Jiangcheng, Bishuiwan Villa.

It was just after eight in the morning.

"Brother Bing, get up and eat."

""I'm coming."

Lin Bin heard Teacher Bai's voice in a daze, and replied subconsciously, then he lifted the quilt directly.


A scream sounded, Bai Jie's pretty face turned red, she covered her eyes, and through her fingers she seemed to see something incredible.

"Bingo...you..."Why are you not wearing any clothes when you sleep?"

Hearing this exclamation, Lin Bin finally woke up. He looked down and saw a big exclamation mark!

Lin Bin quickly picked up the clothes on the bedside and put them on while saying,"What's the big deal? Who wears clothes when they sleep?"

Bah! Bai Jie spat and ran downstairs. She has been working as a nanny here for more than a month. At the beginning, Bai Jie never dared to go to the third floor, and she would call Lin Bin if she had something to do.

But over time, she found that although this guy was lustful, he never did anything out of line, so she gradually let go.

Unexpectedly, the first time she went upstairs to wake someone up, she saw this scene.

"I will never enter his room again no matter what."

Bai Jie was still muttering in her heart, Lin Bin had already dressed and went downstairs.

The two came to the restaurant and started to eat breakfast together.

It has been half a month since I came back from Shenzhen. The Dou Ya incident has come to an end, and Wang Tianhao has received the punishment he deserves. Although Cheng Ke'er is still missing, life has to go on.

TT Live is now on the right track. The growing number of users has far exceeded the previous Dou Ya, and it has also secured its position as the leader in the live broadcast industry.

As the platform traffic grows, TT Live's reputation has also risen. Countless companies have begun to compete for advertising, and the company's revenue has also improved.

In addition, Zhou Manqing called again a few days ago, and the 4S store has been renovated and can be opened at any time.

At the dining table, Lin Bin was eating meat buns while thinking about who should be allowed to manage the 4S store.

The decision to open a 4S store was all for Cheng Ke'er.

Although Ke'er is now missing, Lin Bin still plans to continue to run the 4S store.

After all, this is something he once promised the other party.

If they meet again in the future, he will not break his promise.

"By the way, Teacher Bai, do you like selling cars?"

Lin Bin suddenly asked after swallowing the bun in his hand.

Bai Jie was stunned and shook her head gently,"It's not a matter of like or dislike. I didn't have any other choice before. As long as I have a stable job, it's fine."

Hearing this answer, Lin Bin immediately knew what he wanted and asked again,"What kind of job do you like best?"

Bai Jie was a little suspicious. Although she didn't know why he asked her this, she still thought about it seriously,"I still prefer to be a teacher." As expected, he is worthy of being Teacher Bai!

Lin Bin was speechless. After thinking for a moment, he said,"How about this, you do me a favor first, and I will be your teacher if there is a chance in the future."

It's just a 4S store, but letting Zhou Manqing manage it is a bit of a waste of talent.

Lin Bin was too lazy to check the accounts every day, but if he just found someone without knowing the other person's background, it would be annoying if the other person played some tricks.

After thinking about it, Bai Jie in front of him was quite suitable.

On the one hand, she had been a nanny for a month, and Lin Bin trusted Bai Jie's character and personality. In addition, she had worked in a 4S store before and had some experience.

"Bingo...Did I do something wrong? Are you going to fire me?......"Bai Jie turned pale and became nervous.

Lin Bin shook his head quickly,"What are you thinking about? I opened a 4S store now, and there is no one to help me manage it, so I want to invite you to be the manager."

Bai Jie waved her hand quickly,"Brother Bin, I can't do it! How can I be a manager if I don't know anything?"

Lin Bin said,"It's okay, you are just the deputy general manager. My store has just opened, you are responsible for recruiting some people, and then training them, teaching them the skills of selling cars, which is also a teacher."

The position of manager is of course reserved for Cheng Ke'er. Although Bai Jie is the deputy general manager, the whole store's affairs still have to be handed over to her.

Of course, Lin Bin kept this in his stomach, but he didn't dare to say it directly now.

Bai Jie didn't agree at first, but in the end she couldn't stand Lin Bin's soft and hard nagging, so she could only reluctantly agree.

After dinner, the two drove directly to the newly opened 4S store-Chengtong (BMW) 4S car store.

On the way, Lin Bin called Zhou Manqing again.

Not long after he arrived with Bai Jie, Zhou Manqing also arrived.

Although the 4S store has not officially opened yet, it has already recruited some talents, which can at least ensure normal operation.

Lin Bin first introduced Zhou Manqing and Bai Jie to each other, and then handed the matter over to them.

Zhou Manqing took Bai Jie to familiarize herself with the 4S store. After a busy morning, she finally handed over all the matters.

After the work was done, it was almost noon.

Zhou Manqing casually said,"Mr. Lin, Xia Mo is here from Shanghai. We will welcome her at Jinhu Restaurant at noon today. Do you want to go?"

"Old Xia is here? Why didn't she tell me?"Lin Bin was confused.

"Humph! She is such a disobedient person, why don't you fire her?"

What a joke, I spent a lot of effort to get her to help set up a film and television company, and even used my beauty to lure her to a man, but in the end, Li Anni got the upper hand.......

Lin Bin coughed dryly,"This old Xia, it's bad enough that she didn't report to me for such a long time, and she didn't even look for me to report when she came to Jiangcheng. Manqing, I will definitely criticize her at noon."

Lin Bin was going to call Bai Jie to come along, but she looked at Zhou Manqing and tactfully found an excuse,"Brother Bin, then you guys go. There are still a lot of things to do in the 4S shop. I'll stay here and get familiar with the place."

Seeing that she had already entered the working state, Lin Bin didn't want to force her, so he had to follow Zhou Manqing to the restaurant that had been booked in advance.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at Jinhu Restaurant. Zhou Manqing led the way and went straight to the private room that had been booked in advance.

As soon as he reached the door of the private room, Lin Bin heard two voices coming from the room.

"Big cow, let me check your body to see if you have grown bigger again."

"Bah! You female hooligan, if you want to be a bitch, go borrow a toy from Manqing and play with it yourself........"

Borrow a toy?

Lin Bin's expression was a little strange, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at his aunt beside him.

Zhou Manqing also heard the conversation inside, her face darkened, her heart was beating like a deer, and she immediately pushed the door open.

"If you two keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouths apart."

"Hey, Manqing is here, Lao Xia, go and pamper her right away."

"Don't be jealous, Xiao Feifei. You two are my beloved concubines........"

Xia Mo was halfway through her words when she saw Lin Bin following Zhou Manqing in. Her face suddenly changed."Why did you follow me?"

Lin Bin entered the private room and took a quick glance. This time he saw the two people in the room clearly.

One was Xia Mo, who was very pretty, and the other was Su Fei from 'Telunsu'.

With Zhou Manqing who had just entered the room, there were three women together.

My goodness, Lin Bin felt that he was not getting enough nutrition.

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