Xia Mo had known about the investment in the film and television base for a long time.

After all, when the two met for the first time and were preparing to set up a film and television company, Lin Bin had mentioned the film and television base.

Xia Mo asked,"What is the current situation of your film and television base?"

This question stumped Lin Bin.

He had left all the investment matters to Sun Ping'an, and he had never asked about it.

Lin Bin smiled awkwardly,"Ahem, it should be about the same. I asked Old Sun to do this. I'll ask for you later."

Xia Mo said unhappily,"Can you do something serious all day long?"

Seeing the big boss being ridiculed, the others wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

Only Xia Mo had the courage, but others didn't.

Lin Bin quickly changed the subject,"By the way, Old Xia, go ask Manqing how the endorsement and promotion are going.

I told her before I left that since Warner has started the promotion, we naturally can't fall behind."

Promotion is of course the top priority.

It's like two armies going to war, to see who has more momentum.

Xia Mo also started to take it seriously after hearing what he said.

Guo Fan said again:"Now that we have a film and television base, the only thing left is the props." Ke Xinyan took over and said:"I have contacted several domestic prop companies before, but Wang Xingsi has already informed them that they will not cooperate with us."

"It's Wang Xingsi again, I'm not done with you!" Xia Mo was so angry that her chest circumference grew bigger.

Lin Bin suddenly remembered Cheng Ke'er's father. His factory was specialized in making film and television props.

Because of the shortage of funds before, he wanted to invest in Douya, but Wang Tianhao was blind and dared to set his sights on Cheng Ke'er.

Before leaving Shencheng last time, Lin Bin transferred 50 million to Cheng Gong for Ke'er's sake. I don't know how his factory is doing now.

""What are you daydreaming about? What do you think we should do now?"

Lin Bin was still thinking when Xia Mo yelled at him.

Lin Bin smiled and said,"What a coincidence! I just happen to know a factory. You can send someone to contact them. It should be able to solve the problem of props."

Xia Mo was stunned and said,"Are you serious?"

"Of course, when have I ever joked?"

Lin Bin directly gave Cheng Gong's contact information to Xia Mo and asked her to send someone to Shenzhen.

Because of Cheng Ke'er, he didn't want to meet that incompetent father.

Now that the props issue was resolved, Xia Mo finally put her mind at ease.

After sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, Lin Bin was already tired.

He didn't understand the filming of the movie, and with Xia Mo there, there was nothing to worry about.

Lin Bin left Longhai Building directly and returned to Bishui Bay.

As soon as he got home, he found Bai Jie was also

""Ah, Brother Bin, you're back?"

Teacher Bai was quite surprised and delighted to see Lin Bin.

Lin Bin asked curiously,"Teacher Bai, didn't you go to the 4S shop today?"

Bai Jie said,"Yes, you haven't been at home recently, so I took advantage of the lunch break to come back and clean up the villa. You just got off the plane, I'll go make you something to eat."

As she said that, Bai Jie put down the things in her hands and hurried into the kitchen.

Lin Bin looked at her slim figure, and the corners of his mouth curled up,"Teacher Bai is really competent."

Since arranging Bai Jie to work at the 4S shop, he has not hired another nanny.

However, although Bai Jie works at the 4S shop, she will come back every now and then to help him clean up the room.

Although she only gets one salary, she has two jobs.

Even so, Bai Jie has never complained.

When she was in the most difficult time, it was Lin Bin who lent a hand. Bai Jie has always kept this kindness in mind.

Half an hour later.

Bai Jie prepared a few home-cooked dishes,"Brother Bin, time is tight, I just made it casually, you should eat quickly." After staying abroad for more than a week, Lin Bin had not eaten authentic Chinese food for a long time, and he had been craving for it.

After a meal, he was full and satisfied.

Looking at Bai Jie who was bending over to clean up, Lin Bin asked,"Teacher Bai, are you used to working in the 4S shop?"

Bai Jie was still wearing a professional suit. She didn't know when a button was undone. She bent over, revealing a white chest

"Brother Bin, there are still many things in the store that I don’t understand, and I’m really worried that I can’t do them well."

Lin Bin smiled and said,"It doesn’t matter, if you don’t understand, just learn slowly. Also, you have to learn to assign things to others, don’t exhaust yourself."

When it comes to serving people alone, Teacher Bai is the best among all the women he knows.

If the 4S store didn’t have a suitable candidate for the time being, Lin Bin really wanted to keep Bai Jie by his side.

After Bai Jie cleaned up the table, she stood up, smoothed her hair, and said with a smile,"Brother Bin, don’t worry, I’m not tired at all. I will work hard and won’t let you down.

However, when do you have time, can you go to the 4S store to have a look?"

Lin Bin looked at Bai Jie’s expectant look, just like a child who got a good grade in the test and was waiting for praise from his parents.

Speaking of which, he hasn’t been there much since the 4S store opened.

"Sure, I have nothing to do this afternoon, let's go to the store together."

"Really?" Bai Jie suddenly became excited,"But, Brother Bin, you just sat on the plane for such a long time, aren't you too tired?"

Lin Bin raised his arm and showed his biceps,"Don't worry, I'm super awesome."


Bai Jie couldn't help but giggled, and the buttons on her chest popped open more and more.

Seeing that Lin Bin's eyes were a little strange, she reacted and immediately covered her chest, blushing and whispered:"Brother Bin, I'll go clean up the room first."

After saying that, he fled.

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head: Teacher Bai, you are still too young!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two drove a Mercedes-Benz G and headed for the 4S store.

It happened to be the weekend, and the store had a lot of customers.

The two walked into the hall side by side. When the sales staff inside saw Bai Jie, they saluted and greeted her, and then looked at Lin Bin with interest, wondering who the handsome guy in front of them was.

Bai Jie became the vice president of a 4S store at a young age. Her salary level was also top-notch in Jiangcheng, and she was beautiful, so naturally she was remembered by others.

But now, looking at her intimacy with Lin Bin, it seemed that she was already taken.

"Brother Bin, do you want me to call all the employees and introduce you to them?"

The careful Bai Jie also noticed the strange looks of the shop assistants, and her pretty face was flushed.

Lin Bin shook his head,"Forget it, everyone is busy with work." As a big rich man, he naturally does not need the title of 4S store owner.

"Bai Jie, are you here to buy a car too?"

The two were chatting when an unexpected voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

Bai Jie turned her head and was stunned,"Tian Hui, why are you and Principal Gao here?"

Behind her, a heavily made-up woman wearing a tight miniskirt looked coquettish and was holding a man's arm.

The man looked to be in his fifties and was a little bald.

Tian Hui hugged the principal's arm,"Old Gao and I came to look at the car, and I didn't expect to meet you. By the way, who is this?"

"He is my friend." Bai Jie introduced them to each other,"Brother Bin, this is my former colleague in school.""

The principal of a high school? And with a female teacher?

Lin Bin immediately became interested,"I have heard of you for a long time. My name is Lin Bin, and I am known as Young A Bin in the underworld."

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