This psychological counseling room is not big, but the decoration inside is very exquisite.

According to the front desk, anyone who comes here needs to make an appointment. Lin Bin didn't see anyone else for the time being.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a woman in a white coat slowly walked over.

The woman's age was unknown. She wore a pair of black-framed glasses, with neat and pure features, and a bit of a queen's temperament.

But the white coat was too loose and seemed a bit ill-fitting.

"Hello, my name is Su Fei, and I’m Manqing’s good friend.

Seeing the other party extending her hand with a smile, Lin Bin quickly stood up and shook hands with the other party,"My name is Lin Bin, and I’m also Manqing’s friend."

"I know Manqing is resting next door, please sit down and wait for a while."

Lin Bin sat down obediently and asked curiously,"What happened to Manqing?"

"Don't worry, she's just too tired lately and isn't in a good mood." Su Fei smiled and didn't say much. Lin

Bin heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that,"She must be exhausted lately, so she should have a good rest."

After Su Fei sat down, she didn't leave in a hurry, but looked Lin Bin up and down with a faint smile on her lips,"Are you familiar with Manqing?"

It seemed that Zhou Manqing hadn't told the beautiful woman in front of him about her own affairs, so Lin Bin nodded slightly and said,"I guess so, we are colleagues."

"Colleague? Little brother, you are not telling the truth, are you?"Su Fei raised the corner of her mouth and said this suddenly. Lin Bin was stunned for a moment, a little confused, and began to secretly guess in his heart what the relationship between this woman and Zhou Manqing was.

Before he could ask, Su Fei took the initiative to say:"Manqing and I grew up together. She would not hide anything from me, and Manqing didn't say that just now."

What does it mean? Lin Bin was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that Zhou Manqing told all her past?

But if so, why did this woman ask even though she knew the answer?

""Tell me, are you Manqing's boyfriend?" Su Fei suddenly raised her voice, as if she was interrogating.

Lin Bin was almost scared by her, and when he reacted, he smiled bitterly,"Doctor Su, don't joke, how is it possible? Even if I want to, Manqing won't agree."

This woman looks like a cold and arrogant sister on the surface, but when she opens her mouth, her temperament is a little bit off.

This contrast caught Lin Bin off guard.

Su Fei pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if she was carefully examining the prisoner.

Today, Zhou Manqing suddenly called, so she deliberately postponed the time she had an appointment with the client. After the diagnosis just now, she unexpectedly discovered that her bestie was actually in love.

This is a rare miracle.

The two were chatting before, and Zhou Manqing suddenly received a call. Su Fei just asked casually, and then she keenly discovered that her bestie was There was something wrong with her expression, and she was even evasive in her words.

After discovering this special situation, Su Fei's curiosity was immediately aroused.

She wanted to see who had such a great ability to make Zhou Manqing, who had always been ignorant, sway.

As a result, after meeting Lin Bin, she was a little disappointed.

He was just an ordinary handsome boy, and the other party didn't seem to be a big deal.

Su Fei knew that her best friend had suffered an emotional trauma in college, and it would be difficult for her to get over it in this life, but now that she had the opportunity, she decided to help her best friend.

"Lin Bin, right? You are free anyway, do you want me to help you?"

As a psychologist, Su Fei is best at seeing into people's hearts. She plans to find out what this handsome guy thinks first, and then decide how to help.

"There's no need for that. I'm not feeling uncomfortable." Lin Bin shook his head quickly.

For some reason, the woman in front of him always gave him a sense of danger.

Su Fei insisted,"That's not necessarily true! Many people look normal physically, but they have more or less mental problems. Over time, it may even affect a person's character and lead to serious consequences."

Lin Bin continued to shake his head,"Forget it, I think I'm quite normal."

Seeing that he was so uncooperative and even extremely vigilant, Su Fei could only give up,"Okay, let's add WeChat, and you can contact me anytime if you have anything in the future."

This time Lin Bin did not refuse. He took out his mobile phone decisively and added the other party as a friend.

""Okay, wait here for a while, Manqing should be out soon." Su Fei said this and left the lounge.

In a room next to the lounge, Zhou Manqing was lying on the sofa chair and slowly opened her eyes.

She didn't know how she fell asleep just now, as if she had a dream.

After learning that Lin Bin might have discovered her secret yesterday, Zhou Manqing couldn't sleep all night. In addition, she was too tired recently. As a result, when she got up in the morning, she was in a daze.

She knew that she was under too much mental pressure, and taking some ordinary medicines was not very effective, so she had to find her best friend.

"You're awake. By the way, your boyfriend is in the lounge. Go over there."

A familiar voice came. Zhou Manqing looked up and saw her best friend smiling. She blushed and said,"What are you talking about? I don't know where my boyfriend came from.""

"Still not admitting it? I really care about you."

"You dirty girl!"

Zhou Manqing was so angry that she picked up the pillow and threw it at him.

If Xia Mo was a female hooligan, then Su Fei was definitely a dirty girl.

One was a man of action, and the other was a strong talker.

Almost all the jokes Zhou Manqing had heard came from her.

The two women fought for a while before leaving the treatment room.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for coming over here."

When they met, Zhou Manqing blushed and looked away.

"Hey, it's no trouble, as long as you are okay. Lin Bin said indifferently

"Okay, just remember to take the medicine on time when you go back, pay more attention to rest, and come to me if you have any questions."Su Fei smiled and advised.

Lin Bin looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock, so he casually suggested:"Doctor Su, it's noon now, why don't we have a meal together, as a thank you for taking care of Manqing."

Su Fei did not agree immediately, and smiled and joked:"I don't care, I just want to ask your Manqing if she agrees?"

Zhou Manqing's face was immediately reddened again,"If you keep talking nonsense, be careful that I sew your mouth shut."

Lin Bin was also a little embarrassed, and quickly said:"We are all friends, just having a meal together."

Su Fei didn't speak, staring at Zhou Manqing with a smile on her face.

Zhou Manqing felt uncomfortable when she was looked at by her, and said shyly:"If you want to go, go, why are you looking at me?"

As she said that, she walked outside.

Lin Bin glanced at Su Fei, then at Zhou Manqing who left in a hurry, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"All right, wait for me downstairs for a while, I'll change my clothes."

Su Fei said, and Lin Bin nodded immediately.

Sure enough, when they reached the elevator, Zhou Manqing didn't rush right away, as if she was waiting for Lin Bin.

"I warn you, stay away from this woman in the future."

Lin Bin was stunned,"What's wrong?"

Zhou Manqing:"Haven't you heard that the plane in the sky is the fastest and the glasses on the ground are the worst? I'm afraid you will be corrupted by her."

Lin Bin was speechless. He wanted to see how bad this Doctor Su was.

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