War is coming

Cherville: I stole a **** back

Cherville was hidden in the darkness, and at his feet was the young military female who was delivering news.


Shevell did not expect that the usually cautious and competent military females would actually violate the yin and the yang.

Although he knew that this was inevitable in the army, military females had to have entertainment in their spare time.

This team of gamblers has committed a major taboo in the military and will be sent to court and sentenced to exile on the border or even lose her life.

Because of this law, there are basically no military females who dare to be lazy when performing tasks, so he really did not expect that under his jurisdiction, there are military females under his nose. Know the law and break the law.

Is it because he didn't find out before, or is this army girl so sure that he won't be able to come back from this expedition?

So, how did they know that they would never come back?

Severe's eyes fell on the female soldier who was knocked unconscious by him.

"Is that you? Who are you messaging?"

Xevier squinted her eyes and asked silently, the military female on the ground seemed to feel Xavier's questioning, and her comatose body trembled uncontrollably.

Cheville sneered, and a trace of soothing spirit drifted towards Li Zhou.

When Li Zhou looked in his direction, he picked up the unconscious military female, and several more and more disappeared into the military compound.

Li Zhou felt Xavier's spiritual power and knew that Xavier came to him to find out this situation.

After listening to Li Zhou's words, Amos slowly paced to the army female who was squatting on the ground with electromagnetic handcuffs.

He looked indifferent and his tone was cold, and said: "If it was normal, I could save you all, but now what's going on, I believe no bugs don't know. Duty, crime plus one class, and now according to wartime military law, direct execution!"

When the French army females heard it, they slumped to the ground and hurriedly opened their mouths. The voices of the 12 army females were superimposed together, and they were so frightened that they were so incoherent that they couldn't tell what they were thinking. to say something.

Frowning, Amos didn’t talk nonsense, he directly crushed it with his mental power, and the criminal military female several grades lower than him suddenly turned into a **** choking his neck, his face was full of He was red, but he couldn't speak.

And the military females who did not commit the crime also looked at Amos in shock. They never thought that Amos, who was nearly eleven months pregnant, could still use such a terrifying spirit force.

You must know that it is impossible for females to use their mental power in the last two months of pregnancy. It can be said that the mental power completely disappears.

However, Amos, who has used a lot of mental energy on the playground now, has not changed his face at all, he is completely at ease.

He sneered and said sternly: "All the female soldiers listen and watch, this is the end of your negligence."

As soon as Amos finished speaking, the 12 military females who were just defending themselves suddenly lost their voices and fell in front of the army females with blood on their faces.

"In the future, there will be military women who dare to despise military law. Their fate today will be your result tomorrow, and they will never be tolerated! Understand?"

"Understood! Marshal Ammos!"

"Fine, disbanded!"

The military females exited the playground in an orderly manner, patrolling patrols, and resting to rest, but their hearts were all yearning for strength.

Yes, military females don't care about the life and death of military females who neglect their duties. Although it will be uncomfortable, they don't think they don't deserve to die.

Because once they make mistakes because of their negligence, not only them, but the ordinary citizens of the planet will also be in danger.

It's not that they don't have camaraderie, but it's because they have camaraderie that they can't ignore the consequences of their negligence.

So they turned their attention to Amos, so at least it wasn't uncomfortable.

When they thought that Amos had just crushed their spiritual power, which was the result of practicing the exercises, they yearned for it.

The military females who can rest will speed up their steps towards the dormitory. They will practice hard work and will not sleep tonight.

After all, there was no way to become stronger in the past, but now there is a way, but the progress cannot be affected by laziness.

When the females were gone, Li Zhoucai walked towards the home with Amos and the females who protected them. As soon as he was halfway there, he felt Xavier's breath.

Li Zhou stopped and turned to look at the military female behind him: "You guys go back to rest first, we'll be there, just come and pick up Marshal Amos on time tomorrow morning."

Although the females didn't quite understand why Li Zhou let them go, but they knew Li Zhou's strength, and because of long-term training, the ban was engraved in their bones, and they went to Amos and Li Zhou. After the military salute, he turned and left.

When the females could not even see their backs, Xavier, who was carrying the unconscious female, came out of the corner.

He stood in front of Li Zhou, wearing a hat and mask like a thief, and made Li Zhou and Amos laugh directly.

Li Zhou teased: "What? What bad things did you do behind my back?"

Shevell shook the military female on his shoulders and raised his eyebrows: "I stole a female and brought it back."

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows: "I look better than me? Or will I please you?"

Cherville cooperated: "None, but I just like it!"

"Like? You don't like me?"

"I don't like it." Xavier shook his head, not caring about the eyes of Amos watching the play, and said gently, "I love you."

Li Zhou is happy, even in the dark night, you can see his extremely happy expression.

"Okay, don't be poor." Amos patted the young couple's arms, "Go home quickly, wake him up, and see who is his master."

Xevier nodded, and the three insects quickly walked towards the house.

After entering the house, Xavier threw the general female on the ground and said to the curious Li Zhou and the frowning Amos: "Don't worry, I used to be in the alley before. Woke him up and already knew who he was messaging."

"Who is it?" asked Amos.

"Jacob and Archie, and Clyde dead,"

Give it to Jacob, so they can ambush us ahead of time."

"Too hateful, fortunately, Yas knew another route that allowed our vanguard to avoid the ambush, otherwise, even if we were alert, we would inevitably lose our strength."

Amos was a little angry, but more sad, he knew that spies were inevitable, but the group of military females that Xavier brought out were baptized by war and worked side by side with them fought.

Because this group of military females is considered to be Chewell's confidants, and they are all good things, and they all get it first.

But even so, there are still bugs that are not satisfied, doing ungrateful deeds.

"Don't be sad." Li Zhou understood the feeling of being stabbed in the back, especially by an ungrateful person.

He sat opposite Amos, his injuries did not fully recover due to excessive blood loss, and there was a soft smile on his pale face.

"The inner desire of this kind of worm will never be filled. Even if you treat him well, you will not make him grateful. On the contrary, if you are a little inconsiderate, he will intensify his efforts. Don't be because of him. , make yourself uncomfortable."

Amos nodded and closed his eyes tiredly. He felt that maybe he had not been in charge of military affairs for too long, and his heart became soft because of pregnancy, otherwise he would not be so uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing all strange emotions, Amos said: "Xavier, inform Brian, let the follow-up troops pass the ambush point set up by Jacob, and make a quick battle and capture them. Just take prisoners, you can't solve it on the spot, don't leave troubles!"

Sheville respectfully said: "Yes, Marshal Amos."

After giving the order, Amos glanced at the time, and his tone softened.

"I'm going to rest, and the space will be for you two."

"I'll help you." Xavier hurried over to help Amos to rest.

Amos shook his head and pointed to the female soldier lying on the ground: "You don't need to help me, you will take care of him first, your female father, I am strong and strong, I just used mental power to crush it. For those little brats."

"Yes, yes, the female father is the most powerful."

Li Zhou gave Xavier a wink, so he didn't have to worry. He coaxed Amos, who was in a bad mood, and said, "My father's practice has improved again. Before, Xiao Leizhe's mental power was almost absorbed by Xiao Leizhe. Today, he can be so majestic!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the effect to be so good. It seems that I will be able to advance after giving birth to Little Leizhe."

"Well, that's almost it. Little Leizhe is nourished by the spiritual power of his female father, and he will definitely not lose to Xavier in the future." Li Zhou said with a smile.

"That's good, let him take over the army in the future and guard the frontier for the empire."

Amos was distracted by Li Zhou, and was supported by Li Zhou and returned to the room talking and laughing.

When Li Zhou returned to the living room, he winked mischievously at Xavier who had already dealt with everything.

"I'm amazing! My father is no longer sad."

Cheville stepped forward and hugged Li Zhou, took a deep breath, and said: "My father is not sad, I am sad, you haven't been home for three days, I wonder if you haven't recovered yet? ?"

Li Zhou justified his losses, and Xavier agreed to join Duke's research because he promised not to stay up late and go home on time.

Not only did he fail to do it, he also stayed home for three days at night. No wonder Xavier couldn't help but ran to the military to find him.

However, if he hadn't been too busy to go home, Xavier wouldn't have come to the military, so to say, the credit for catching the spy is all his, it's really a crooked fight.

Li Zhou told Xieweier this fallacy, Xieweier was about to laugh in anger, and he bit Li Zhou hard, but at the last time he pulled back, Feifei did not grit his teeth The seal was opened by Li Zhou as a gift.

Looking at Li Zhou above him and taking himself as a gift, Xie Weier finally bit Li Zhou on the shoulder of Li Zhou in the wave of happiness that Li Zhou brought him.

Afterwards, Li Zhou took the mark that Xavier left him, and fell asleep in his arms.

The follow-up troop who got the news slowed down and geared up for their first battle!

At the same time, Archie also received a satisfactory answer from his most feared teacher.

The author has this to say:

Duke: Li Zhou, I heard that Xavier stole insects behind your back? Is there a green prairie on your head?

Li Zhou answered Brian's communication with a blank face: Brian, Duke said he still couldn't let go of Aivil, and wanted me to help you ask if he could be allowed to be with you two at the same time a communication.

Duke: .. ah ah ah, Li Zhou, please don't hurt me, I don't like Aiweier.

Li Zhou, well, I'll tell Aivil that you hate him.

Duke: I don't hate Evel.

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows.

Duke held his head tightly: I'm sorry, I won't talk nonsense again QAQ;

Li Zhou smiled with satisfaction.

Brian: ..deserved!

Ever: My business?

Let's see, catch the bug tomorrow.

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