Cheng Ying was waiting in the lounge with others, but Lin Bin had been out for a long time and had not returned.

As soon as she heard the noise, she immediately rushed over with her men.

Seeing that Lin Bin was safe and sound, Cheng Ying also breathed a sigh of relief.

The sound of dense footsteps rang out.

Then, a group of security guards swarmed in.

"Young Master Wang!"

""Wang Shao!"

Although the people on Douya's side were a little slow to react, they also rushed over at this moment.

When a group of people saw Wang Tianhao's embarrassed appearance, they hurried forward to ask

"Are you all deaf? Hurry up and arrest him!"

The physical pain was a minor matter. Wang Tianhao felt that he had lost all face and roared wildly.

Cheng Ying and his friends quickly understood the situation. Although Douya had more than 20 security guards and they only had six people, they did not change their expressions and immediately moved to protect Lin Bin behind them.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Manqing was bargaining with the people from TT Live, and when she heard the noise outside, she rushed over.

Looking at the tense scene, and then looking at Lin Bin and the others who were surrounded, her face changed drastically.

"Mr. Wang, is there any misunderstanding?"

Zhou Manqing took a few steps forward, and the guards dispersed automatically.

Wang Tianhao's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Misunderstanding! I don't know where this idiot came from. He dared to kick me. He is dead today." Zhou Manqing swept his eyes over the people present. Even if she didn't know what happened just now, she could guess with her ass that it must be Lin Binwuyi who kicked someone.

"Mr. Wang, I forgot to introduce him to you. This person is my boss. He has the final say in all matters of TT Live Broadcasting."

The boss of TT Live Broadcasting?

Wang Tianhao was stunned for a moment.

This young man in front of him looked to be in his early twenties, younger than himself, but he was actually the boss of a company worth tens of billions?

It was simply incredible!

And he also understood the meaning of Zhou Manqing's words.

TT Live Broadcasting was all decided by Lin Bin alone, so naturally, he was the only one who could decide on the acquisition of Dou Ya.

On the surface, this acquisition battle seemed to be that TT Live Broadcasting was begging Dou Ya to sell, but Wang Tianhao knew the actual situation very well.

Dou Ya was now at a point of no return, and recently a lot of money had been spent to increase its stock price.

If the negotiations were not successful, Wang Tianhao would lose a lot of money.

Even more, Dou Ya would end up rotting in his hands and be worthless.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Wang Tianhao's anger subsided,"So what if he is the boss of TT? What right did he have to hit people?"

Although he was still being stubborn, his attitude was not as tough as before.

Zhou Manqing also breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know what happened, so she had to look at Lin Bin.

However, Lin Bin didn't take Wang Tianhao seriously at all. What he cared about most now was Cheng Ke'er's whereabouts.

Lin Bin frowned at Cheng Gong and said,"Come with me first, let's find a place to talk about Ke'er's matter."

Hearing his unquestionable tone, Cheng Gong had nothing to say and could only nod subconsciously.


Wang Tianhao was so angry that he almost exploded when he saw that Lin Bin didn't take him seriously.

Zhou Manqing looked at Cheng Gong suspiciously. Although she didn't know who"Ke'er" was, she knew very well that this was not the time to talk.

"Mr. Wang, we have almost finished discussing the acquisition. Let's go back and discuss it with Mr. Lin. I will give you a reply in the next few days."

After hearing her say this, Wang Tianhao could only suppress his anger again.

The price was only reduced to 35 billion today. Could this be the other party's low price?

Wang Tianhao's eyes flickered and he hesitated.

For the sake of money, the kick just now had to be in vain.

"Humph! I'll settle this account with you after I sell Dou Ya!"

Wang Tianhao was still thinking in his mind, and Lin Bin had already started.

Seeing this, Cheng Ying and others immediately moved, and squeezed out a passage to protect Lin Bin.

The group of security guards from Dou Ya Group looked at each other, not knowing whether to stop them.

Wang Tianhao couldn't lose face, but fortunately Siyan knew his temper very well and quickly ordered the security guards to get out of the way.

Watching Lin Bin and the group of people from TT Live leave, Wang Tianhao gnashed his teeth in anger

"Mr. Wang, how come the boss of TT knows Cheng?" After Siyan and the others left, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Humph! This guy said he was the boyfriend of Old Cheng's daughter."Wang Tianhao didn't hide it,"Damn it! You know, no matter what means I use, I will get Cheng Ke'er first."

"Damn it!" Siyan was terrified when he heard this,"Master Wang, if he knew that you had planned to take advantage of Old Cheng's daughter, would he not acquire Douya?"

Wang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly shook his head and said,"She's just a woman. Even if she was made of gold, how much can she be worth? Our Douya is the leader in the live broadcast industry, and he will definitely continue to acquire us."

Siyan was not as optimistic as him, and he secretly groaned in his heart.

After seeing the crazy operation of the young man Abin, he understood a truth: there are people in this world who really don't lack money.

That's fine, the acquisition of Douya Company might really cause trouble!

Lin Bin took Cheng Gong with him and quickly returned to the hotel.

Zhou Manqing was also curious about what happened, and followed the two to the presidential suite where Lin Bin lived.

After sitting down, Lin Bin immediately asked,"By the way, Uncle Cheng, why are you in Douya Group?"

After all, Cheng Gong is Ke'er's father, so his attitude is much more friendly.

Cheng Gong knew nothing about Lin Bin, but just heard that he was the boss of the company and was going to acquire Dou Ya.

With such strength, he must be no ordinary person.

He was also very curious about his daughter's boyfriend.

Hearing Lin Bin's question, Cheng Gong no longer concealed it and said honestly:"I opened a factory before, and now I'm in trouble and need a large amount of funds to turn around.

Wang Shao... Wang Tianhao is the son of Dou Ya. He has no shortage of funds and was interested in investing in industry before, so I found him.

However, I later found that Wang Tianhao had been eyeing Ke'er.……"

""Wait!" Lin Bin suddenly interrupted him, his face became extremely ugly,"You mean that guy surnamed Wang, dares to set his sights on Ke'er?"

Cheng Gong also realized something was wrong and nodded,"Yes, Wang Tianhao said he wanted to discuss investment, so he asked Ke'er to talk to him in person.

It was because of this incident that Ke'er left without saying goodbye. I don't know where she is now."

What a Wang Tianhao!

How dare he bully Ke'er like this!

Lin Bin's heart suddenly rose with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said,"I will make that Wang Tianhao live a life worse than death!"

Zhou Manqing finally heard the general idea. She didn't know what she felt at the moment, but seeing Lin Bin's angry look, her heart softened, and she began to persuade him,"Mr. Lin, as long as we acquire Dou Ya, Wang Tianhao will have nothing."

"Acquisition? This is too cheap for him!" Lin Bin shook his head and refused.

Zhou Manqing was stunned,"What do you mean? Aren't we going to acquire Dou Ya?"

Lin Bin's eyes turned cold,"I want to make Dou Ya worthless and let it rot in his hands."

"Go! Find someone to drive down Douya’s stock price!!!"

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