland of the barren star.

They were caught in the Quincy urn instead.

Shevell, who wanted to understand, immediately turned and flew towards Quincy, the long phoenix tail directly wrapped around Quincy's wings, pulling Quincy away from the battlefield.

"Brian, Duke rewind, the weapon is gone!"

Quincy, who was entangled by Xavier, showed an inevitable smile and said softly: "It's too late, leave it to me to be buried with you."

Quincy's voice hadn't fallen yet, when a loud bang came from far away, and the hinterland of the desolate star exploded instantly!

Li Zhou, who was traveling fast along the route marked by Xavier on the starship, also heard the loud noise. At the same time, their starship also suffered from many weapons. attack.

Although the pilot tried his best to adjust the angle of the starship, the power engine was accidentally hit by a stray bullet.

Li Zhou made a decisive decision and ordered to abandon the starship. The military females looked at this handsome man in surprise.

They can travel in outer space with their flexible hands, strong body and wings, but Li Zhou can't. Even if he wears protective clothing, he can't walk in outer space independently. They need their leadership.

To be honest, they liked Li Zhou very much, but that was the love house and Wu, and it was a matter of life and death. They would also wonder why Marshal Amos would order them to obey the judgment of a male.

Although they knew that Li Zhou's judgment was correct at this time.

However, before the doubts spread, the military female in the starship command room widened her eyes at the same time, her expression as if she had seen a miracle.

What's more, she sat directly on the ground, pointed at Li Zhou, and trembled: "Wings, wings, monarch butterfly wings! Miracles, miracles! It is the emperor of ancient monarch butterflies. guide us!"

They said in unison, "Yes! Your Highness Li Zhou."

With the complete failure of the power engine, the gate of the starship was kicked open by Li Zhou with a bang, and the high-density explosion-proof door panel flew out towards the place where the artillery fire was the most violent. His mental power followed the direction of the door, overwhelming the cannon shooters.

In an instant, it was directly crushed with mental power, and the user of the heavy hotline gun was simply and rudely solved.

Quincy may not have paid attention to the military females of the three melons of Isol star, or it may be to deal with Xavier with all her strength. There are not many elites, and the weapons are those that are commonly used.

After Li Zhou finished solving the heavy hot-line gun, the follow-up combat effectiveness became much weaker.

The artillery stopped for a while, and the female soldiers behind Li Zhou rushed up.

They are all elites personally selected by Xavier. Although there are not many, they are all experienced in battles, and they will soon tear open the large army that intercepts them.

Li Zhou didn't entangle with them, he vibrated his huge and colorful wings and led the military females away.

At the same time, the hinterland of the desolate star.

At the moment when the artillery fire hit, Xavier's tail threw Quincy away from the center of the artillery fire. At the same time, the two tails threw out instantly, wrapped around Brian and Duke one by one, pulling Fa Xiao, who could no longer escape the range of artillery fire, threw himself directly into the starship.


Shewell shouted, Duke instantly understood what he meant, and the moment he rolled into the starship, the starship was covered with layers of soil into a solid sphere.

Being blown to pieces, Duke even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Duke is injured.

The first attack of the artillery fire was the defensive earth ball made by Duke's ability, and then the starship shell. In order to make the soil ball stronger, Duke left a little mental power in it and was ready to adjust the hardness of the soil ball at any time. The soil ball was destroyed, and he was directly injured by the shock.

"Duke!" Brian yelled worriedly.

"It's fine, I'm fine." Duke comforted Brian loudly, and used the ability again to restore the earth ball. He also optimistically thought that Li Zhoutai had foresight, if it wasn't for him to awaken the earth-type ability , I am afraid they will have to explain this time.

But before he could finish his optimism, "Boom-Boom-" came two louder sounds one after another.

Duke shouted angrily: "What happened to the equipment department? The weapons that were tested before were not so resistant! After I go out, I must make a big noise in the equipment department!"

"Don't talk nonsense, concentrate, follow me!" Xavier gritted his teeth, and the fire of mutation burst out instantly.

Duke was very discerning and opened a hole at the top of the earth ball, allowing the Xievel mutation fire ray to pass through without the slightest energy.

At the same time, Xavier used the method taught by Li Zhou to spread his mental power into a net, trying to capture the trajectory of the energy cannonball of the heavy magnetic particle cannon, and then use the mutant line of fire to dissolve it.

It all seems slow, but it's really only a matter of seconds!

For a moment, two loud noises resounded above the barren star.

Chevir succeeded, he really intercepted the energy shells of the heavy magnetic particle cannon, but after all, he just awakened the ability, the ability is not strong, the two super mutant lines of fire have been consumed 80% of his energy.

Although the energy cannonball was successfully intercepted, it did not completely dissolve, and the cannonball still quickly attacked them with Yuwei.

If they are hit by these two remaining energy cannonballs, they will be seriously injured even if they are not dead!

However, the bad news doesn't stop there, and the thing that worries them the most has happened.

The gruesome particle cannon that was about to be tested, said to be flawed, rumbled far away and fired an energy cannonball at them again!

At this time, Seville had the same thoughts as Duke.

This dog's equipment department! They should be dismantled!

The author has this to say:

Duke: Damn equipment department, it's all right now.

Cherville: Go out and dismantle them.

Brian: Add me.

Insects of the Equipment Department: It's over, the King of Hell is here!

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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