Lin Bin is not really interested in games, and only plays a few rounds occasionally to relax.

Especially when there is a lot of performance pressure and some weird customers, he can't fight hard in reality, so he can only go to the canyon to get a pentakill.

After giving Bitch thirty gifts, Lin Bin directly exited the live broadcast room and poked Little White Rabbit on WeChat.

Soon, Little White Rabbit replied with a message: Uncle, come and bully the noobs, my teammates today are too bad.

Lin Bin was a little speechless. When has this girl's teammates not been bad?

Losing is because the rubbish teammates are too bad, and winning is still blaming teammates for stealing heads.

Lin Bin looked at the invitation sent by the other party, and didn't rush to wait for the game, but quickly sent a message: What did you do today? You ignored me all day?

Little White Rabbit: (grievance) Uncle, I rehearsed all day today, and I didn't even have time to play games. By the way, remember to come to my comic exhibition on Sunday. The time and address are on the electronic ticket I gave you last time.

Lin Bin: Got it, I will definitely go to see you make a fool of yourself then.

Little White Rabbit: Humph! Who said she was ugly?

Then, Lin Bin received several COS photos from her. They were taken during the rehearsal today.

I have to admit that the little white rabbit is still very attractive, especially when she is COS.

"By the way, I went to Xinyi's place today to have a look. Why don't you live with her?"

Lin Bin continued chatting, thinking in his mind that when the house is bought, he should find a good reason to let Little White Rabbit move in with him.

Little White Rabbit: I am only near Sister Xinyi. I just saw Sister Xinyi's circle of friends. Didn't you go shopping with her at Yongwang?

Lin Bin: I went, but you were not there. It was so boring.

Little White Rabbit: How could that be? Sister Xinyi is so beautiful and eloquent. You two will definitely not be bored together.

Lin Bin: Eloquence is useless, eloquence is useful!!!

Little White Rabbit sent three messages in a row. The question mark obviously couldn't understand the profoundness of Chinese characters. Poor girl didn't even know that her best friend had successfully stolen the house while she was away.

The two chatted for a while, but no matter what Lin Bin said, the little white rabbit just wouldn't listen.

In the end, Lin Bin had no choice but to play a few more games of King with her under her soft and hard persuasion.

The two played until almost eleven o'clock. After knowing each other's temper, Lin Bin naturally used his superb skills to make the little white rabbit happy.

After withdrawing from the game, Bai Lele took the initiative to give her a hero skin without Lin Bin mentioning it.

"Ding! 88 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, sincerity index 76.55%, reverse critical hit 7655 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 673,640, please check it!"

Seeing that the sincerity index of Little White Rabbit has been stable at more than 70%, Lin Bin also breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't worry, good things are never too late.

The next day, early in the morning ,

Lin Bin was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

Since he didn't have to go to work, he had not set an alarm on his cell phone and slept until he woke up naturally every day.

As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Yubing brought good news.

"Brother Bing, I contacted the landlord yesterday and he agreed to your offer. I also found a suitable villa. Would you like to come and take a look?"

"OK, then, go directly to Xingfuli, and we'll meet there."

Lin Bin glanced at the time, it was just past eight o'clock, and thought to himself that this woman was very dedicated to making money.

However, on second thought, when he was working at 4S before, he was still waiting for customers regardless of the weather, often working overtime, and even didn't enjoy holidays.

Xingfuli was not close to where he lived, and considering that he had to go to see the villa in the afternoon, Lin Bin directly sent a message to Cheng Keer and asked her to go to Xingfuli by herself.

Soon, after receiving Cheng Keer's reply, Lin Bin went downstairs.

Nearly an hour later.

When Lin Bin arrived, Cheng Keer had just arrived, and as for Jiang Yubing, she had been waiting for a while.

Seeing that Lin Bin brought a female companion, and the other party was stunningly beautiful, Jiang Yubing took the initiative to say hello.

"Brother Bin, do you think we should go look at the villa first, or go through the formalities for this large flat first?"

Lin Bin said,"This is my girlfriend, and the house is for her. Let's go and pay the money first."

Yesterday he had sent the general situation and photos of the house to Cheng Ke'er, and the other party also expressed satisfaction. He brought her here today to pay the money and go through the formalities directly.

After all, this house is bought for Cheng Ke'er, and her name must be written on the house title.

Girlfriend? I'm afraid it's not a mistress!

Jiang Yubing is so smart that when she thought of Lin Bin buying two houses, she quickly guessed the relationship between the two.

However, looking at the A8 that the other party drives, and then looking at this 265-square-meter large flat, if someone offers this price, she will also be willing.

"Okay, Brother Bin, our company's financial staff is upstairs, we can just go up and complete the formalities."Jiang Yubing saw that the transaction was about to be completed, and her face was full of smiles.

For such a large transaction, in order to save time and complete the transaction quickly, she applied for a financial counterpart when she came here in the morning.

Soon, the three of them took the elevator to the 24th floor.

In the room, there was indeed an intermediary staff waiting.

The other party greeted him enthusiastically, and Lin Bin politely replied, but he was not in a hurry to pay the money, but first took Cheng Keer around the room.

"How about it, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, but a little too expensive."

Cheng Keer stood in front of the French window, and with a light smile, she outshone all the other scenery.

Lin Bin chuckled,"As long as you like it, no matter how much it costs, it's not expensive."

Cheng Keer's sincerity index is over 80%. As long as she holds on to it, she will have endless money in the future.

Then, he paid the full amount directly. He spent 9 million at once, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of pain.

The agency staff asked Cheng Keer for some basic information, and they would help register the property on Monday, so she wouldn't need to be present at that time.

As for the property title, it would probably take another week to come down.

After paying the money, Jiang Yubing handed the key of the room to Cheng Keer himself,"Congratulations, this large flat is really nice, and Brother Bin is so good to you."

Cheng Ke'er smiled and nodded.

Her previous request was just a house of more than 120 square meters, but Lin Bin directly gave her a large flat worth 9 million, and an A8 worth more than 2 million. She remembered all of this. After the formalities were completed, Jiang Yubing and the staff member left first, leaving only Lin Bin and Cheng Ke'er in the room.

"Ah Bin, do you want to stay here tonight?" Cheng Keer said.

Since the other party has fulfilled his promise and even exceeded the target, she knew that it was her turn to pay.

"Let's talk about it later. This house has just been bought. You can buy some daily necessities first, and buy me one too. I will go to see another house later, and bring my parents over later."Lin Bin shook his head.

Anyway, the people are already here, so he is not in such a hurry.

Moreover, for some reason, looking at this delicate face in front of him, Lin Bin's mind suddenly appeared the figure of Lu Xiaoyu.

Bah! When did I become such a scumbag, in front of a beautiful woman, I was actually thinking about another woman in my mind.

Could it be that this is the reason why I must buy a big house when I buy a house?

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