Zhuo Xinyi knew that Lin Bin was going to test her, so she got out of the car immediately and walked towards the tobacco shop while thinking about her own little tricks.

It was still morning, and there were not many customers in the shop. There was only a middle-aged man in his forties, who looked like the owner.

The owner of the tobacco shop was playing on the computer out of boredom, and suddenly saw a tall beauty walking in, and immediately said,"Beauty, what do you want to buy?"

"Do you have any Wuliangye here?"

""Yes, yes, yes. I have all kinds of liquor here. Which one do you want?"

When the boss heard that they were buying Wuliangye, he knew he had met a rich man and immediately became excited.

Zhuo Xinyi didn't know much about liquor, but she only remembered that Bai Lele bought Wuliangye yesterday, so she looked in the direction of the boss's finger.

Fortunately, she had a good memory and saw the one that Bai Lele bought yesterday.

"Boss, how much is this bottle?"

"This is a 52% strong aroma, 1799 yuan a bottle."

Zhuo Xinyi felt a little distressed when she heard the price. She didn't get any benefits, but now she has to spend more than a thousand yuan.

"Then bring me a bottle...."Wait, do you have anything more expensive?"

Seeing that the boss had already taken out a bottle and was about to pack it up, Zhuo Xinyi suddenly asked again.

She suddenly remembered that she was not just here to buy wine, but more importantly, it was Lin Bin's test.

Since Bai Lele bought this kind, if she bought a more expensive bottle, wouldn't it please Lin Bin more?

The boss was stunned and put the bottle of Wuliangye priced at 1,799 yuan back to its original place. He pointed to the bottle next to it and said,"If you want something more expensive, then take this bottle. This is a collector's edition, priced at 2,399 yuan, and it tastes better than the one just now."

2,399 yuan! Zhuo Xinyi began to calculate in her mind again. If she bought this more expensive bottle, Lin Bin should value her more.

Thinking of this, she nodded,"Okay, just take one of these and give me one bottle."

The boss also saw that this beauty probably didn't know much about liquor, but he didn't say much.

His store never buys fakes, and the other party only bought one bottle, so there was no room for bargaining.

Soon, the boss packed the collector's edition of Wuliangye. Zhuo Xinyi looked at the exquisite packaging, nodded, scanned the code to pay, and finally put the receipt in the packaging bag.

"Brother Bin, the boss said this is a collector's edition, and it tastes better than yesterday's. I don't know if you can get used to it."

As soon as they got back to the car, Zhuo Xinyi handed the newly bought Wuliangye to Lin Bin attentively, and mentioned that it was better than yesterday's bottle.

How could Lin Bin not understand what she meant? On the surface, he pretended to look at the Wuliangye in his hand, but in fact he was paying attention to the prompts in his mind.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 2399 yuan consumption rebate from Zhuo Xinyi, a sincerity index of 48.56, and a reverse critical hit of 4856 times!"

"The amount received is 11,645,544 yuan, please check it!"

Damn! It's more than 11 million again!

Moreover, the sincerity index of this bitch has increased significantly, and it will soon be close to 50%. You know, the previous sincerity index was only more than 20%.

Lin Bin was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Seeing Zhuo Xinyi looking at him nervously, he smiled faintly,"Do you know the gap between you and Xiaobai now?"

Zhuo Xinyi was a little confused. She obviously bought more expensive ones, so why couldn't she compare with Bai Lele?"Brother Bin, if there is anything I did wrong, just tell me directly, and I will definitely change it."

"Haha, if I asked Xiaobai to buy wine, she would definitely persuade me to drink less, or even not buy it, but you have no awareness of this at all."Lin Bin made up a few excuses at random. Zhuo Xinyi immediately realized that she was being tricked, and she was angry but didn't dare to lose her temper.

Lin Bin looked at her resentful eyes and immediately comforted her:"Okay, since you bought me a bottle of wine, I can't be stingy. Now I'll take you to buy some small gifts."

When Zhuo Xinyi heard that she was going to buy a gift, she felt much better and a smile appeared on her face again,"Brother Bin, what gift are you going to buy?"

Lin Bin curled the corner of his mouth, put his right hand on Zhuo Xinyi's leg, and pinched it casually.

Zhuo Xinyi was startled by his sudden action, and then she felt uncomfortable all over, but she didn't dare to resist, so she could only tense her body.

It was precisely because she was greedy and snobbish that most people really looked down on her. She had never had a boyfriend, let alone been developed.

Lin Bin suddenly did this, and she really couldn't adapt to it for a while

"I think the quality of your stockings is not very good, so I'll take you to buy some clothes and bags first."

Lin Bin touched the quality of the stockings again, then he stopped, started the car and drove towards the city center.

More than half an hour later, the Audi R8 carried the two of them to the AEON Shopping City in Jiang'an District.

This is also one of the famous shopping malls in Jiangcheng, with all kinds of luxury brands, and the prices are naturally quite beautiful.

Zhuo Xinyi was silent all the way, not knowing what she was thinking. When she found out that Lin Bin took her to the AEON Shopping City, she was a little surprised.

She thought Lin Bin just took her to the mall to buy some clothes, but she didn't expect to come here directly.

Zhuo Xinyi is not unfamiliar with the AEON Shopping City, and she often comes here to shop, but she rarely buys things.

After all, the big brands here cost thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for any item, and she is afraid that she can't buy anything with her monthly salary.

""Let's go in and take a look. Just choose whatever you like. No need to save money for me."

Lin Bin waved his hand and led Zhuo Xinyi to start shopping.

Although the sincerity index of the bitch was not high, he couldn't be too stingy since he had just spent more than 11 million.

More importantly, if he spent a little money now, he would get more from the other party in the future.

The two of them entered Valentino first. At the beginning, Zhuo Xinyi was still a little confused about Lin Bin's thoughts. She was a little cautious, fearing that she would spend too much money and make the other party unhappy, so she kept choosing the cheap ones.

After buying several pieces of clothes in a row, it only cost more than 30,000. This petty behavior made Lin Bin a little unbearable, and he acted on his own.

"This one, this one, and that one, pack them all for me."

He randomly picked a few clothes that Zhuo Xinyi had been looking at the most, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on them.

Then he took her to buy two Dior bags and a necklace, spending more than half a million dollars in one go, without feeling sorry at all.


Zhuo Xinyi was shocked by his lavish spending and hurriedly stopped him.

At this moment, she was also glad that the chicken in the morning was not eaten in vain.

Otherwise, how could she get such a good thing? However

, what she wanted was a long-term meal ticket. If she bought more and spent all the favors at once, it would not be worth it.

Zhuo Xinyi was satisfied, but Lin Bin was still a little unsatisfied, so he bought her a few more pieces, and finally, at the other party's reminder, he also changed a few sets of equipment for himself.

After spending less than one million,

Lin Bin, who had nothing in his hands, looked at Zhuo Xinyi's full of shopping bags and had no place to hang them, so he gave up,"Forget it, I'm a little hungry anyway, let's go eat first."

Zhuo Xinyi also breathed a sigh of relief. The scene of spending money just now made her almost breathless.

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