The next day, Lin Bin yawned as he got up.

They had been making a fuss until midnight last night, and then Xia Mo and the other four women chatted for a long time. It was already two or three o'clock when they went to bed.

At around eight o'clock, just after Lin Bin had dinner at the hotel, Wang Tao drove over.

"Abin, Secretary Liu will go to the film and television base to inspect the work at 9:30 in the morning, let's go there early."

Lin Bin nodded,"Sister Tao, don't worry, we will set off now."

Although he was not used to greeting these leaders, since he had promised Wang Tao yesterday, he couldn't go back on his word.

Besides, his parents would have to live in their hometown in the future. If they had a good relationship with the county leaders, they would be taken care of to some extent.

As soon as he got in the car, Lin Bin's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was his cousin Lin Rui calling.

"Hello, Rui Ge?"

"Binzi, why didn't you tell me that you were back in Zhushan? My dad asked you to come to our house for dinner today."

"Brother Rui, it's a bad luck today. Secretary Liu is going to inspect the work. I'm afraid I can't leave at noon. Besides, I have to go home in the afternoon. Wait a minute."

"OK, when you come over from home, remember to come for dinner. This time, I will ask your sister-in-law to introduce you to a good partner."

When Lin Bin heard that his cousin's wife was going to introduce another partner, he felt overwhelmed.

After chatting for a few more words, he hung up the phone.

He didn't have much prejudice against Lin Rui and his uncle, but now that his identity was exposed, he might get into a lot of trouble again. So he decided to hide if he could.

Before nine o'clock, Lin Bin and Wang Tao arrived at the film and television base.

Xia Mo also got the news in advance and knew that the leader would come today, so she took Lin Bin to familiarize herself with the development of the film and television base.

Unlike other places, the Zhushan Film and Television Base focuses on science fiction elements, and the strange-shaped buildings are very attractive.

"We are still just building the venue, and we will add some entertainment facilities later to improve the playability."

Although Xia Mo is not the person in charge of the film and television base, she has filmed here and knows the situation very well.

With her introduction, Lin Bin took a general tour and felt quite satisfied.

Not to mention Wang Tao, when she has nothing to do on weekdays, she will come here every now and then, and almost half of her work energy is put on the film and television base.

At 9:20, Secretary Liu's motorcade arrived at the scene.

Liu Changhe is in his fifties and is about to retire. He looks like an ordinary person and is very philanthropic.

As soon as they met, he couldn't help but praise

"Mr. Lin, I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Seeing you today, I can see that you are indeed young and promising. You are worthy of being the pride of our Zhushan County."

Lin Bin said modestly,"Secretary Liu, you are too kind. I am just an ordinary person. I will do my best to contribute to the development of my hometown.""

"Good! Good! Good!" Liu Changhe said three good words in a row."If the talents leaving our county can be like General Manager Lin and consider their hometown, then there is no need to worry about the development of Zhushan County."

In recent years, with the development of the economy, remote places like Zhushan have become more and more backward.

Young people have gone out to work to support their families, and the development of the county has not kept up with the changes of the times.

Although the investment in the film and television base is only tens of billions, it is indeed a good start. Liu Changhe plans to make it a business card of Zhushan. Lin Bin was a little reluctant to contact these leaders at first, but after listening to Liu Changhe's talk about the situation in Zhushan County, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He has been staying in Jiangcheng since graduating from high school, and he has some understanding of the development speed of Jiangcheng.

Unexpectedly, the small county town that has long been his hometown has fallen behind to this extent.

At noon, Liu Changhe personally hosted the lunch, accompanied by Wang Tao and other county leaders, and invited Lin Bin and Xia Mo to have lunch together.

At the dinner table, Lin Bin suddenly said,"Secretary Liu, I have decided to add 2 billion to the film and television base project to connect this place with Dazhu Peak."

Liu Changhe was overjoyed when he heard his words,"Good! I will personally toast to Mr. Lin. I won't say more. As long as Mr. Lin invests in Zhushan, all the county policies will fully support him."After the meal, Liu Changhe led everyone away. Wang Tao did not leave, but a young woman in her thirties also stayed behind.

"Sister Tao, do you have anything else to do?" Lin Bin asked curiously.

"Ah Bin, let me introduce you to this person. This person is Deputy Director Fang of our County Tourism Bureau. Wang Tao introduced them to each other.

Xia Mo obviously knew this Director Fang, and they seemed to be very close.


Lin Bin extended his hand to greet him while looking at Director Fang.

He looked about the same age as Wang Tao, both in their early thirties.

Although he looked like a married man with children, he had maintained a good figure.

"My name is Fang Juhua. Mr. Lin, please don't call me Director. It would be great if you could call me Sister Ju or Sister Fang like Taozi.

Fang Juhua's voice is soft, which makes people imagine things. Her eyes are moving, which vividly explains what women are made of water.

Lin Bin's expression is a little strange. He looks at Director Fang in front of him. Why does he feel more and more familiar?

"" Sister Fang, did you live at No. 14 East Street before, and did you have a daughter named Yaya?"

Fang Juhua was stunned,"How did you know?""

What an acquaintance!

Lin Bin smiled,"Sister Fang, you may not remember, but a few years ago when I was in high school in the county, I rented your house for a year."

After several years, Fang Juhua really couldn't remember what Lin Bin looked like, but Lin Bin remembered it very clearly.

It was only because at that time, Fang Juhua had just given birth to a child. Once when she was breastfeeding the child, Lin Bin suddenly went back, and since then she had an uncontrollable dream.

Unexpectedly, I can still meet her now.

This is a real landlord's wife.

"I remember you were short and thin back then, but I didn't expect you've changed so much now."

Fang Juhua finally had some impression when Lin Bin mentioned the past.

But she didn't expect that the high school student at that time has become a big boss now.

Lin Bin complained in his heart that the nutrition at that time was not enough, of course he was short and thin. After everyone chatted for a while, Wang Tao talked about business,"We in Zhushan don't have much experience in the tourism industry. It just so happens that the province has organized an exchange meeting. We will go to Hangzhou to learn in a few days.

This time the county has decided to let Director Fang lead the team. Do you want to come with us, Abin?"

Go to Hangzhou? And with Sister Fang.

Lin Bin was indeed a little tempted, but he didn't rush to agree,"Let's talk about it when the time comes. I may not have time."

Wang Tao was for this matter. After she finished speaking, she received a call and left in a hurry. Fang Juhua, on the other hand, still stayed at the film and television base

"Abin, Hangzhou is a good place, and the film and television base there is also very successful. If you have time, I really hope you can go with me." Fang Juhua said.

Before Lin Bin could speak, Xia Mo snorted,"This guy has nothing to do all day long. He just wants to hang out everywhere. Hangzhou has been producing beautiful women since ancient times, and this time with Sister Ju, he must be eager to go with us." Fang Juhua smiled when she heard it,"Xiao Xia, you and Abin are dating, right? Let me tell you, men don't like it when it's too tight."

Puff! Lin Bin laughed

"What's wrong, Abin, am I wrong?"

Lin Bin smiled strangely,"Sister Fang, you are wrong, I still like it tighter." After all,

Fang Juhua had given birth to a child, and it was a natural birth. She was just stunned for a moment, and soon reacted, and her pretty face immediately flushed.

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