The most painful thing for a man is that he can be open-hearted to a woman but cannot be open-hearted to her.

The most painful thing for a woman is that she can be open-hearted to a man, but he only wants to be open-hearted to her.

Therefore, men and women are born to be a pair of contradictions.

When Guan Peng heard what Qiao Mengyao said, he was immediately shocked,"That's not right! Don't you women want to get married?"

Qiao Mengyao smiled,"Why force some things when you know you can't get them? As long as you like them, it's fine, right?"

Seeing her eyes looking at him, Lin Bin could only cough dryly,"Yes! I think squad leader Qiao said too much.

These days, the divorce rate has increased significantly, and marriage is not necessarily happy. It's better to fall in love, so that men will cherish it."

Guan Peng seemed to understand, thought for a long time, and finally reluctantly agreed with this point of view,"Okay, you are all right."

After Qiao Mengyao and Lin Bin's guidance, Guan Peng finally untied the knot in his heart.

Although he stopped forcing himself to drink, this guy's alcohol tolerance was not good, and he drank so much before that he lay directly on the table and couldn't get up.

Qiao Mengyao looked at Guan Peng and asked,"What should we do now?"

After all, they were brothers, so Lin Bin couldn't just abandon Guan Peng and ignore him."What else can I do? I'll go to the hotel and get him a room. I'll wait until this guy sobers up and then we can talk about it.""

"OK, I'll go check out first."

Qiao Mengyao seemed very sensible and took the initiative to go to the counter to pay.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 380 yuan consumption rebate from Qiao Mengyao, a sincerity index of 89.55, and a reverse critical hit of 8955 times!"

"The amount received is 3,402,900 yuan, please check it!"

A meal made 3.4 million yuan. The key is that Qiao Mengyao's sincerity index is almost 90%, which is really good.

After the two left the pub, they found a hotel nearby.

Lin Bin carried Guan Peng, who was drunk and unconscious, and Qiao Mengyao took the initiative to open a room.

""Okay, just put him here and let's go."

After putting Guan Peng on the bed, Lin Bin called out.

Qiao Mengyao's pretty face suddenly blushed, and she lowered her head and said,"I just booked an extra room next door. How about we take a rest?""

Huh? Does squad leader Qiao want to eat meat?

Maybe it's because of the wine, Qiao Mengyao's cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are a little blurred, which makes people feel excited.

Lin Bin naturally couldn't go against the woman's wishes, and smiled,"Okay, then let's go and take a rest."

The two left the room and walked to the next door. Qiao Mengyao took out another room card from her pocket.

Ding! Adult card!

With a click, the door opened, and Qiao Mengyao hurried in.

Lin Bin curled the corner of his mouth, followed him into the room, and then locked the door.

"I...I'm going to take a shower first. I reek of alcohol."

Squad leader Qiao was still a little shy. With a red face, he found an excuse and ran to the bathroom.

Lin Bin originally wanted to suggest saving water and taking a shower together, but he hadn't drunk alcohol just now and couldn't find a suitable reason for a while, so he had to give up.

Listening to the sound of running water and thinking about Guan Peng next door, Lin Bin was inexplicably excited.

Twenty minutes later, Qiao Mengyao finally came out.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry, and patted the bedside,"Come on, come and chat."

Qiao Mengyao sat down slowly, looked at him quietly, and said,"Binzi, thank you."

She said thank you with all her heart.

Last time, after borrowing money from Lin Bin again, the securities company changed its boss, and then she magically became the company's vice president, and was fully responsible for all matters.

Qiao Mengyao immediately understood that all this was arranged by Lin Bin.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a free lunch in the world. What moved her even more was that Lin Bin never took credit for everything he did for her, nor did he ask her to pay anything.

In fact, everything that happened that night was voluntary on Qiao Mengyao's part.

Lin Bin naturally understood the meaning of Qiao Mengyao's words, and smiled lightly,"Hey, why are you being polite to me?"

Seeing his indifferent look, Qiao Mengyao smiled brightly. The next moment, she pounced on him........

"Binzi, what I said to Guan Peng before was true." Qiao Mengyao rested her head on Lin Bin's arm and said to herself.

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment and didn't react.

Qiao Mengyao smiled and continued:"Do you think we are in love now?"

"Of course!" Lin Bin said affirmatively

"However, we have never watched a movie together, traveled together, or even gone shopping together......."

This time, Lin Bin finally understood what Qiao Mengyao meant.

A girl like this, who could treat him well with all her heart and without asking for anything in return, and even without expecting to get married, just wanted to have a relationship like everyone else.

Who could bear to refuse?

Lin Bin could hear some disappointment in Qiao Mengyao's words, and reached out to rub her head,"Shall we go now?"



When the two left the hotel, Guan Peng was still sleeping soundly, not knowing what happened next door.

Then, Lin Bin simply ignored everything and took Qiao Mengyao shopping, eating, watching movies, and finally going on a trip together.

The two went to the ends of the earth, drove along the Sichuan-Tibet line, climbed the Three Mountains and Five Peaks, and crossed the Gobi Desert........

A long time ago, Lin Bin had fantasized that after he had money, he would travel around the world with his beloved girl.

But after he had the system, he gradually forgot his previous thoughts.

Accompanying Qiao Mengyao on this journey is not so much to satisfy her wish as to find his original intention.

He has experienced wind and rain along the way, suffered a lot, and even his skin was tanned a lot, but for Lin Bin, this period of time is the most interesting after he became rich.

Time passed quickly, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

At the end of the journey, the two finally returned to Jiangcheng again.

That day, early in the morning, Zhou Manqing took the initiative to come to the door

"Mr. Lin, you are such a busy man. It’s been more than a month and I haven’t seen you. Even my phone call is unavailable!"

Lin Bin had just gotten up and was still in his pajamas, with an embarrassed look on his face."Manqing, I’m going on a trip to relax. You don’t know that there is no signal in the Gobi Desert. I wanted to video chat with you."

Zhou Manqing complained,"You are a big boss now, but you don’t bring a few people with you when you go out. What if something unexpected happens?"

Although she was complaining, her tone was full of concern.

Lin Bin felt warm in his heart. It felt good to be remembered by others.

"Manqing, don't worry. Next time we go traveling, I will definitely take you with me."

"I don't have the time for that." Zhou Manqing's face was inexplicably hot,"By the way, the development of TT Film and Television has been basically completed. Now the number of TT Live users has stabilized at 100 million. Should we consider going public?"

Lin Bin shook his head,"Forget about going public, it's too troublesome. Besides, we are not short of money."

Zhou Manqing frowned,"Not short of money? Then why did you start the company in the first place?"

Lin Bin looked her up and down, and curled his lips,"Of course it's for you."

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