Jiangcheng, Jinhua Audi 4S store.

At the corner outside the lobby, a man and a woman, two young people who looked like a couple, seemed to be arguing about something.

"Xiaoman, why won't you listen to me? That boss Wang is just a nouveau riche, and he's been married before, so he's not a good match."

Lin Bin stood in front of Yang Man, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Please get out of the way, this is my personal matter, you don't need to interfere."

Yang Man showed an impatient expression, took a step to the left, trying to bypass the other party, but was stopped again.

"Xiaoman, I am concerned about you. If you continue to get entangled with Boss Wang, your reputation will be ruined."

Lin Bin grabbed the other person tightly, looking disappointed.

"Let me go!" Yang Man shook off the arm that was holding her,"Lin Bin, who do you think you are to me? What does my reputation have to do with you?"

"I...us...Aren't you dating?"

"When did I promise you?"Yang Man immediately took a step back, as if to draw a clear line between herself and the other party,"Lin Bin, with your monthly salary, how can you support me?

I told you, Boss Wang promised to buy me an A4, can you afford it?

So, please don't bother me anymore, so as to avoid misunderstandings."

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Bin's heart sank.

He looked at the indifferent woman in front of him, as if he didn't know her.

At this moment, his clenched fists were powerless to loosen, as if all his strength had been drained.

Yang Man finally broke free from the other party, with a disgusted expression on her face, and walked away with thumps on her high heels.


Lin Bin looked at the beautiful woman going away and leaned against the wall to avoid falling down.

Three months ago, Yang Man had just joined the company and was assigned to his subordinates.

After learning that she was his fellow villager, Lin Bin did his best and quickly brought her in.

Gradually, he developed a good impression of this fellow villager.

Not only did he guide her at work, but he also tried his best to take care of her in life.

Yang Man behaved very well and spoke nicely, and soon became friends with all her colleagues.

It is undeniable that Yang Man is indeed good-looking. However, more importantly, Lin Bin thinks that she is a good person, and he is always happy when the two get along..

So, he once thought that he had found love.

However, things did not go as he wished.

This month, Yang Man was facing a critical period of becoming a regular employee, but her performance was still far from satisfactory.

For this reason, Lin Bin personally handed over the client he had been negotiating for more than a week to the other party.

He was originally planning to confess his love to Yang Man directly after this month.

Who would have thought that Boss Wang ordered an Audi Q7 on the spot yesterday and took Yang Man out in the afternoon.

After not returning all night and no one answered the phone, Lin Bin was worried all night.

As soon as he got to work this morning, he took the initiative to find Yang Man, but the other party became like a stranger.

After all, his sincerity was wasted!

"It's just an A4, what's so great about being rich!"

Lin Bin gritted his teeth and slammed the wall hard, the pain on his fist stimulating his nerves. I must make a lot of money in this life and become a rich man!

He swore secretly in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, calming down his emotions, Lin Bin slowly walked into the store

"I heard that Yang Man went out with a contractor's boss last night."

"No way, aren’t Lin Bin and her dating?"

"People go up, water flows down, Boss Wang is so rich, why should he compete with others?"

Lin Bin heard his colleagues whispering, looking at their evasive eyes, he felt green in his heart.

"I can't stay in this shabby place any longer."

Now that this has happened, Yang Man refuses to leave, and he can't face anyone.

Thinking of this, he went straight to the manager's office.

"Ah Bin, it's not your fault. Besides, you two haven't revealed your relationship, so you won't resign.

Manager Gao Da still thinks highly of Lin Bin and tries to retain him.

"Forget it! Brother Gao, I'm just saying hello to you. I don't plan to go through any formalities."

Lin Bin showed a bitter smile. Since he had made the decision, there was nothing to be nostalgic about.

His grades were not good in school, so he graduated from a junior college, and then came here to work directly, and worked for two and a half years.

With his eloquence and sincerity, his performance has always been good.

But now, he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

Gaoda shook his head, seeing that Lin Bin had made up his mind, he stopped persuading him,"Okay, sign here, and I'll ask the finance department to settle your salary for this month."

"Thank you, Brother Gao."

Lin Bin knew that the other party was giving him enough face because he had worked hard for the past two years.

"Haha, since you call me Brother Gao, I must protect you. To be honest, I really can't bear to leave you."

Gao Ge looked regretful, and before Lin Bin walked out of the office, he said,"Abin, you are good in every way, but your vision of women is a little poor." Is my vision of women too poor?

Lin Bin shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He just wanted to treat people with sincerity, but ended up like this.

If he became a rich man, maybe the result would be different.

Just like a certain star said, when you have money, you will find that everyone around you is a good person. Just as

I was thinking about it, several voices suddenly rang in my mind one after another

"Ding! The super rich critical hit system is binding!"

"Binding successful!"

"System introduction: Any opposite sex who takes the initiative to spend money for the host will have a critical strike effect of one to ten thousand times according to the sincerity index of the opposite sex, and the amount of consumption will be doubled and remitted into the host's account."

What? System?

Lin Bin was stunned at first, then ecstatic!

He usually likes to read some novels in his spare time. When he encounters one he likes, he insists on watching an advertisement every day to give free rewards. He is too familiar with the system.

But he didn't expect that one day, such a good thing would fall on him.

Soon, he figured out the role of the system.

Simply put, as long as a woman takes the initiative to spend money for him, he can reverse the critical strike and get a monetary reward.

Moreover, he can also see the sincerity of the other party through the system. In this way, he will never be afraid of misjudging people's hearts.

"This system is really hot!"

After figuring out the function of the system, Lin Bin immediately wanted to try it out.

As soon as he walked out of the manager's office, he found that many people were paying attention to this side.

""Brother Bin, what's going on?" a male colleague asked.

Lin Bin had nothing to hide, and said directly:"It's okay, I quit.""


Everyone was in an uproar, and subconsciously looked at Yang Man on the other side of the exhibition hall, so everyone knew what was going on.

Lin Bin didn't bother to care what others thought, and said directly to the female colleague next to him:"Yan Zi, please buy me a pack of cigarettes."

"Brother Bin, I'm sorry, I have an appointment with a client and will be here soon.

Lin Bin frowned and looked at another female colleague.

"Xiaowei, go run some errands and buy me a pack of cigarettes"

"Brother Bin, I need to call a client now, I really can't leave."

As expected of a salesman, each one is thicker than the other, and they lie without blinking an eye.

Lin Bin felt mixed emotions.

The two people he called just now were all brought up by him, and he never treated them badly. Now that he had just resigned, they had this attitude.

Thinking of this, Lin Bin said nothing more, and after scanning the crowd, he walked straight outside.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, a voice came from behind him.

""Lin Bin, take mine."

Hearing someone calling him, Lin Bin turned around and saw a person who surprised him. He subconsciously took the cigarette handed over by the other party and took a look. It was an unopened box of Xuan He Men cigarettes.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 22 yuan consumption rebate from Cheng Keer, a sincerity index of 76.56%, and a reverse critical hit of 7656 times!"

"The amount received is 168,432 yuan. The system has detected that the host's commonly used account has been bound. The funds have arrived, please check it!!!"

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