Bai Lele was confused after listening to her best friend's analysis.

In the past, many people had pursued her, but they were all rejected by Bai Lele directly.

Now Lin Bin didn't play by the rules at all. He was like a domineering president and didn't give her any chance to refuse.

Moreover, with the previous experience of playing games together, Bai Lele has always had a good impression of Lin Bin. Although she called him uncle all day long, Lin Bin was only two or three years older than her.

Although she can't say that she likes him, she still has some good feelings for him.

Investing in the club, forming her own team, and playing in a three-person team together, these conditions finally moved Bai Lele. Although she felt that it was not appropriate to move in here now, she finally agreed.

"All right then." Bai Lele looked embarrassed,"But, Sister Xinyi, I can't go and talk to the uncle about this. What if he doesn't agree? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Zhuo Xinyi was confident,"Don't worry, I'll go and talk to Brother Bin, he will definitely agree."

The two girls whispered while looking at the environment of the villa. After a while, Zhuo Xinyi took the initiative to go upstairs to find Lin Bin to show off her achievements

"Brother Bin, Xiaobai finally agreed to move into the villa after my persuasion."

This woman is really good at betraying her bestie.

Lin Bin was lying in the bedroom. Hearing this, he smiled and said,"Okay, I get it. I'll put the credit on your account this time.""

"Thank you, Brother Bin." Zhuo Xinyi was waiting for this sentence.

Lin Bin did not expect that he could deal with Bai Lele so easily, but he was not in a hurry to go downstairs.

"Xinyi, you guys try to move in today, but it will definitely be inconvenient to wait until the evening, how about I reward you now?"

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned, and saw Lin Bin sitting up and patting the seat beside him, and she immediately understood. Her expression was a little embarrassed, but her movements were not slow at all. She slowly walked over and squatted,"Brother Bin, Xiaobai is still waiting downstairs"

"It doesn't matter, we'll make it quick."

Lin Bin stood up, 180cm tall, straight.

Fortunately, Zhuo Xinyi was tall enough, so he could touch her hair with just one hand.


After more than ten minutes, Lin Bin let out a long breath and said,"Let's go, let's go down quickly and don't let Xiaobai wait anxiously."

"Brother Bin, wait for me."

Zhuo Xinyi hurriedly followed, not even bothering to go to the bathroom, and went downstairs.

Bai Lele was waiting anxiously. At this moment, she had changed into her own clothes, but she still had a bun on her head, and she still looked so cute.

Seeing the two of them coming down from upstairs one after the other, Bai Lele glanced at Lin Bin, and her expression suddenly became a little strange.

Lin Bin didn't notice her strangeness at all, and pretended to say:"Xiaobai, Xinyi just said that you two want to move in, so I won't charge you rent. You will be responsible for cleaning and cooking.

As for the matters of the club and the live broadcast company, you two will start to handle the formalities from next week. Before the company makes a profit in the early stage, I will pay you two a monthly salary. The monthly salary for the two of you is temporarily set at 50,000 yuan. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection!"

Zhuo Xinyi answered first. She didn't expect that she could get the same salary as Bai Lele.

Although fifty thousand yuan is not much, it is not a small amount. Moreover, as long as she follows Lin Bin, he will get some money from his fingers, which is higher than the salary.

Bai Lele opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Zhuo Xinyi with a look.

Lin Bin nodded at the two of them,"Okay, I'll arrange your first task now. This villa has just been bought and there is nothing in it. You go and help me buy some daily necessities."

Bai Lele had just walked around the entire villa and knew what was missing. He nodded immediately,"Uncle, let's go shopping now."

Lin Bin didn't give them any extra money. If he wanted to get something for free, he had to let the other party spend money on him. If the system judged that the things were bought with his own money after he gave them the money, he would lose a lot.

Before leaving, Zhuo Xinyi sneaked over,"Brother Bin, you didn't zip up your pants just now."

Lin Bin looked down, his face suddenly turned red, and he quickly reached out to close the door.

I don't know if Bai Lele and the girl thought much just now.

After the two girls left, Lin Bin did not stay in the villa. He drove directly back to his rental house, packed up some things casually, and then called the landlord to check out.

The house he rented was originally due in half a month, but now he has money in his hand and the villa has been bought, Lin Bin doesn't want to continue living there.

As a single dog, Lin Bin doesn't have much stuff, so he packed a piece of clothing casually, and he was too lazy to take other worthless things.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the landlady came late, looked at the messy room, and mercilessly deducted two hundred yuan to lower the price.

Lin Bin didn't He didn’t care about it, so he settled the water and electricity bills directly, got more than 500 yuan returned from the landlord, and went downstairs with a suitcase.

From today on, he said goodbye to the past.

Lin Bin stood downstairs, took a few more glances at the place where he had lived for more than two years, threw a cigarette butt casually, and left.

When he returned to the villa, Bai Lele and the others had not returned yet. Lin Bin thought about it and called the property management again, asking them to contact someone to clean the swimming pool and change the water.

The house was just bought, and the swimming pool had been dry for a long time. If you want to use it now, you must clean it first.

After receiving the call, the property management immediately agreed, but the cleaning work would not be completed in a short time, so Lin Bin had to make an appointment to do it tomorrow.

Moreover, this swimming pool���The water needs to be changed every two days. Spending money is a small matter, the key is the trouble.

They just moved in, and the weather is hot this season, so Lin Bin is interested in this. He thinks that after a while, he will be too lazy to bother.

More than an hour later, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi came back late, and they bought almost a whole cart of things. The merchants even sent people to deliver the goods to their door.

"Uncle, take a look at these things I bought. What do you think? Just pick the one you like first!"

Bai Lele was in charge of buying bedding. He bought more than a dozen sets in a row to ensure that there were some on the beds in every room.

Lin Bin took a look and saw that they were all from the same brand and the styles were similar, so he just picked a dark gray set and said,"Let's take this one.""

"Okay! Brother Bing, this set is for you."Bai Lele waved her hand and she took care of the rest.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 23,888 yuan from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 79.56, and a reverse critical hit of 7956 times!"

"The amount received is 190,052,938 yuan, please check it!"

More than 190 million yuan! Lin Bin almost drooled.

However, he quickly realized that according to the system, only the set he selected was considered as Bai Lele's active consumption. If he had known this, he would have selected all of them. Just now, he missed billions of yuan in a moment!

Lin Bin was almost regretting it!

"Brother Bing, these are the things I bought for you, do you like them?"

Zhuo Xinyi also began to show off her spoils.

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