Lin Bin still liked the villa in Bishui Bay very much.

And now after a meal, the money to buy the villa is enough. However, now someone has offered it to his door, so he is not in a hurry at all.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Yubing began to think again.

So, she straightened her bulging chest and blinked her eyes,"Brother Bin, are you full just now? If not, let's go to another place to continue." It's really a waste of talent for this woman to be a real estate salesperson. However, Lin Bin thought about it and felt that he had never worked in real estate sales. No, the opportunity has come.

"The house we just bought is just average, and the price is a bit high. Although I am not short of money, there are so many houses in Jiangcheng, it doesn't matter which one I buy, right?"

Jiang Yubing got nervous when the house was mentioned,"Brother Bin, whatever you want, I'll listen to you."

Since the other party is so sensible, things will be much easier.

Lin Bin curled his lips and chuckled,"Since you are so sincere, I won't hesitate any more, we can go sign the contract now. However, after we finish the formalities, you can go shopping with me, how about it?"

Eating, shopping, and watching movies, aren't these the basic three tricks for dating and picking up girls?

Although it is a bit cliché, Jiang Yubing doesn't care,"Brother Bin, that's great, I'll listen to your arrangements in everything."

Soon, the two left the Chinese restaurant and returned to the sales center of Bishuiwan.

On the way, Jiang Yubing made a phone call in advance, so when the two arrived, there were already staff waiting on the side.

Lin Bin really paid the money directly, spending 51.3 million in an instant without even blinking an eye.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin, this villa belongs to you from now on."

The staff smiled and handed over the key of the villa with both hands, with deep envy in his eyes.

Lin Bin took the key and shook it at Jiang Yubing,"Now that we're done, we should go, right?"

The staff on the side saw this scene and immediately understood.

Jiang Yubing didn't care about other people's eyes, walked over and took Lin Bin's arm,"Brother Bin, how about I go back and change clothes first?"

She was still wearing work clothes. Although it looked very pleasing to the eye, it would be a bit inappropriate to go shopping.

"What are you exchanging? Let's just buy two sets."Lin Bin shook his head.

Jiang Yubing was naturally not polite, and immediately followed Lin Bin and left the sales office.

In addition to the beautiful environment, the entire Donghu District also has a financial street, which is also very famous in the whole Jiangcheng.

There are not only towering office buildings, but also a shopping paradise.

Lin Bin drove the Audi R8 and soon arrived at the financial street with Jiang Yubing.

"Let's go buy you some clothes first."

Lin Bin parked the car on the side of the road, took Jiang Yubing to a women's clothing store, picked out a yellow battle robe for her, and then bought several more pieces in succession, which added up to about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

After leaving the women's clothing store, he took her for a stroll, buying bags, jewelry, and cosmetics. They spent nearly 300,000 yuan in total.

Seeing Lin Bin's lavish spending, Jiang Yubing quickly lost herself, looking like a little bird, and occasionally using White Rabbit to make fun of her.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Lin Bin said directly:"How about it, I'm not bad to you, right?"

"Brother Bing, you are so kind to me. Jiang Yubing said honestly.

"Since I'm so nice to you, shouldn't you show some appreciation too?" Lin Bin asked with a smile.

Jiang Yubing was stunned, looking at the bustling mall, hesitant for a moment,"Brother Bin, there are too many people here, why don't we wait until the evening?......"

What is this woman thinking?

However, the two of them just came out of the lingerie store, and Lin Bin personally helped her pick out two sets of sexy outfits. No wonder she misunderstood.

Lin Bin had to explain it more clearly,"Let's talk about tonight in the evening. Otherwise, you can also give me a gift, and I will take you to a big dinner in the evening, and I will treat you!" Jiang Yubing looked at the shopping bag in her hand. She had just roughly calculated that these things were at least 300,000."Brother Bin, what kind of gift do you like? I will buy it for you."

Lin Bin was not polite. He walked directly into the men's clothing store, glanced at the price casually, and directly picked out a shirt for 8,800."This one, just make do with it."

He spent so much money on the other party before just for this moment.

Sure enough, Jiang Yubing didn't waste any words and went to check out quickly.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 8,800 yuan of consumption rebate from Jiang Yubing, sincerity index 46.88, reverse critical hit 4688 times!"

"The amount received is 41,254,400 yuan, please check it!"

Not bad! Over 41 million yuan was obtained in one go, and the remaining 10 million yuan was enough to get the money back for the villa.

After walking around for most of the day, Lin Bin felt tired. Now that the goal had been achieved and it was still early, he suggested going to the movies together.

Jiang Yubing naturally had no objection. In order to show off, she rushed to pay for the movie tickets worth dozens of yuan, and also bought some snacks and drinks.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 68 yuan consumption rebate from Jiang Yubing, a sincerity index of 42.55, and a reverse critical hit of 4255 times!"

"The amount received is 289,340 yuan, please check it."

This movie is really round...truth......

The movie lasted two hours and earned more than 280,000 yuan.

When the two came out of the cinema, the sky had begun to darken, so Lin Bin took Jiang Yubing to a western restaurant.

It was the first time for Lin Bin to eat western food, and he was not used to it at all. However, considering that there was a big battle in the evening, he had to bite the bullet and eat two steaks.

After eating and drinking, the Audi took the two to a five-star hotel.

"Bingbing, go get a room.

Jiang Yubing didn't think much about it and directly showed his ID card.���Go to the front desk to register and get a king-size bed room.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 1,888 yuan from Jiang Yubing, a sincerity index of 69.23, and a reverse critical hit of 6,923 times!"

"The amount received is 11323240 yuan, please check it!"

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Lin Bin was suddenly stunned.

What's wrong with this woman? Whether it's treating people to dinner, watching movies, or buying things, the highest sincerity index is only more than 40%. Now when booking a room, the sincerity index is almost 70%.

Lin Bin was puzzled and finally attributed it to his handsome appearance!

As dusk fell, in front of the French window of the five-star hotel, Lin Bin helped Jiang Yubing check the engine condition.

After a night of investigation, the engine condition was average.......

The next morning, the ringing of the phone woke them up.

Lin Bin picked up the phone in a daze and answered it without even looking at it.

"Brother Bin, Xiaobai's comic convention starts today, shall we go and cheer her on?" Lin

Bin knew it was Biao Biao as soon as he heard the voice, and replied,"Got it."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Lin Bin sat up from the bed and patted the beauty beside him,"I'm a little thirsty, go get me a bottle of water, it's your treat."

Jiang Yubing got up in a daze, ran naked to get a bottle of mineral water,"Brother Bin, why did you wake up so early?"

Lin Bin smiled and took the mineral water from the other party.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 5 yuan consumption rebate from Jiang Yubing, a sincerity index of 25.64%, and a reverse critical hit of 2564 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 12,820, please check it!"

I gave this woman a chance, but she didn't take it!

Seeing that her sincerity index was only 25%, Lin Bin lost interest completely.

When he paid for the room yesterday, this woman had a sincerity index of nearly 70%. Lin Bin thought she was sincere, but he didn't expect that she would be like this again.

He could only blame himself for being too handsome!

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