After Guan Peng's commotion, the awkward atmosphere in the box eased a little.

But Lin Bin could always sense that everyone was looking at him strangely, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, and he wanted to leave.

At this moment, Wang Qiufang came over with her big butt twisted, and threw a coquettish look at Lin Bin,"Boss Lin, you are a big boss now, why don't you pay for the dinner tonight?"

"That's right, Binzi, if you don't treat us, it will be unreasonable."Guan Peng also started to make trouble.

Lin Bin knew that this buddy was helping him in order to get closer to other classmates, so he smiled and nodded,"Okay, I'll treat you today, and you don't have to chip in anymore." In the previous two classmate dinners, the initiator paid first, and then everyone shared the cost, so each person only paid two or three hundred yuan, which was not a big deal.

Qiao Mengyao saw Lin Bin standing up, probably to pay the bill, and said with a smile:"Forget it, I paid the bill when I went out just now, and let Boss Lin treat us to a big meal next time."

Lin Bin was stunned, and then a reminder sounded in his mind

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, Qiao Mengyao's 325 yuan consumption rebate came, the sincerity index was 71.23, and the reverse critical hit was 7123 times!"

"The amount received is 2314975 yuan, please check it!"

It's more than 2.3 million again, and the sincerity index is more than 71%, which is not low.

Lin Bin looked at Qiao Mengyao with some surprise. It was her first time to attend a party, and she took the initiative to pay the bill.

Others were also stunned. No one expected that Qiao Mengyao would pay the bill in advance, and it seemed that she was going to treat herself.

"That won't do. I have to pay for today's meal. No one else can do it."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head. He took out his mobile phone and transferred 10,000 yuan to Qiao Mengyao's WeChat.

Although the two had not been in touch much, they were still WeChat friends.

According to the system's prompts, the average consumption per person was just over 300 yuan. There were more than 20 people here, which was about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. Transferring 10,000 yuan to her was more than enough.

Qiao Mengyao said with some displeasure:"Lin Bin, I already said it's my treat. What do you mean now?"

"Oh, Mengyao, why are you being so polite to this big boss?"

Wang Qiufang seems to like snatching other people's mobile phones. She snatched Lin Bin's mobile phone at the door of the restaurant before, and now she snatched Qiao Mengyao's mobile phone and directly accepted the WeChat transfer.

Lin Bin didn't care and winked at Guan Peng,"Sorry, everyone, I have something else to do and I have to leave early. I will pay for today's bill. Everyone enjoy your meal."

"Right, right, Binzi and I still have something to do, everyone take your time eating."

Guan Peng understood and immediately stood up and left with Lin Bin.

Watching the two guys leave, no one in the box spoke to stop them. Qiao Mengyao smiled thoughtfully,"Come on, let's continue eating, don't worry about them"

"Yes, yes, let's continue."

In the private room, the atmosphere became lively again.

"Binzi, what are you doing? I haven't eaten enough yet. I can't go back hungry like this, right?"

Guan Peng complained at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Do you think I'm full?" Lin Bin put his arm around his shoulders and said,"It's uncomfortable to stay in here. Let's go out and find a place to order another table."

"That's fine, but you have to treat me!" Guan Peng smiled happily.

""It's my treat."

Lin Bin didn't feel any change in Guan Peng's attitude towards him, and he felt more comfortable.

Since Guan Peng still had to ride his electric bike, Lin Bin could only slow down and follow him.

After the two of them left the restaurant, they walked a few hundred meters along the main road and stopped at a busy barbecue stall.

"Boss, give me twenty of each kind of grilled skewers from your restaurant. Someone's treating us tonight anyway!"

The two of them found a random table and sat down. Guan Peng didn't even look at the menu and ordered one directly.

Lin Bin couldn't help rolling his eyes,"Can we finish so much just for the two of us?"

"Why do you mind me? Can't I just pack up the leftovers?" Guan Peng replied angrily,"Okay, give it to Lin Bin. I treated you as a buddy, but you hid it so well."

Lin Bin knew what he was talking about and could only smile bitterly. He had just had two days of good life. Before that, he was a real poor bastard.

"Okay, don't say anything, we are all brothers, let's have a toast."

Lin Bin ordered a few bottles of beer, filled Guan Peng's first, and then poured himself a bottle of beer.

"Humph! That's more like it." Guan Peng wasn't really angry, but thinking about his previous performance, he felt a little embarrassed.

In the hot summer, after a sip of ice-cold beer, there is only one word, refreshing!

Although this is just a roadside stall, Lin Bin feels that it is more comfortable than eating in any restaurant."Dapeng, I won't hide it from you. Anyway, if you have any problems in the future, just tell me. If it can be solved with money, it's not a big deal."

The two chatted about everything while eating skewers and drinking beer.

"Hehe, Binzi, actually I have something that I have been hiding from you, but it doesn’t hurt to tell you now." Guan Peng drank a few glasses of beer and a cunning smile appeared on his face.

Lin Bin became interested and asked,"Tell me the truth, what are you hiding from me?""

"I work at the Urban Management Bureau. Actually, it has been confirmed long ago that I will be promoted to a regular employee this year. I just didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your self-esteem."Guan Peng said nonchalantly

""Shit! There is such a good thing, you should treat me tonight!" Lin Bin slammed the table and cursed with a smile.

Before, although Guan Peng was only a temporary contract worker, he had already made many people envious. Now if he becomes a permanent employee, the treatment will be several times better.

Guan Peng curled his lips and said,"What's the big deal about becoming a permanent employee? You have already started an Audi R8, and you still have the nerve to let me treat you? You are rich now. If you want to treat me as a buddy, you must pay me more in the future."

"That won't do!" Lin Bin shook his head, his face serious,"As a buddy, I can only give you a hand, the one who can give you a hand 'some times' is your girlfriend!"

Guan Peng didn't react at first, but after Lin Bin finished speaking, he immediately reacted, his eyes showing a trace of contempt,"Binzi, if you say so, then I must tell you another secret."

"You still have secrets?" Lin Bin was also stunned.

Guan Peng showed a sly smile on his face again, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the photo album and handed it to Lin Bin,"Look, this is my girlfriend. We have been together for a long time. I have always taken care of your feelings as a single dog, so I never mentioned it."

Damn! Lin Bin was really shocked this time. His buddy is really a hidden talent.

However, after taking a look at the photos in the phone, he was stunned

"Why does this woman look familiar?"

Lin Bin quickly recalled in his mind, and soon, he remembered.

Isn't this the beautiful woman in suspenders who approached him on the street that morning?

"Dapeng, is this really your girlfriend?"

Guan Peng smiled proudly,"Of course!" Lin

Bin was speechless. Thinking back to what the woman had done, he felt that he was being fooled.

What should he do?

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