The big dumpling is worthy of its name, the dumpling is really big.

While Lin Bin was looking at the big dumpling in the live broadcast room, he measured the size of the bitch with his hand.

In fact, there is no need to measure at all, the difference is visible to the naked eye.

Zhuo Xinyi curled her lips,"Brother Bin, my skills are not worse than hers."

How could she not know what Lin Bin was thinking, especially the restless younger brother who kept making trouble

"Haha, it's hard to say since we haven't competed before." Lin Bin patted Bitch,"It's almost done, let's go to bed after we finish this one." Datuanzi is the most famous anchor on Douya, so he is naturally not stingy. He has just played two games and is now starting the third one.

It's not that Lin Bin has to play so much, but he just discovered that someone on Datuanzi's fan list has spent more than 8 million.

How can he, a rich man, be inferior to others?

After more than 20 minutes, Lin Bin had just spent more than 10 million, finally sitting firmly in the top position on the list, and then he stopped.

"Thanks..."Thank you for the gift, Brother Bin!"

Da Tuanzi was so excited that her voice trembled as she watched the number one on the list change.

The previous number one had always been Wang Shao, and she knew exactly what this Dou Ya prince was up to. Although she wanted to refuse, Da Tuanzi knew very well that no matter what kind of talent one had, it was useless in front of capital.

But today, the young man Abin suddenly appeared, and he actually gave out 10 million gifts in one night.

With such a big hand, his status must be no worse than Wang Tianhao.

If she could hold on to this thigh, she might have a way out.

The game was over, and Da Tuanzi was about to connect with the young man Abin. He went to the guest, but found that the other party had just left.

The prepared remarks were completely rotten in his stomach.

On the other side, Wang Tianhao finally logged into his Douya account.

After receiving the call from his younger brother, he immediately started to raise money.

Although this guy is the prince of Douya, he is used to a life of luxury and debauchery on weekdays, and has two million pocket money a month. He has no income at all on weekdays and relies on his parents for support.

Wang Tianhao was furious when he learned that his position as the top brother on the list was replaced. After making a lot of phone calls and borrowing from everyone he knew, he finally raised five million, which gave him confidence.

"I will take back the top spot tonight even if I die!"

Wang Tianhao gritted his teeth in his heart. Not only for the big dumpling, but also for his own face.

Otherwise, how can he make the anchors on the platform obey him in the future?

"Eh? Where is he?" Wang Tianhao logged into Douya Live in anger, but found that the rich man was no longer in Datuanzi's live broadcast room.

Instead, the man's ID was listed at the top of the list.

"Damn! What a piece of shit!"

Seeing that he was being outclassed, Wang Tianhao started to give out gifts like crazy in anger.

""Fuck! Brother Bin just left, and the prince started to brush again!"

In the live broadcast room, there were still many people watching the fun who had not left. Seeing the barrage of fire again, they were immediately excited.

Wang Tianhao's ID is called"Little Prince of Haoqi Changcun", and he is also a well-known local tyrant in the whole Douya.

Seeing countless viewers on the barrage frantically brushing the screen and shouting"Prince is awesome", Wang Tianhao, who was brushing gifts, was in a good mood.

""Thank you for the gift from the prince."

Da Tuanzi stood up in the live broadcast room to thank him, and began to feel uneasy.

He didn't know whether the young boy Abin would continue to suppress Wang Tianhao.

Unfortunately, Da Tuanzi was destined to be disappointed.

The young boy Abin never came online again.

Wang Tianhao gave more than three million gifts in a row. When his fan value reached 11 million and he was back on the top of the list, he stopped what he was doing.

""Shit Abin, if you have the guts, come back and do it!"

Wang Tianhao was full of disdain.

At this moment, Lin Bin, who didn't know that his position as the top brother on the list had been taken away by someone else, was sitting on the bed and exercising.......

The next day, it was noon again!

When Lin Bin opened his eyes, he found that there was no one around him.

He picked up his phone and saw that Zhuo Xinyi had sent a text message.

"Brother Bin, I'm going to work first, you take a good rest at home."

This girl is really working hard to become a big anchor.

Lin Bin shook his head helplessly, thinking of Zhuo Xinyi's helpless surrender last night, he was a little speechless.

"Sister Annie is still in good health!"

At this moment, Lin Bin suddenly thought of Li Annie who was abroad.

The night before she left, she went in and out seven times but never gave up.

"Something is wrong! My body seems to have become stronger again!"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Bin became a little uncertain.

Leng Yiza weighed over 100 pounds before, and he had to use both hands to lift her up.

But Zhuo Xinyi weighed only over 90 pounds at most, and he was able to lift her up with one hand last night.

And he didn't feel much effort.

It was precisely because of this that the bitch was defeated so quickly.

According to yesterday's performance, Lin Bin felt that he had no problem fighting three people at once.

He even wanted to test his own limits to know how strong he was.

"Damn it, who will clean this bed?"

Lin Bin got up from the bed and looked at the Qingming Shanghe Tu on the bed sheet, a little speechless.

He was a big rich man, he couldn't do it himself.

Bitch went to the company, leaving early and returning late every day. Little White Rabbit has been running around recently, chasing after the professional league. The huge villa is empty, and there is not even a housekeeper. If I really want to clean up an area of several hundred square meters, I'm tired just thinking about it.

"Forget it, just hire a nanny."

After washing up, he went downstairs to the restaurant. On the table was the milk and bread prepared by Zhuo Xinyi.

Lin Bin had a few bites and went out.

The Bishuiwan community is full of luxury villas. Although the location is a bit remote, there are two busy streets not far from the community. There are shops on both sides of the street, providing all kinds of services.

Lin Bin saw a housekeeping company on the roadside and got out of the car and walked in.

""Hello sir, are you looking for a housekeeping service?"

As soon as he entered the door, a middle-aged woman in her forties came up to him enthusiastically.

Lin Bin nodded and said,"Yes, I live in Bishui Bay, and I want to find a nanny to clean up the house."

For such rich people living in villas, housekeeping companies are naturally very welcome,"Sir, do you want to find an hourly worker or a long-term worker?"

Lin Bin thought for a while,"Let's take a look first, if it's suitable, I'll find a long-term one."

The middle-aged woman smiled even more,"Okay, I have a lot of suitable candidates here, you can pick one first."

The other party first arranged for Lin Bin to sit down, and then quickly went to get a stack of information, flipping through it while introducing

"Zhang Shufang is our company's gold medal nanny. She has more than ten years of work experience and is very skilled......."

Lin Bin shook his head repeatedly, and was not satisfied after reading more than ten minutes of information.

The smile on the middle-aged woman's face gradually froze,"Sir, if you are not satisfied with these, just let us know what you want, and we will definitely help you find the right person."

Lin Bin frowned and thought for a while,"How about this, the age should not be too old, thirty-five...Under 40 years old is fine, and she should be good-looking and have a good figure. Oh, and it would be best if she could cook." Originally he wanted to say under 35 years old, but somehow he thought of Sister Hong....It's not impossible to be around 40 years old.

The middle-aged woman was speechless and thought to herself: Is this rich man looking for a nanny or a lover?

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