I looked down at the information in my hand.

"Your name is Bai Jie......"Lin Bin was stunned and immediately recognized the other person,"It's you?"

"Boss Lin...Do we know each other?"

Bai Jie showed a surprised expression on her face. She only heard the staff of the housekeeping company say that the boss's surname was Lin, and she didn't know anything else.

But when did she know such a rich boss?

"Haha, Miss Bai, have you forgotten that I bought a car from you? By the way, aren't you selling cars? Why did you change jobs?"

At first, although Lin Bin felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar, he didn't recognize her.

But when he saw the name on the information, he remembered it immediately.

After all, it's because he read a lot of books.

Bai Jie showed a confused look on her face. When she was selling cars in a 4S store before, she had to contact many customers every day. She really couldn't remember the young man in front of her.

"Boss Lin...I changed jobs a long time ago"

"It's good to change jobs. By the way, why do you come to do housekeeping service?"By the way, why do you come to do housekeeping service?"

Bai Jie thought that she originally wanted to find a tutoring job, but it was hard to find a job and the salary was too low, so she agreed to be a nanny, which is a somewhat menial job.

However, in front of her employer, she just opened her mouth and swallowed the words.

Seeing her expression, Lin Bin guessed that the other party probably had something to hide, so he didn't ask more questions,"By the way, have you been a nanny before?"

Bai Jie shook her head

"Then can you do housework?"

Bai Jie nodded quickly

"Can you cook?"

Bai Jie nodded again, and then added,"I can only cook some home-cooked dishes." She can be considered as someone who can both work in the living room and in the kitchen.

Lin Bin's requirements were not high, and he made the decision directly,"I have no problem here, do you have any problem?"

Bai Jie hesitated for a moment, and finally said,"I...Can I get a month's salary in advance?"

The salary was previously agreed upon by the agency. The basic salary was 12,000 yuan, including food and accommodation, and it would be paid by Lin Bin himself.

But now, before she even started working, she asked for an advance on her salary. If it were someone else, they would definitely not agree.

Although Lin Bin didn't care about this little money, he was very curious and asked,"Can I know the reason?"

"I...The family is short of money......"

Although the young man in front of her might know her, Bai Jie knew that her request was too much, and she began to get nervous, fearing that the other party would not agree.

"Well, since we are destined to meet again, I will advance you one month's salary."

Lin Bin saw her tense body, his heart softened, and he agreed immediately based on her name.

Bai Jie quickly stood up and bowed,"Thank you, Boss Lin, I will work hard." Lin

Bin did not break his promise and directly transferred 12,000 yuan to her, and then signed a labor contract on the spot.

"Xiaobai, Boss Lin is really generous. He directly advanced me one month's salary. You must work hard."

Feng Xia advised kindly. After all, the housekeeping company only earns the agency service fee, and the nanny must work for three months before the 1,000 yuan deposit paid before will not be refunded.

After all the formalities were completed, the two of them immediately left the housekeeping company with Feng Xia's farewell.

"Come on, get in the car, I'll take you back to the villa first, and I'll taste your cooking skills tonight."

Bai Jie nodded,"Okay, Boss Lin"

"Forget it, don't call me boss all the time. My name is Lin Bin, you can call me by my name or Abin."

Abin? Why does this name sound familiar?

Bai Jie was still trying to think, Lin Bin had already taken out the car key and pressed it.

Ding! The Mercedes-Benz parked next to him unlocked immediately.

Looking at the Mercedes-Benz in front of her, Bai Jie remembered that it was the last car she sold before she resigned.

It turned out to be him!

"Why are you still standing there? Get in the car. By the way, do you want to sit in the front or the back?"

Lin Bin held the car door with one hand and asked Bai Jie when he saw that she was still standing there in a daze.

Bai Jie was immediately confused.

Logically speaking, it would not be appropriate for her, a nanny, to sit in the front passenger seat, but sitting in the back was not appropriate.......

The scene of the test drive seemed to be still vivid in her mind. When she thought of this, she felt her face burning.

"I...I'll just sit in the back......."

Bai Jie didn't dare to look Lin Bin in the eye at this moment, so she could only bite the bullet and get into the car.

Seeing her get in the car, Lin Bin started it,"Haha, do you remember, I bought this car from you."

He thought Bai Jie hadn't remembered what happened before, so he said casually.


Bai Jie responded softly, her voice as soft as a mosquito.

At this moment, sitting in the back seat where she had lain down, she felt as if countless ants were crawling on her body.

The car started, Lin Bin glanced at the rearview mirror and found that Bai Jie looked a little uneasy, as if she was very nervous.

In order to ease the atmosphere, he took the initiative to find a topic,"By the way, have you done any other jobs besides selling cars before?"

"I used to be a teacher!"


Lin Bin stepped on the brakes to the floor.

Shit! He really used to be a teacher?

Bai Jie was not paying attention and was almost knocked down by the sudden emergency brake. Fortunately, the car was not going fast, otherwise people would have rushed to the front.

"How...What's wrong?"

"Ahem, it's okay, I was just dazzled." Lin Bin coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment,"Well, I'll call you Teacher Bai from now on."

Bai Jie also liked the days when she was a teacher. If it weren't for the accident, she should still be a teacher now. Now when she heard Lin Bin's address, she didn't say anything.

"By the way, Mr. Bai, is the principal of your school surnamed Gao?"Lin Bin asked again for some unknown reason. Bai Jie was full of doubt,"How did you know?"

Holy shit!

His surname is Gao?

Lin Bin felt very strange, and even suspected that he had traveled to a novel.

Could it be that he had to write a sequel to Bai Jie?

"By the way, why don't you become a teacher?"

This time, Bai Jie was silent for a long time. When the car arrived at the entrance of Bishuiwan, she finally spoke.

"My dad used to be a gambler. He owed a lot of money and couldn't pay it back. The debt collectors came to the school and made trouble every other day. As a result, the school felt that it had a bad influence and fired me.

I finally paid back the money he owed me. I thought he had turned over a new leaf, but I didn't expect him to continue gambling and owe a lot of money again. So I lost my second job......."

Bai Jie spoke intermittently, and as she spoke, she couldn't help but shed tears.

The car had already arrived at the villa, and Lin Bin didn't rush to turn off the engine, but listened to Bai Jie's story quietly.

Fortunately, it was not what I thought!

"Okay, just work for me without any worries. If you need money, you can ask me for an advance."

"No need for an advance!"Bai Jie quickly shook her head,"Thank you, Brother Bin, you are such a good person."

"Haha, of course, I, Lin, swear to never be reconciled to gambling and drugs, and never touch those things."

Bai Jie was stunned, always feeling that the oath he made was strange, as if something was missing

"Okay, we're here, let's go, I'll show you around."

Lin Bin got out of the car.

Bai Jie's mood also stabilized. She got out of the car and looked at the villa in front of her. She felt a sense of fear inexplicably.

Seeing Bai Jie standing still, Lin Bin thought she was nervous,"Let's go, don't be polite, just treat this place as your own home."

With a click! The car door closed.

Bai Jie was startled by the sound of the car door closing. Just when she came to her senses, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind:

Oh, I know what word I missed just now!

Thinking of the scene of the test drive before, and looking at the smile on Lin Bin's face, Bai Jie's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It seemed that what she said just now was too early.

It was careless!!!

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