In a certain fast hotel in Jiangcheng.

Zhang Meng held her phone anxiously, and opened the screen from time to time to see if there was any new news.

Since the new crew disbanded, Wang Xingsi turned hostile, and the New Century Hotel no longer provided free accommodation.

Zhang Meng was a young actor who had just debuted not long ago. She didn't have much money at all, so she naturally couldn't afford to stay in a five-star hotel. She could only find a cheap one to stay in temporarily.

If she hadn't been thinking about the relationship with Lin Bin, she would have left Jiangcheng long ago.

"Xiao Meng, you really won't go with me tonight? I finally made an appointment with a big boss, maybe he can arrange a role for us."

Hu Yiran and Zhang Meng live in the same room. At this moment, she just came out of the shower, with wet hair casually draped, and only a bath towel wrapped around her body. Her slender thighs are white and tender, and a pair of big white rabbits are jumping around lively and cute.

"Ah!" Zhang Meng was startled by her best friend who suddenly came out of the bathroom. She subconsciously hid her phone behind her and said in a panic,"I...I won't go."

Seeing her big reaction, Hu Yiran asked suspiciously,"Huh? What's wrong with you? Did you go out with a handsome guy behind my back?"

Zhang Meng's heart started beating fast after she secretly sent a message to Lin Bin.

Lin Bin was a big boss, and she didn't want to share it with anyone even if he was her best friend. Otherwise, what if it ruined her good fortune?

"I didn't." Zhang Meng tried to remain calm,"You mean that big boss? He's already a 40-50 year old man, and he's so fat. Just looking at him makes me feel sick."

"You are so stubborn and picky. I tell you, no matter what kind of man he is, he is all the same when the lights are off."

Hu Yiran sat next to her and did not have any doubts after being interrupted.

Zhang Meng curled her lips and said,"Forget it, go by yourself. I don't want to sleep with someone just for a little benefit."

Of course, if the benefit is big enough, she will not mind.

"Who says I have to sleep with you? Maybe we just want to have a meal, sing some songs or something like that."

Hu Yiran felt a little guilty when she said this.

Zhang Meng said contemptuously,"Then why are you washing yourself so nicely now? Aren't you just itching for sex?"

"You are just a little girl, are you looking for a beating?"

"Who is hitting who? Are you afraid of me?"

The two of them immediately started a fight.

Hu Yiran reached out to scratch her, but Zhang Meng pulled off her bathrobe and pinched her little white rabbit. It was really cute.


Hu Yiran exclaimed, and slapped Zhang Meng's buttocks.

The two fought for a while, and finally both were injured.


Zhang Meng heard her cell phone suddenly ring, and pushed Hu Yiran away,"Okay, stop it, otherwise you will have to wash again later."

Hu Yiran stood up panting, then bent down to pick up the bathrobe on the ground and wrapped it casually,"Hmph! Then I won't care about you, don't say that sisters don't take care of you."

Zhang Meng said unhappily:"Go and accompany your greasy boss."

Seeing that her daughter went to the bedroom to change clothes, she quickly turned on her cell phone.

At a glance, it was indeed a message from Lin Bin.

Just three words: Waiting for you!

And then there was a location.

Zhang Meng was delighted, quickly replied to a message, and then went out directly

"Xiao Meng, I'm leaving. Hey, where are you?"

When Hu Yiran changed her clothes and came out, Zhang Meng was gone.

Half an hour later,

Zhang Meng followed the location on her phone and came to the Friends restaurant. After entering the restaurant, she took a quick look and soon saw Lin Bin sitting by the window.

"Brother Bing, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. There was a bit of a traffic jam on the road."

Zhang Meng walked over quickly with a sweet smile on her face.

"It's okay, I just got here too."Lin Bin waved his hand,"Waiter, serve the food."

As he spoke, he carefully looked at Zhang Meng in front of him.

The other party wore a black and white plaid tank top with a pair of tight nine-point pants, which showed off her figure.

Zhang Meng sat down opposite,"Brother Bin, will it disturb you if I ask you out for dinner so late?"

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"It's okay, I don't have anything to do at night anyway, and it's a bit boring to be alone."

"For someone as outstanding as you, Brother Bin, there must be no shortage of beauties around you, how can you be bored?" Zhang Meng made a tentative joke.

Lin Bin:"Haha, I'm just an ordinary person, there's nothing outstanding about me."

The meals were served one after another, and the two chatted while eating.

Zhang Meng said with melancholy,"Brother Bin, actually I asked you to have dinner tonight because I wanted to say goodbye to you. The crew has also disbanded, and there is no point for me to stay now."

Lin Bin knew it well, and deliberately asked:"Oh, then what are your plans next."

Seeing that he didn't accept it, Zhang Meng could only continue:"I don't have any plans. In fact, Jiangcheng is a very beautiful place, and I also want to stay here forever."

"Hehe, if you want to stay, then stay."

"Brother Bin, I don't know anyone here and I don't know what to do."Zhang Meng looked aggrieved and pitiful. She is indeed an actor. Lin Bin was impressed by her acting skills.

"Let's put it this way. Tianma Entertainment is about to prepare to shoot a new drama, which should require a lot of actors. If you are willing, sign a contract with Tianma Entertainment, and you will definitely have a role in it."

"Really? That's great!"Zhang Meng immediately stood up, sat next to Lin Bin, hugged his arm and acted coquettishly,"Thank you, Brother Bin."

Feeling the tenderness on his arm, Lin Bin curled his lips,"How are you going to thank me?"

He didn't really like the other party, but Tianma Entertainment was indeed short of people.

Zhang Meng's acting skills were also okay, and with a little training, she might be able to make a name for herself.

As long as she signed a contract with Tianma Entertainment, she would make money for herself anyway, so why not do it.

Moreover, there will be one more person to take advantage of in the future.

Of course, for a girl like Zhang Meng, Lin Bin firmly implemented the attitude of not taking the initiative, not refusing, and not taking responsibility. It's okay for everyone to have fun together, but forget about talking about feelings.

Zhang Meng looked shy,"Brother Bin, you can do whatever you want."

The dinner ended quickly, and Zhang Meng took the initiative to pay the bill.

However, the meal only cost a few hundred yuan, and only more than two million yuan was spent.

After leaving the restaurant, Zhang Meng saw that Lin Bin was indifferent, so she had to take the initiative to suggest,"Brother Bin, otherwise, let's find a place to sit for a while."

Sit for a while, then do it for a while!

The meat is delivered to your mouth, so there is no reason not to eat it.

Lin Bin pointed to the hotel across the street,"Let's go there."

Zhang Meng naturally had no objection, and took Lin Bin's arm.

A figure stood quietly by the road in the night.

Hu Yiran watched her best friend walk into the hotel with Lin Bin, her chest shaking with anger,"What a little fox, I really didn't see it before."

Although she wanted to go up and expose it directly, she was also afraid of ruining Lin Bin's mood and resulting in counterproductive results. In the end, she could only grit her teeth and wish her best friend could not get out of bed.

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