It was almost twelve o'clock when they left the old teahouse.

Lin Bin suggested that they try the special food of Beijing, and Xia Mo and Ke Xinyan naturally had no objection.

Ke Xinyan had lived in Beijing for a long time, so she acted as a temporary guide and took the two to Quanjude to eat authentic roast duck.

"Not bad, it tastes really good."The meal cost less than a thousand yuan, but Lin Bin was very satisfied.

Ke Xinyan played the role of a good host and treated them again, spending millions.

After dinner, Ke Xinyan invited the two to her home, but Lin Bin shook his head and refused,"Forget it, go back and have a rest first, Lao Xia and I have something to do."

Since she has signed a contract with Tianma Entertainment, Ke Xinyan is also planning to move to Jiangcheng in the future. Although it is not as good as Beijing, it is close to Lin Bin.

As long as she holds on to this thigh, she believes that there will be endless dramas to shoot in the future.

"Well then, Brother Bin, you and Sister Xia go for a walk first, I’ll come find you in the evening."

Looking at Ke Xinyan leaving, Xia Mo asked in surprise,"Why are you following me instead of going to her place?"

The most important thing for this trip to Beijing is to find Li Ci to acquire the copyright of the novel. Now that things are almost done, the task has been successfully completed, and she doesn’t know what else to do. What

’s more, Ke Xinyan personally invited Lin Bin, so as long as Lin Bin is willing, they can definitely do something pleasant.

But this guy actually refused, which was beyond Xia Mo’s expectation.

Lin Bin smiled and said,"Look at what you said. Our relationship is so close, how can I bear to abandon you alone."

Xia Mo looked disdainful,"If you have something to say, just say it, don’t disgust me here"

"Old Xia, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you keep saying"old lady" all the time, which doesn't match your temperament at all."

Lin Bin saw her impatient look and said quickly,"We don't come to Beijing often, so now that we are here, let's go shopping."

"That's it?"

"Yes! I want to go shopping with you."

Xia Mo was half-believing and half-doubting, but still nodded in agreement.

Moreover, Lin Bin did not follow Ke Xinyan, but stayed with her instead, so Xia Mo had a strange feeling in her heart. Lin Bin showed a mysterious smile.

The two meals yesterday and today were all taken advantage of by Ke Xinyan, but her sincerity index was not too high, and the total amount was only more than 200 million.

Next, he had to make a movie and develop film and television software, so there were many places to spend money.

So he decided to take Xia Mo with him for a stroll and try to get as much money as possible from her. It was also Xia Mo's first time in Beijing, and she was not familiar with any place."Then where shall we go?"

There are quite a few scenic spots in Beijing, but the two of them will return tomorrow and don't have that much time. What's more, this time they are here to get some money, so it is naturally not suitable to go to those scenic spots.

Lin Bin said directly:"I have heard that there are many shopping paradises in Beijing, let's go and see them"

"Look at your ignorant look."Xia Mo rolled her eyes,"Come on, I'll take you to open your eyes."

Before the system, Lin Bin was a pure loser who had almost no contact with luxury goods.

But Xia Mo was different. She had a good living condition before and her vision was extraordinary.

The two went directly to the China World Trade Center.

When they arrived at the mall and looked at the dazzling array of luxury brands, Lin Bin waved his hand and said generously,"Lao Xia, you don't have to be polite today. I'll pay for everything. Buy whatever you want!"

Xia Mo rubbed her hands when she heard it,"You said it, I won't be polite with you!"

It is a woman's nature to like shopping, and even Xia Mo, a lesbian, is no exception

""This one, this one, and that one, I want them all!"

Shoes, clothes, bags, nothing was left out.

Soon, Xia Mo had seven or eight bags in her hands.

Lin Bin just paid the bill but was unwilling to be a gentleman.

Xia Mo didn't care either, and she took all the things she bought in her hands.

"Huh? There is an L here too..D?"

Just after coming out of a store, Xia Mo was stunned when she saw the store next door.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Bin looked up and found that it was a lingerie store with a string of English letters in its name, which he didn't recognize.

Xia Mo rolled her eyes."L.D is the brand run by Li Anni, you don't even know this?"

Lin Bin was stunned, and a beautiful woman immediately appeared in his mind,"I haven't seen Sister Anni for a long time, I don't know if she is doing well now."

Since Li Anni went abroad, although the two have contacted by phone, the number of times is not very often.

At this moment, endless thoughts surged in his heart.

""Let's go in and see if there are any new products in the store."

Lin Bin was still thinking, Xia Mo had already walked over, and after he came to his senses, he immediately followed.

After entering the store, the various colors and styles of underwear dazzled people.

Soon, Lin Bin noticed some special styles.

Those underwear were the ones that Li Anni demonstrated to him in person before she left.

These styles were just developed before, and he didn't expect that they are now on the market.

In his mind, the picture of Li Anni showing her figure subconsciously emerged.

I don't know who looks better, Xia Mo wearing the same style or Li Anni.

Xia Mo saw that Lin Bin was a little dazed, and said contemptuously:"What are you looking at, your eyes are falling to the ground."

Lin Bin didn't feel embarrassed, and stretched out his hand to think of the familiar underwear in his memory,"Old Xia, those are good, do you want to try?"

""Tsk! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Although Xia Mo was stubborn, she still asked the waiter to take those models and ran to the fitting room.

Although he was envious, Lin Bin knew that Old Xia would not let him visit now.

Unless, when"Earth Explosion" was released, the tickets were sold out.���A great victory.

Xia Mo went to the fitting room, and Lin Bin waved to the waiter in the store,"Beauty, how are these underwear selling?"

The waiter smiled,"Sir, you have a good eye. These are the new models we just launched this year. They are very popular and the sales are also very good."

Lin Bin didn't know how much of this was true or false.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to call Li Anni.

But after looking at the time and considering the time difference, he finally suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Xia Mo tried several models in succession and it took almost an hour to come out. In the end, of course, she bought them all. After leaving the LD store, Xia Mo looked at the somewhat silent Lin Bin, and suddenly asked,"Why, do you miss Li Anni?"

Lin Bin nodded,"Yes, I do miss Sister Anni a little."

This time, Xia Mo didn't despise him anymore,"Anyway, I'm going abroad after I get the script. If you miss her, then we can go together and find your old lover."

Going abroad?

Lin Bin was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed

"Okay! Old Xia, then I will risk my life to accompany you and escort you."

Xia Mo couldn't help rolling her eyes again,"If you want to go, go. Why are you talking so nicely?"

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