When has the prince of Douya Group ever suffered such humiliation?

If I could beat him, I would really want to give him a punch!!!

Wang Tianhao muttered in his heart, his face turned blue and purple, he bit his lips, and subconsciously clenched and unclenched his fists

"Humph! Mr. Lin, with your attitude, do you not want to acquire Douya anymore?"

Lin Bin did not reply, but looked at him with a smile, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Since he said that he would make the other party kneel down to negotiate, he must do what he said.


Wang Tianhao was furious when he saw Lin Bin sitting there without saying a word,"What a TT live broadcast, let's wait and see!"

Kneeling was impossible. Wang Tianhao saw that the other party had no intention of discussing the matter, so he slammed the door and walked out angrily.

Siyan was waiting outside the hotel. Seeing Wang Tianhao running out so quickly, he was stunned,"Mr. Wang...Have you reached an agreement so quickly?"

"Talk about your paralysis!" Wang Tianhao was just starting to talk, and now Siyan got in the way again, so he directly kicked him.

Siyan was kicked out, and quickly got up in pain, grinning and said:"Mr. Wang, what's wrong, is the price offered by the other party too low?"

"Damn it, that Lin guy is playing tricks on me. He has no intention of discussing the acquisition at all."

Wang Tianhao was very concerned about his reputation and was too embarrassed to tell the other party that he had to kneel down to talk.

"So what should we do now?"

"Humph! I don't believe that he will let go of this piece of fat meat, Dou Ya! Let's go back first. In a few days, that Lin guy will definitely beg me to sell it!"

Wang Tianhao could only leave with a lot of anger.

In the next few days, the stock price of Dou Ya continued to fall.

Wang Tianhao mortgaged everything that could be mortgaged and used the borrowed money to save the stock market, but it didn't work at all.

Now Dou Ya is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much money is invested, it will all be wasted.

"How could this happen?"

In the office, Wang Tianhao's face was pale and his eyes were dull. He looked at the computer screen and his heart sank.

Siyan swallowed his saliva and said,"Mr. Wang, how about......Let's go talk to Mr. Lin from TT Live, shall we? As long as we sell Douya, we will have at least tens of billions."

"Right! Hundreds of billions!"

Wang Tianhao was also completely confused.

If Douya couldn't be sold, he would be completely penniless after the debts were due.

It's just a kneeling talk, what's the big deal!

Wang Tianhao figured it out quickly, and immediately took Siyan to the hotel where Lin Bin was staying again.

Just like last time, after the announcement, Cheng Ying blocked the door and let Wang Tianhao in alone.

"You go in alone."

Wang Tianhao was like an ant on a hot pot. Lin Bin became his last straw.

After entering the door, he knelt down as soon as he saw Lin Bin sitting on the sofa.

"Mr. Lin, I am willing to sell Dou Ya to you for only 30 billion."

Lin Bin stood up slowly and shook his head gently,"I just said I am willing to listen to you kneeling down, but I didn't say I want to buy Dou Ya."

Wang Tianhao was stunned, his brain was a little slow to react, and he quickly said,"25 billion! Only 25 billion will do!"

With this opening, he took the initiative to lower the price by 5 billion.

However, Lin Bin's face still did not smile at all.

"One price, twenty billion!"

"Fifteen billion, it can't be any lower, and you have to help me pay off all my debts......."

"Ten billion! If you don't agree to this price, I would rather let Dou Ya rot in my hands."

Lin Bin said nothing, and Wang Tianhao lowered the price again and again. Finally, it was even reduced to ten billion.

Although Dou Ya is now heavily in debt, ten billion is really a bargain. As long as Sun Ping'an stops the action, it will definitely make a fortune if it is acquired at this price.

However, Wang Tianhao never understood that what Lin Bin lacks the least is money.

Otherwise, why spend 40 billion to help Cheng Ke'er vent her anger.

Looking at Wang Tianhao kneeling on the ground, begging like a dead dog, he no longer has any arrogance.

Lin Bin finally spoke,"Then let it rot in your hands."

Wang Tianhao felt as if he was struck by lightning, and there was a roar in his head, which made him dizzy.

"Why? I've already lowered the price to 10 billion, what else do you want?"

"Just because you dare to catch Ke'er's attention, I want you to pay the price!"

Cheng Ke'er?

It was not until this moment that Wang Tianhao realized where the problem was.

"Mr. Lin, it's just a woman. As long as you acquire Douya, TT Live will be the largest live broadcast platform in China. You can have all kinds of women if you make money?"

Lin Bin stared at him and said word by word:"Ke'er is unique in this world. No one can replace her. You will never understand."

He ended up like this because of a woman.

Wang Tianhao was unwilling and said angrily:"Are you crazy? Is it worth it for a woman?"

"Of course it's worth it!" Lin Bin continued,"Also, I can tell you one more thing. I was the one who had Douya's stock price driven down. A takeover is impossible. You can now choose a rooftop with a good view and prepare for reincarnation."

Wang Tianhao was stunned when he heard this, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was completely shattered.

Lin Bin's last words were really heartbreaking.

Thinking about the debts he had mortgaged and Douya's current stock price, Wang Tianhao's eyes went dark and he fainted.......

When Wang Tianhao opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in an unfamiliar place.

Siyan, who was standing by, saw him wake up and immediately asked with concern:"Mr. Wang, are you okay?"

Wang Tianhao looked confused,"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Siyan explained,"Mr. Wang, you were unconscious before, and I sent you directly to the hospital. By the way, what happened in the hotel before? Did that guy named Lin do something? Let's go find him now."

Hearing this, Wang Tianhao finally came to his senses and remembered everything that had happened before.

"It's over. It's all over......."

When Wang Tianhao thought about his fate, he no longer had the energy to look for Lin Bin. His eyes went dark and he fainted again.

"Wang Shao, are you okay? Doctor, doctor!"

Si Yan was so scared when he saw this that he immediately called for a doctor.......

Three days later.

Wang Tianhao sat alone in the office. Douya Group was now deserted, and Siyan was the only one left beside him.

Douya's stock price had fallen below 10 yuan and was about to fall below the issue price. At this point, there was really no way to save the situation.

Siyan looked at Wang Tianhao who was motionless and persuaded him,"Mr. Wang,...How about we go to another place?"

Change place? But where can I go?

Wang Tianhao seemed to have a last burst of energy, and his expression suddenly became excited,"What a great TT live broadcast, if I don't live well, you can forget about living either."

"Four Eyes, go contact the group of people we found last time. No matter how much money it costs, I will let that Lin guy die!!!"

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