
Li Zhou: I need to recover my memory quickly.

This anonymous email is a video email. There is also a line marked on it: a gift for Li Zhou.

Xevier frowned, feeling that something was wrong. You must know that this was a new communication number after he arrived at Isol.

In addition to the close insects, no other insects know, although it is not difficult to find his new communication number.

But his previous communication number is still in use, shouldn't ordinary bugs contact him with his previous communication number?

But now not only has the bug sent him an email, but also sent it to his new communication number, and the email was specially sent to his little hero.

This had to make him vigilant. He looked at Li Zhou, who was also frowning behind him. He didn't rush to open the email, but answered Brian's call.

As soon as it was connected, Brian pointed to the male child on the chair and said, "Look, who is this?"

Shever took a closer look: "Isn't this the new commander after Jorvik went crazy?"

Brian smiled: "Yes, it is the commander."

"Why is he here?" Li Zhou asked in confusion.

"He's here to deliver a letter to the Supreme Commander of the Side Star." Brian looked at the commander who was shaking like a sieve, and then said, "He sent a letter of Archie's abdication."

Severe immediately understood what was going on. It was estimated that Archie was anxious after seeing that Jacob did not kill himself and his female father, but went to occupy the Imperial Capital Star.

He was afraid that Jacob would not keep the agreement, so he hung Jacob with this kind of thing, so that Jacob could keep the agreement between them.

But this also proved their previous conjecture, Archie only wanted the lives of himself and his female father, and did not want his army to disappear with him.

Otherwise, Archie would not be able to take out this edict today, even if he died, although this edict was 100% for Jacob.

Because if Archie asked Jacob to annihilate his troops, what Jacob is doing now is part of their pact.

But Jacob didn't do well, he didn't completely annihilate his troops, he hid on the side star and didn't move.

This proves that Jacob's cooperation intention is not clear, or even contradicts. Therefore, Archie will not come up with the edict so early because he has bargaining chips in his hands.

On the contrary, Archie did not ask Jacob to annihilate his Xavier's troops, so when he saw that Jacob did not fulfill his promise and occupied the side star first but did not move, the first thing he thought of was Jacob Using this method to force him to keep the covenant.

Then, Jacob must be sure of the abdication edict, and he is very fancy about the justified ascension.

Therefore, he has enough capital to negotiate, and the abdication edict, the carrot hanging on Jacob, can be thrown out earlier, attracting Jacob to take the bait quickly.

Jacob did not send a killer to Isol to kill his father, but attacked the side star. In addition to not wanting to allow himself to be in a passive position in the negotiation, he must have seen it. The problem.

In this way, coupled with the threat of the army, I am not afraid that Archie will not be trustworthy.

But if Archie didn't rebuke him, then it proves that there is something wrong with the messenger. Similarly, he can use his power on the side star to threaten Archie to give him some sweetness first.

Now that the "sweetness" is out, Jacob estimates that the next step is to fulfill a contract.

"Xavier" escaped, but Amos was still on a dilapidated small mining star.

It seems that the female father is their next target, and he has to protect the female father.

Thinking of this, he asked Brian, "Is the edict of abdication not stamped with a big seal?"

Brian nodded: "No, but with Archie's private seal."

"That's normal," Shevel said. "Jacob isn't stupid, and he won't act unless Archie comes up with something practical."

"You've been a little more alert recently, Jacob doesn't expect to attack the Imperial Star in the near future, you can just manage the side star more closely, and when Jacob arrives, take it directly."

"Yes, deputy commander." After Bryan gave a military salute, he added, "Evil escaped with Jane, I will let them go back secretly with the medicine delivery team, you pay attention Accept it."

"Okay, I understand, you and Lu pay attention to safety."

"Understood." Brian replied.

The two worms later said some plans about the formation of troops before hanging up the communication.

Sheville looked at the female father sitting in the chair and whispered: "Father, don't go to school these few days, Jacob is going to start."

Amos certainly knew that it would be best for him not to go to school, but if he were to hide in a well-guarded villa forever, then there would be no way to quickly find the killer lurking on Planet Isol.

So, he smiled and said to Xavier: "Don't worry, now the female father is not easy to bully, I can just be the bait to directly catch all the scheming bugs on the Isol star."


Why didn't Xavier know that this was the best way, their planet had been cleared several times, but he couldn't guarantee complete safety, especially since he also took in a group of prisoners of war.

There is no guarantee that the killer will not be mixed in, he does not want his father to take risks.

"You weaken a corner of our planet's defense net, so that the killer has a chance to come in, just to see if he has a connection, and then it will be wiped out."

Seeing that her mother-in-law was so determined, Xavier had no other choice but to nod, thinking in his heart whether he should pretend to follow the teacher in secret to protect him.

Seeing Xavier's serious face, Li Zhou knew what he was thinking, put his hand on Xavier's shoulder, and said softly, "I will follow my mother to school these days."

Seeing Xavier looking at him with disapproval, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'm also the principal of the school, and it's time to go to school again, and the student who evolved into a cocoon is a Isn't it about to come out of a cocoon?"

Amos nodded: "The cocoon became transparent a few days ago. Today he is fully awake, and I believe he will be able to fully emerge from the cocoon tomorrow."

Speaking of this, the corners of Amos' mouth curled up: "Guess what happened to the cocooned student Gus?"

“How many times has the mental power jumped?” Xavier asked tentatively.

Amos shook his head, looked in Li Zhou's direction, and smiled mysteriously.

I don't know what signal Amos' movements gave to Xavier. He suddenly widened his eyes and his voice was high: "Has he transformed into a male?"

Amos nodded cheerfully: "Yes, it has been checked by Duke, and he has completely transformed into a male insect, with a mental power level of A."

Cherville was a little surprised, because Gus's success proved that Li Zhou's exercises are really useful, which is more effective than any publicity and publicity.

Li Zhou was also very happy, but he still expressed his concerns.

"He has evolved so completely, do we have to pay attention to this psychological problem? After all, the transformation from female to male, such a big gender change, if this psychology can't bear, the worm will be destroyed already."

Sheville didn't expect Li Zhou to be most concerned about this issue. He felt that Li Zhou was simply too gentle, not as selfish as he said.

In fact, the low-level females here have been prepared for this since childhood.

Although the odds of evolving from female to male are negligibly low for a variety of reasons, they are prepared.

However, Li Zhou didn't know this, the world he lived in didn't have the possibility of transgender.

He explained to Li Zhou Wenyan that the females are ready for evolutionary transformation.

"Don't worry, although they are prepared, I will ask Duke to help him clear his mind."

"Does Duke still do this? I didn't expect him to be an all-rounder." After listening to Xavier's explanation, Li Zhou felt that he might be really making a fuss.

With the status of males in the interstellar space, most of the bullied females may think that if they were a male, they should not worry about this problem.

"It's unexpected!" Xavier and Amos were amused by Li Zhou's remarks, and couldn't help but think of Duke's usual naive appearance.

At this time, Duke, who was still working overtime in the military laboratory, sneezed loudly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

After finally stopping the sneeze, he rubbed his nose and muttered, "It must be Brian who wanted to—"

However, before the words were finished, another sneeze came out.

Duke: "…" is not over!

Father and son three worms talking and laughing caused Duke in the laboratory to sneeze constantly, and at the end he suspected that the worms were born.

The assistant saw his miserable appearance and said, "How about you go back to rest first?"

Duke looked at the petri dish and nodded: "I'll give it to you, please watch it."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the laboratory and was about to change his clothes and go home, but when he was halfway there, he realized that he had forgotten to take the sample of the medicine he had promised Li Zhou, so he turned around and walked back.

Just as he walked to the door, he saw the assistant who advised him to go back to rest was adding an unknown medicine to the petri dish.

He put his hand on the doorknob and was about to rush in, but he held back the moment the door was opened.

He hid in the dark, squinting to watch the assistant drop the unknown drug in the petri dish and then put the dropper in his lab coat pocket before leaving quietly laboratory.

But he did not leave the military, but took the same dropper in Li Zhou's laboratory and hid in the locker room waiting for the arrival of his assistant.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, the assistant finally appeared in the locker room.

It shook like an earthquake.

The assistant was swayed and sat on the long sofa where he changed his clothes. When he was about to take the dropper, he was shocked again and he fell directly to the ground. There were shouts of "Earthquake, run away".

The assistant was frightened, stood up reluctantly, and ran towards the door, while Duke came out of the shadows, took out the dropper and replaced it with what he had prepared in advance.

After doing all this, he got out of the window of the building and ran to Shevel's house in the dark.

The worms who just ran out of the building because of the earthquake scratched their heads in confusion, why didn't they shake?

Only the assistant's eyes flickered. When everyone was confused, he secretly ran back to the locker room and was relieved when he saw the dropper in the lab coat pocket.

Meanwhile, Seville is carefully opening the mysterious email.

The email is composed of several videos, all of which are conversations between two insects, or two species that do not know what race is in conversation.

Because they can't see their specific appearance at all, they can't judge their race.

Although this video is a conversation, they can only hear what one of them is saying.

The mysterious race that speaks, wears a wide cloak, can't see the face, and even the voice is synthesized.

Because the mysterious race is completely hidden under the cloak, they cannot use the mouth shape to judge whether the content of the video is spoken by the mysterious figure.

No way, they could only watch patiently, however, the more they watched, the more frightened they became.

Because, the mysterious figure in this video is teaching the practice to what race, and the content of the practice is exactly the same as the practice that Li Zhou has not improved.

Although Li Zhou had guessed and confirmed it when he caught the star beast with only invisibility, he still couldn't help being shocked.

Because he heard a clear name from the mysterious figure in the video - Quincy!

Quincy is actually Quincy, shouldn't the name called by this mysterious figure be the name of a big star beast of the star beast clan? How could it be Quincy?

Also, isn't this mysterious figure who teaches Quincy the same as the one who teaches the Star Orcs?

If it is one, what is its purpose? Is he a Zerg or a Star Orc?

Why did he teach the Star Orcs if he was a Zerg? fun?

Or does he belong to either race? Just like, just like him?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain what this mysterious figure does.

But, is that possible? Maybe!

He himself can't figure out his origin now, and it is very possible that there is another like him.

And those memories…

Li Zhou was a little confused. He looked at Xavier and saw Xavier looking back at him tenderly.

The eyes are full of trust and encouragement for him, which will save him from the chaotic thoughts.

All his conjectures just now were based on this mysterious figure who taught the Zerg and Star Orcs exercises. If not, his conjecture would be self-defeating.


Sheville nodded, and after sending a text message to Bowen, lightly stroked Li Zhou's frown, and said softly: "Don't worry too much, even if they are the same, we will Don't be afraid, your practice is more powerful than his, we can win."

Li Zhou didn't know it, but cultivation is a long accumulation.

If it is the same as what he guessed, then this mysterious figure is likely to come from the same place as him and wake up many years earlier than him. If they really fight, they are very likely to lost heavily.

It is not unfounded that he thinks so, his fragmented memories confirm that there is such a existence.

Star beasts will raid C star.

They could have continued to hide their strengths and bide their time, waiting for the more advanced star beasts and the more powers to awaken, and then they would catch Xavier by surprise.

They did not choose to hide their strengths and bide their time, but exposed them in advance, which is totally against common sense.

Therefore, it is very likely that his appearance made that existence unable to suppress the hatred in his heart, so he did such a thing that went against common sense, and also made Xavier prepared in advance.

And if that mysterious figure has the same origin as his own, even if he becomes a Zerg or a star orc, he may not care about his current race, because his soul is a human race.

There is an explanation for him teaching each other to stir up the situation of the two races. This is equivalent to pressing treasures. Which race succeeds he will support which race.

If both are successful, no matter whether the final winner is the Zerg or the Star Orc, he can be a high-ranking teacher.

It's a great deal that never loses money.

However, now this mysterious figure may have completely surrendered to the Star Orcs, because he is on the Zerg side.

If the mysterious figure really has a grudge against himself, he should hope to see the Zerg he supports.

Because he just disappeared, and then let himself kneel in front of him to "repent" devoutly, and most regret to die.

So, if the guess comes true, who is this mysterious figure?

He had a lot of enemies in his previous life, Baifeng, Baifeng's good friend Zhou, and those high-level abilities who died of his exercises, as well as the base.

No matter which one of them crosses over, they are eager to kill him.

Now as long as it is confirmed that this mysterious figure is the existence of teaching two kinds of exercises at the same time, he can basically confirm his conjecture.

But no matter what, he has to ask Duke to help him restore his memory as soon as possible. Only when he restores all his memory can he no longer be passive.

While waiting for Bowen to come over, Li Zhou was not idle, and quickly made dinner with Xavier, and said all his conjectures.


Li Zhou does not understand, how can it be beneficial? If the conjecture comes true, the strength of the Star Orcs is likely to be immeasurable. If they suddenly fight when the Zerg civil strife is about to end, they may not be able to withstand it.

Amos smiled, he knew what he was thinking when he saw Li Zhou, he did not directly answer why Li Zhou was beneficial, but guided him: "Do you still remember that contact Ya? Mysterious bugs?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Zhou's eyes lit up, Quincy is Archie's bug, so since the mysterious figure taught Quincy the practice, he must know Archie.

He knew Archie and helped Archie train his subordinates. Archie should trust him, or regard him as a teacher, so there is a reason why he should contact Jacob in an emergency .

But the mysterious figure is not on Archie's side, so he proposed the conditions for Jacob to annihilate the Shevil army, in order to weaken the Zerg force as soon as possible, so that the star orcs can win.

In other words, the Star Orcs are not as powerful as he thinks, otherwise this mysterious figure does not need to spend a lot of time trying to annihilate the Zerg forces in a large area.

This is also the reason why the Star Orcs did not attack on a large scale during the Zerg civil strife, but only on a small scale.

They are simply not enough! It's just outside power.

Seeing that Li Zhou had already reacted, Amos asked Li Zhou to look at Xavier in the kitchen.

"Xievir's years of hard work are not in vain. He drove the star beast back to his hometown, and the loss of so many star beast warriors is not so easy to replenish."

Li Zhou nodded and couldn't help but said, "Sheville is amazing!"

Chever, who could hear what they were saying, had red ears, and he came over with chicken soup.

After putting down the chicken soup, I embarrassedly said: "I'm not as powerful as you said, it's just that I haven't encountered those mutant star beasts."

That's why it didn't appear in the previous wars, or in other words, it existed before, but it hasn't been cultivated to the level of mutation."

"It's very possible." Xavier said, "After all, the original exercise method is too bad and the effect is not as good as the improved one. Even if the star beast can withstand it, it is probably very painful. They should It’s normal to be lazy and slow.”

"But—" Xavier's words changed, "We still can't take it lightly, if all this is released by the Star Orcs to confuse us, it will be dangerous."

"That's right." Amos put down the fluffy steamed buns in his hand and continued, "We still have to make the most complete preparations, and we can't be careless."

Xevier nodded: "I know the female father, I will arrange it later, so that the various planets, especially the M star, will strengthen their vigilance."

"Well, Norman's little guy's improved heavy magnetic particle cannon has stepped up production. Anyway, we are not short of energy stones now, and we will strive to directly overthrow the star beast when the time comes."

"Okay, ma'am, I'll let Big Brother Taylor step up and deliver the materials, by the way—"

Cheville looked at Li Zhou with a smile: "Big Brother Taylor has begun to evolve."


Li Zhou was pleasantly surprised, because Taylor himself is an S+ level male, and he will evolve to SS level even if he evolves the lowest level.

"Really." Xavier recalled the content of the text message Kathy sent him when he met his mother and father hiding in the kitchen.

"Casey said that Big Brother Taylor entered evolution last night, and the overall situation is good now, but he is very worried about Taylor, so let me ask you how you feel when you evolve."

Li Zhou recalled for a moment and said, "I didn't feel much. During the evolution process, I have been very sleepy. I slept most of the time, and it was very painful when the wings came out at the end. Everything else is fine."

"But don't worry, it's just a moment, and the pain will soon be gone."

Shevell heard Li Zhou express the pain, thinking that he was not by his side, he felt a little sad. Although he didn't cry, his eyes were a little red.

He reached out and stroked Li Zhou's back, as if this would ease the pain in Li Zhou's memory.

Li Zhou put his hand on Xavier's arm, gently dragged Xavier's hand that stroked his back to his chest and held it in his own hand, speaking very gently.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's gone for a long time, fortunately you weren't there when I evolved, or else you cry like a bunny, I will feel distressed. You remember to let Kathy stay away, he If you are not strong, it is estimated that you will cry a lot, which will affect the evolution of Big Brother Taylor."

Looking at Li Zhou who had arranged Casey in order to make him not sad, Xavier said speechlessly, "Cathy heard you say that to him, so he has to make trouble with you."

Li Yiyi raised his eyebrows: "Am I afraid of him? He and his hero have to rely on me to awaken their abilities! I won't awaken him if he makes trouble."

He knew that Li Zhou was joking, but if Li Zhou really did this, he would not think that Li Zhou was wrong. After all, everything belongs to Li Zhou, and what he wants to do is his. free.

In response, Amos, who witnessed everything, put down the chopsticks in his hand. Although he didn't eat much, he had already made it, and was half-dead by the dog food of the young couple.

And Casey, who was far away from F star, also encountered Duke's experience, sneezing and sneezing non-stop, her nose was red, and she was held in her arms by the sleepy Tyler.

This night, Amos had to rest early because of her pregnancy, Kathy and Tyler slept together, Xavier and Li Zhou turned on the lights, and Duke was in the small laboratory of the villa Checking the remaining medicine in the dropper, Brian and Lu, who are far away on the side star, are deploying the defenses on the side star in an orderly manner.

Evel gave Jane the antidote to the fake pregnancy medicine, and was nervously guarding Jane who was taking the antidote, while Azel and Norman did not rest, discussing weapons, Nova imagination of the brain.

Each of them is working hard for a bright future, and the night has become the best cover, a small group of uninvited guests secretly descended on Isol...

The author has this to say:

Duke and Casey looked at each other's red noses.

Duke: Who were you talking about?

Casey: It's a dog, definitely a dog, I sneezed all night, Tyler thought I was broken, how about you?

Duke not sure: maybe a dog too?

Gou Lizhou, Dog Xavier: ..

Amos: Pfft..hahaha;

I have time to catch bugs tomorrow, together with the previous chapter.

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