Lin Bin was just trying to disgust the other person, so he naturally wouldn't stay at the New Century Hotel for dinner.

After leaving, the three of them found a high-end Chinese restaurant.

"Old Xia, I have helped you with this matter today, so does your previous promise still count?"

At the dining table, Lin Bin chuckled, his eyes fixed on Xia Mo's troubled face.

If they could all have some fun together, maybe she would find her way back to the right path, which would be a great merit for him.

Xia Mo gritted her teeth and said,"What are you thinking? Although Xiao Ke has joined our company, the crew's problems have not been completely resolved."

Lin Bin goaded her,"Are you trying to cheat? If so, I've made a mistake in choosing you.""

"Am I that kind of person?" Xia Mo said stubbornly,"Besides, Xiao Ke is not from Warner.""

Fuck! Isn't this considered refusing to pay?

Lin Bin was completely speechless,"Although Xiao Ke is not from Warner Pictures, she is also the leading actress of Zhongxian Media. It is unreasonable for you to say that."

Xia Mo was unreasonable,"Nonsense, I am here according to the bet. Besides, the filming has not been completely settled yet. If you can beat Warner in the box office this year, I will also count you as the winner."

""Okay! That's what you said." Lin Bin could only swallow in silence,"I don't believe it. Even if I have to spend money, I have to make a movie that surpasses Warner. By the way, is there any big move by Warner this year?"

Although Ke Xinyan didn't know what the two were betting on, after listening to the conversation, she kindly reminded him,"Mr. Lin, I told you before that Warner Pictures is planning to shoot a science fiction movie, and it is said that the investment is more than 1 billion."

Lin Bin was a little unconvinced,"It's just 1 billion, let's make a science fiction movie too, and we have to act quickly so that we can release it together with them!"

Xia Mo was stunned,"Then what about our current workplace drama?"

""No more filming!" Lin Bin shook his head decisively,"Old Wang has another trick up his sleeve waiting for you. Besides, it's just a small production, so it's meaningless to film it. If we want to do it, let's do something big."

What does that mean? Xia Mo was a little confused.

Ke Xinyan quickly told Wang Xingsi's plan again.

"What a Wang Xingsi, I am blind."

After hearing this, Xia Mo was furious.

Lin Bin advised:"Come on, what are you angry about? Think about it, what kind of science fiction movie can we make to crush Warner."

Just for the bet made by Xia Mo, he also risked his life this time. He had to have a good time.

"What kind of science fiction movie is this? Don't you have any idea about the level of science fiction in our country?"Xia Mo had no fighting spirit at all.

When it comes to science fiction movies in China, Lin Bin also feels overwhelmed.

This stuff is really not something that can be produced with money.

"If it doesn't work in China, then let's go abroad!" Lin Bin slapped his forehead,"It just so happens that Lao Wang wants to strangle us, so let's go abroad to find a team, such as Hollywood, and make a blockbuster."

Xia Mo was stunned,"Make a foreign movie? Distribution will also be a problem at that time."

Lin Bin shook his head,"No, no, no, the team should be from abroad, and the leading role can be ours. I think Xiao Ke will be fine, and then it will be released in China first."

Ke Xinyan's eyes lit up,"If we do it according to what Brother Bin said, it will really work."

Lin Bin continued,"By the way, find a domestic script, preferably a well-known one, such as"The Three-Body Man", so that it can be regarded as a name for the country at that time."

Ke Xinyan suddenly spoke,"I remembered that Zhongxian Media had previously looked for Mr. Li Ci and wanted to make his science fiction novel"The Big Bang" into a movie, but it didn't come to an agreement later. We can give it a try."

Li Ci is the most famous science fiction master in the country. He has published many science fiction masterpieces, some of which have even been adapted into movies.

However, the level of science fiction in the country is average, and even dogs shake their heads when they see the things that are filmed.

As for"The Big Bang," it is also one of Li Ci's representative works, and it is very famous.

If this novel can be adapted into a movie, it will surely cause a huge sensation.

The more Lin Bin thought about it, the more likely it would be, and he made the final decision,"Okay, let's shoot"The Big Bang." I'll contact people tomorrow and get the copyright first."

Xia Mo worriedly said,"But, with the reputation of our Tianma company, I'm afraid it won't be that easy, right?"

"What are you afraid of? I'll go with you tomorrow and show you how much money Brother Bin has." Lin Bin said shamelessly

"You, you have superpowers?"

Xia Mo looked disdainful, mishearing the word"money power" as"superpower".

"It's settled!" Lin Bin didn't explain anything, pointing to the table full of food and wine,"Old Xia, I've solved all the problems for you, so isn't it time for you to treat me to dinner tonight?"

After defeating Dou Ya and acquiring Longhai Building, Lin Bin only had a few billion left in his account.

Now he's going to make a sci-fi blockbuster, how can he do it without money.

Xia Mo looked down on him,"You're such a big boss, and you still have the nerve to let me treat you."

Lin Bin said frankly,"What's wrong with the boss? I just want to see your sincerity."

Ke Xinyan suddenly said,"Brother Bin, how about I treat you to dinner today, and I'll rely on you to take care of me in the future."

Three hundred million yuan had just arrived in her account, and it was just a meal, so she naturally wouldn't care.

Xia Mo shook her head,"No, Xiao Ke, you're a distinguished guest today, how can I let you pay for it?"

Ke Xinyan smiled and said,"It doesn't matter, I still hope that you, President Xia, will support me in the future."

Lin Bin didn't care. No matter who invited him, he could still make money.

In the end, it was Ke Xinyan who paid the bill in advance.

The meal cost tens of thousands, and a bottle of red wine cost more than 30,000.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 38,600 yuan of consumer profit from Ke Xinyan, sincerity index 68.45, reverse critical hit 6845 times!"

"The amount received is 264,564,400 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin curled his lips. A meal cost him 260 million yuan. Although it was not enough to cover the previous expenses, there was still a long way to go.

What's more, they just met, and Ke Xinyan's sincerity index was not low.

After dinner, Ke Xinyan had to return to the New Century Hotel. Her luggage was all in the hotel.

Xia Mo was a little worried and originally planned to go with her, but Lin Bin got there first.

"Old Xia, go back and prepare first, and try to get the script tomorrow, I'll go and send Xiao Ke off."

Xia Mo gritted her teeth,"Hmph! I can tell at a glance that you have bad intentions."

However, since they were about to shoot"The Big Bang", they did need to prepare in advance, so she could only leave alone.

When they arrived at the hotel, Ke Xinyan took the initiative to suggest,"Brother Bin, how about going upstairs and having a drink of water?"

Lin Bin was stunned.

He was just thinking about how to continue to get some wool, and he really didn't think about doing anything else.


Since the beauty invited him, Lin Bin would naturally not refuse.

"Bingo...I, I'm going to take a shower first......"Ke Xinyan blushed a little.

Lin Bin was happy. He didn't expect the other party to be so considerate."Haha, it's okay. Go wash up. Just let me know if you need help."

Ke Xinyan lived in a presidential suite, which was specially provided by Wang Xingsi to please the beauty. He lived next door.

Unexpectedly, not only did it benefit Lin Bin, but he also became the real Wang next door!

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