Bang, bang, bang!

The banging on the door continues

""Xu Panpan, you shameless bastard, and that pretty boy, get out of here!"

Lu Zhiyong was furious at the moment, cursing non-stop, saying all kinds of unpleasant things.

This morning, Lu Zhiyong was blocked by Lin Bin in the department store and didn't get the store he wanted. He was so angry that he went to his old babyy for comfort.

Unexpectedly, the two were happily playing games when the old babyy received a phone call and pulled up her pants and denied it on the spot.

Moreover, before the other party left, she warned Lu Zhiyong that he had offended a big shot and he should not go to her again in the future.

Lu Zhiyong was stunned at the time.

After thinking about it, he could only think of Lin Bin.

His wife was getting a divorce, and now the old babyy was unreliable, so Lu Zhiyong went completely crazy.

This guy was smart. He knew that Xu Panpan had no place to live now and might live in a hotel, so he went to the whole Zhushan County, big and small. He asked all the hotels.

Finally, he found Lijing Hotel.

Originally, Lu Zhiyong was going to play the victim, admit his mistakes, and try to make Xu Panpan change her mind.

But when he learned from the front desk that Xu Panpan came to the hotel with a rich handsome guy, he couldn't hold it anymore.

He was now reduced to nothing, and his wife was in the hotel with someone else. What else could a man and a woman do alone?

When Lu Zhiyong thought of the cuckold on his head, his eyes turned red.

Isn't that pretty boy very rich?

As long as he caught this couple in the act and extorted some money from them, it would not be a loss.

Lu Zhiyong knocked on the door for a long time, and seeing that there was no movement inside, he became more and more certain that Xu Panpan must be hiding inside.

With a click, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

Lu Zhiyong recognized Lin Bin at a glance, and the other party was only wearing a bathrobe.

"OK, it's you!"

Lin Bin was also furious. He was just practicing shooting with Zhou Manqing in his room, but why did it never end?

"Who are you?"

Lu Zhiyong reached out to grab Lin Bin's clothes, but the other party dodged sideways.

"Stop playing dumb, kid. I'm Xu Panpan's husband. Where's that bitch? Call her out!"

After he made such a noise, many people in the hotel heard the noise and ran out to watch the fun.

Lin Bin glanced at the people in the corridor and frowned,"Are you mentally ill? Why are you smashing the door of my room when you're looking for your own wife?"

Lu Zhiyong gritted his teeth and was about to rush into the room,"Stinky boy, don't think I don't know what you two have done behind my back. You dare to cheat on me, why don't you dare to come out and see people?"

Lin Bin naturally couldn't let this guy in. If he found out that there were three people lying under the bed, he would have trouble explaining himself.

"What do you want?"

"Humph! Xu Panpan, that shameless woman, cheated on me, you must give me an explanation."

Lin Bin stared at him,"I say again, Xu Panpan and I are old classmates, there is nothing going on between us."

Lu Zhiyong didn't believe it,"Bah! Do you think I'm a fool? Unless you give me one million, this matter will not be over!"

It turned out that he wanted money!

Lin Bin suddenly realized.

One million was nothing to him, but he really couldn't give this money, otherwise it would confirm that he and Xu Panpan had a shameful relationship.

After seeing Lu Zhiyong's true face, Lin Bin was too lazy to pay attention to this rubbish,"Get out! This is my room, who do you think you are, come in whenever you want"

"Damn it, I have to go in today!"

Lu Zhiyong was tall and strong. Seeing that Lin Bin did not agree to his conditions, he wanted to force his way into the room and arrest him.

Fortunately, Lin Bin was also strong and pushed the guy out with one hand.

He did nothing, but was blocked by someone. Lin Bin was a little annoyed.

If it weren't for Xu Panpan's reputation, he would have let this guy into the room.

"If you dare to push me, I will kill you!"

Lu Zhiyong staggered after being pushed, and now that he was surrounded by people, he was embarrassed and immediately rushed towards Lin Bin with his teeth and claws.

This time when he returned to Zhushan, Lin Bin did not bring bodyguards, and even Cheng Ying did not follow him.

However, he had learned boxing for more than ten days, and his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people. Seeing that Lu Zhiyong was starting to go crazy, he kicked him and knocked him to the ground

"Ah! Someone’s been beaten! Someone’s been beaten to death, call the police!"

Lu Zhiyong held his stomach and rolled on the ground, sweat on his forehead due to the pain.

The hotel security also rushed over at this moment. Seeing him rolling on the ground, he didn’t know what to do for a moment, so he could only call the police first.

Lin Bin frowned. Although this guy was annoying, he did hit him. If the police really came, he might be taken away for questioning.

Thinking of this, he called Wang Tao and briefly explained the matter.

Wang Tao was shocked when she received the call. She was relieved to know that Lin Bin was not injured.

"Mr. Lin, please be careful, I'll be there soon."

Lu Zhiyong finally got up, but he leaned against the corner, groaning non-stop.

He was in the right now, so he just waited for the police to take this pretty boy away.

More than ten minutes later, two policemen finally arrived at the scene.

After a brief understanding of the situation, they confirmed it with the hotel security and onlookers, and they figured out what was going on.

This matter was actually very simple.

Although Lu Zhiyong started the trouble, he was the one who was injured now.

And this guy insisted that his wife was hiding in Lin Bin's room, and he had to go in to see clearly.

The police could only say,"Sir, why don't you let him go to the room and take a look. If it's a misunderstanding, we can make a big deal out of it."

Lin Bin was naturally unhappy, and resolutely blocked the door to prevent anyone from entering.��"Why? This is my room. Anyone can come in. Don’t I have any dignity?

Seeing this, the policeman also became suspicious.

At this moment, a voice rang out.

"What's going on?

Suddenly, a beautiful woman with a devilish figure squeezed through the crowd.

Lin Bin was stunned,"Old Xia, why are you here?"

Xia Mo had tasted the sweetness, and waited until eleven o'clock tonight, and came to Lijing Hotel again.

But he didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he arrived.

"I came to see Qingqing, what's going on here?"

Lin Bin smiled bitterly and said,"It's okay, I met a fool."

Seeing that the police had arrived, Lu Zhiyong felt confident,"Everyone come and judge, this pretty boy seduced my wife and now he's beating people, is there any law?"

The onlookers and the two policemen who didn't know the truth looked at Lin Bin with interest.

Xia Mo frowned and felt a little angry,"You seduced someone's wife?"

Lin Bin cried out quickly,"It's unfair! I met an old high school classmate in the mall today, and I happened to see this guy beating his wife. I was worried about an accident, so I let him stay in a hotel first."

After hearing what he said, Xia Mo believed it.

After all, Zhou Manqing and Su Fei also lived here, and she really didn't believe what Lin Bin would do.

"By the way, where are Qingqing and Feifei?"

Xia Mo was a little surprised that they were not seen in such a big commotion.

Lin Bin's heart was pounding,"They may have gone out to play, I didn't see them. Old Xia, you have to believe me, his wife and I are really just classmates, he just came to me to extort money"

""Pah! You two are a single man and a single woman staying in a hotel together, and you still say it's okay, who would believe it?" Lu Zhiyong said stubbornly.

Xia Mo stepped forward a few steps in her high heels,"Is your wife as pretty as me?"

Lu Zhiyong was stunned, looked up at the hot beauty in front of him, and was speechless.

Xia Mo curled her lips,"I live with him every day, and nothing happens. Could it be that your wife is a fairy from heaven?"

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