Mystery Bug

Bowen: It's terrifying that Seville can cook!

Isol Star, Li Zhou and Xavier's house.

Bowen borrowed the bathroom to clean himself up, and smelled a strong aroma.

The aroma came from the kitchen, causing his shriveled stomach to utter bursts of sounds, reminding him that it was time for dinner.

Put down the towel for wiping hair in hand, walk through the empty living room, look for the sound and walk over to the dining room.

Amos and Duke were sitting at the dining table chatting. There were several plates of cold dishes on the dining table, while Li Zhouzheng and Xavier were busy in the kitchen.

Accurately, Xavier was busy, and Li Zhou was pressed by Xavier on the chair outside the kitchen door, for fear that the cooking fumes would choke him.

At this time, Li Zhou will show a pleasing smile, wave his hands repeatedly, indicating that he is obedient, and will never go beyond the kitchen.

Amos and Duke are not surprised, but Bowen, who was invited to stay for dinner for the first time, was taken aback.

The cold-hearted and decisive boss of his family can cook?

Now that Li Zhou is injured, it should be done by a home machine, right?

Although the female worm cooking is the most common in the interstellar, he just can't imagine his eldest being busy in the kitchen.

Raising his hands to cover his eyes, Bowen forced himself not to look at Seville in the kitchen.

After a long while, he prepared his heart for himself, put down his hand and looked at the delicately arranged cold dishes on the table, and asked tentatively, "Are these made by the boss?"

"That's right." Duke said leisurely: "Sheville's cooking skills were taught by Li Zhou, and it's delicious, you can try it!"

Duke pushed the sauced beef to Bowen.

Bowen tentatively picked up a piece of beef with sauce, and just as he was about to put it in his mouth, Xavier wore an apron with a cute little star beast and walked out with a casserole on his face. .

It may be that the apron and the expressionless Sheville are too incompatible. Bowen, who has just made up his mind, sees this scene, shakes his hand, and the sauce beef falls..

Bowen: ".." embarrassing.

Chever: What happened to ".."?

Amos, Duke: "Pfft...hahaha..."

Bowen can be so cute, but she was so scared that she couldn't hold her chopsticks steady.

Li Zhou, who was behind Seville, couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, Bowen, what are you afraid of? The things that Xavier does are not poisonous, so you don't have to make a face that looks like death and tries poison."

Bowen was speechless, and really wanted to shout Li Zhou: If you don't speak, no insect will treat you as a mute.

But he dared not.

Xie Weir, who was beside Li Zhou, was staring at him.

Sorrowful Bowen pulled a smirk from the corners of his mouth, thinking in his heart, I really want the worms who admire Li Zhou to see Li Zhou's cheap appearance, but what he said was: "I It just didn't fit."

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows, his eyes wandered between Bowen and Xavier, and after a while, he grinned.

He leaned into Seville's ear and whispered something.

After hearing this, Sheville put down the casserole in his hand: "Do I cook weird?"

"No—I mean, I'm not used to seeing you like that."

Burven wanted to deny it, but looking at Xavier's eyes that could see through insects, he turned his mouth and told the truth.

Shevell nodded knowingly, knowing that Bowen is a little bit unacceptable and has a "virtuous" side.

He didn't explain much, and invited Bowen to sit down: "My craft is not bad, you can try it."

Bowen was flattered: "Okay, I, I'll try it." Then he added a piece of beef with sauce and chewed it in his mouth.

"Delicious! It's delicious!"

Bowen's eyes widened, he really didn't expect it to be so delicious, the meat was chewy and chewy, the sauce smelled a special aroma, and it was slightly spicy, Let his taste buds open up immediately.

Looking at the other three dishes, Bowen's eyes lit up, but he didn't move his chopsticks again, after all, the elders and officers were there, and his upbringing did not allow him to do so.

Cherville was somewhat satisfied with Bowen's response, and was very happy with the progress of his cooking skills, and had a sense of accomplishment.

"There are still two stir-fries, so we can start dinner, Duke and Bowen, you two and I will go to the kitchen to serve the dishes, and Li Zhou will sit down and rest."

Duke and Bowen took the lead.

However, before they could enter the kitchen, Brian's request for an emergency call popped up in Xavier's mind.

Severe didn't delay, just clicked to connect.

The call was connected, and what appeared on the virtual screen in mid-air was not Brian's figure, but the cold and hard background wall of the starship and the supreme commander of the imperial capital star side star who was tied into a dumpling by vines Officer - Bartlett Hardy.

Shevell immediately understood what Brian meant, Barrett had defected, or at least half of the senior generals on the side star had defected.

"Brian, quickly occupy the Imperial Capital Star Side Star, and you will be the supreme commander of the Side Star after occupying it."

Cheville calmly ordered: "All the senior generals and administrative officials on the star side of the imperial capital are all detained and awaiting trial, and then make a decision when everything is settled."

"Yes, Deputy Commander!"

Brian appeared on the screen and said sternly: "It's not just about Barrett's mutiny that disturbed you this time. Let Barlett tell you in detail about the specific situation."

Ballett was already exhausted by the thorn vines, seeing that Brian knew everything, and he had to toss him to say it again, he couldn't hold back, rolled his eyes, and was stared at by Brian .

This made Brian laugh angrily, kicked him, and shouted sharply: "Be honest, if you don't want to suffer, just say it."

Ballett was really frightened by Brian's methods, he couldn't help shivering, he opened his mouth obediently, and said everything as if he was pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

" Your coming to pacify the chaos this time is a trap set by Archie for you. At first he wanted to use you to pacify the chaos, but he didn't know where he heard that you wanted to kill him The news changed my mind.”

Shewell knew that the spy he caught told Archie about this news. The spy knew a lot, and what he explained now is just the tip of the iceberg.

He nodded, "Go on."

Brian kicked Barrett again.

Bartlett: ".."

You are used to kicking, don't you know how to treat prisoners of war preferentially?

But he only dared to think about it in his heart, and he dared not say anything.


Speaking of this, Baritt stared at Xavier in the virtual screen with hatred, he never thought that Xavier did not come to the front line, nor did he expect that the pacifying troops would arrive so early .

"No!" Seville didn't care about Barrett's eyes, and pointed to the central problem: "Killing me is understandable, but to kill my soldiers, Archie is not that stupid."

Because doing this is tantamount to courting death, it's not that Jacob won't let Archie go, but the Star Orcs won't let the Zerg go.

With Archie's IQ, it is very possible to kill him, but it is impossible to eliminate all the female soldiers under his command.

Because this means not just the disappearance of one army, it may be the loss of two or even more armies.

This is different from the main commander to persuade surrender and the subordinate battle in the civil war, which requires you to work hard.

Archie couldn't have done that.

Squinting his eyes, Xavier asked, "You said it was Jacob who was contacted by Archie's bug? Didn't Archie contact him personally?"

Bartlett didn't know why Sheville asked, but nodded honestly: "Yes."

"That's interesting." He walked over and heard all Li Zhou speak lightly.

"How do you say?" Bowen became interested, "Maybe Archie has lost his mind. After all, he has been tricked by so many bugs. It's normal to want everyone to sink together!"

Li Zhou couldn't bear to look directly at Bowen who had forced Archie's wisdom, and tutted twice.

"Archie grew up calculating, and his mind is extremely tough. This is because he endured humiliation and shaped himself into a trash image, and used this image to secretly cultivate his own power. Germany can see it.”

Li Zhou said coldly, "How could such a worm seem to be insane?"

However, Li Zhou was at a loss as to why this happened, but he understood that it should be true that Archie used the throne as a bait to let Jacob kill Xavier.

After all, Jacob is not a fool, he is eager to take over the position of the emperor from Archie's hands, but he will also doubt whether it is Archie who contacted him personally, is it something else? The prince is cheating.

The purpose is to see him and Xavier fight to the death, so that the insect of deceit can just watch the fire from the other side and save the force.

Therefore, there is only one reason why Jacob is willing to do this, and that is that this worm has something that Jacob has to believe.

This bug Archie trusts, or has to trust, but this bug is not actually Archie's subordinate, he took Archie's token and passed half-truths to Jacob, so Jacob would give such an order.

And Jacob is not afraid of a series of chain reactions caused by the destruction of Xavier and the army, and there is a high probability that there is a laboratory.

If you think this way, Jacob's trump card is terrifying, so terrifying that he is not afraid of Xavier, nor is he afraid of the disappearance of the most powerful army guarding the empire.

As for who is the worm who spread the word, and what is the purpose?

However, now that they already know this conspiracy, they will no longer step into the beast trap set by Jacob. There is still a lot of room for change. The purpose of the worm, the worm behind it is To investigate, but the top priority is to speed up the pacification.

He always felt that this worm did this to make the whole zerg fall.

Actually, for a moment, he suspected that this messenger was a spy of the Star Orcs, but Jacob and Archie shouldn't be so stupid at the same time and mistake the race together.

The Zerg and the Star Orcs are mortal enemies, and even the Zerg will not take refuge in the Star Beasts that feed on themselves.

Thinking of this, Li Zhou raised his head and said all his conjectures.

Separate a part of the military females to enter the side star with great fanfare, you remember to release the news after acting."

Severus sneered: "I want to see what that mysterious bug will do after we are "annihilated"! The more he does it, the more I can grab his tail. "

"Okay, I see, I fed Barrett the seeds of thorn vines, and I can use him. With my control, he doesn't dare to pass the news behind our backs."

Brian smiled and turned to look at Duke, who had been silent beside Xavier, his tone softened.

"Your improved medicine works very well, thank you, I miss you a little!"

, Li Zhou also helped."

Duke pointed in the direction of Li Zhou, who would have thought that Li Zhou had quickly got into the kitchen, smiled at him with the sweet and sour pork ribs that Shewell specially made for him, and left gracefully.

Cherville also patted his shoulder, took off the star brain from his wrist and put it in his hand, took Bowen to the kitchen to serve the dishes, and then left with a smile as well.

Duke: "…"

Flip the table! This day is over! The narrow couple and Bowen, who is also not a good worm, when he and Brian finish talking, he will cut them all into pieces and make specimens!

The author has this to say:

Li Zhou, Xavier, Bowen twisted their wrists at the same time, and looked indifferent: I heard that you want to make us into a film and make a specimen?

Duke: QAQ, Brian, come back soon, I can't take it—

Let's see, catch the bug tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Last Battle

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