Bai Lele was stunned as soon as she finished speaking, because she didn't need to look for him, she had already seen Lin Bin.

Zhuo Xinyi also saw Lin Bin being supported by a man and a woman, especially when she saw Cheng Ke'er, she immediately felt a sense of crisis.

This woman is so beautiful!

Soon, Zhuo Xinyi reacted, she immediately stepped forward and blocked Guan Peng's way

"Thank you for your help, but please leave Brother Bing to me now....Brother Bing?

Guan Peng opened his mouth wide, looked at Zhuo Xinyi, then looked at Bai Lele who was alert beside him, and secretly groaned in his heart.

"It's over, where did these two women come from?"

Suddenly, Guan Peng remembered that Lin Bin had sent out three messages in a row before, and his heart sank.

He couldn't go forward or retreat, so he could only turn his head to look at Cheng Ke'er on the side.

After all, she was here first.

Cheng Ke'er glanced at Zhuo Xinyi, without any change on her expression, and said,"Abin sent me a text message before, asking me to pick him up."

She was not trying to be jealous of anyone, but Cheng Ke'er would do her best to complete what Lin Bin asked.

Zhuo Xinyi immediately took out her mobile phone and showed it,"Brother Bin also sent me a message, and asked me to drive his car back. And Lele, she is Brother Bin's girlfriend, who are you?""

Fuck! They are all Binzi's girlfriends, and they are all very beautiful.

Guan Peng was completely convinced this time, but at the moment, the situation was a little bad.

Cheng Ke'er took a look at the message on the other party's mobile phone, especially when she saw the name"bitch", she immediately didn't take it to heart, and set her eyes on Bai Lele

"I am Abin's friend. Since you are his girlfriend, take him back."

Bai Lele looked at Cheng Ke'er with complicated eyes and shook his head,"You are Xiaoyu, right? Uncle was drunk last time and kept calling your name. You should take him back."

Why did Xiaoyu appear again? When Binzi sent the message just now, there was obviously no such name!

The expression on Guan Peng's face became more exciting. He looked at his buddy and cursed in his heart: Damn, rich people are such scum!

Cheng Ke'er blinked, then nodded,"Okay, I'll take the person away first, and you help him drive the car back."

""Le Le, how could you do this!" Zhuo Xinyi was suddenly unhappy.

Before she could continue, Bai Lele shook her head at her,"Sister Xinyi, let's help the uncle drive the car back first. We'll talk about other things tomorrow."

After that, Bai Lele took another look at the unconscious Lin Bin, then turned around and got on the BMW.

They both have a driver's license, but Bai Lele rarely drives and her driving skills are average. When the two came, they had agreed that she would drive the BMW and let Zhuo Xinyi drive Lin Bin's Audi.

Zhuo Xinyi had no choice but to stretch out her jade hand,"Where are the car keys?"

Guan Peng quickly found the Audi R8's car keys from Lin Bin and handed them over.

Seeing Zhuo Xinyi start the Audi and drive away with Bai Lele, Guan Peng quickly cooperated with Cheng Keer to help her into the car.

"Thank you. Cheng Keer nodded to Guan Peng.

"You're welcome, Binzi and I are buddies."

Guan Peng was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat, and now he was completely sober.

After watching the Audi A8 leave, he smiled bitterly and rode his electric bike back to his residence.

Thinking about Lin Bin's treatment and looking at himself, Guan Peng just wanted to curse: It's so fucking cool to be rich!

The next day.

When Lin Bin woke up, he found himself lying on a strange big bed, his head was still a little dazed.

""Shit! Did you lose your memory yesterday?"

Rubbing his head and getting up from the bed, Lin Bin realized that his clothes had also been changed.

"You're awake."

At this moment, a figure pushed the door open and walked in.

"Ke'er? Why am I here?"

Lin Bin was confused, he turned his head and looked around, then he realized that he was living in the new house he just bought for Cheng Ke'er.

Cheng Ke'er smiled and handed him a glass of warm water,"Yesterday you got drunk outside with your friends, and then sent a message to ask me to pick you up."

Just as his throat was a little dry, Lin Bin took the cup of water and drank it in one breath, then he recalled carefully.

It seemed that he had a drink with Guan Peng last night, and he had planned to get him drunk, but he ended up getting drunk himself.

But what happened afterwards, Lin Bin didn't remember at all.

"Ke'er, luckily you brought me back. If I was taken to the hotel by my buddies, there would be no one to help me change my clothes."

Lin Bin handed over the cup in his hand,"Pour me another cup."

Cheng Ke'er nodded, and said before turning around,"By the way, you also sent messages to the two girls last night, so I asked them to drive your car back."

What the hell?" Lin Bin was stunned where he stood.

While Cheng Ke'er went out to pour water, he quickly picked up the mobile phone on the bedside and checked it.

There were several messages and a missed call on the phone.

Guan Peng: Binzi, you had a big hit yesterday, so you better wish you good luck. (Poor)

Bitch: Brother Bin, are you awake? Xiaobai seems a little angry, you should come back and comfort him! (Sticks out tongue)

The missed call was also from Bitch. She also sent several text messages, and the words were urging Lin Bin to go back.

Lin Bin looked at the text messages he sent yesterday again, and was speechless for a moment: I am really a handyman, why do I have to pretend for no reason.

Cheng Ke'er walked in again with a water cup, and saw Lin Bin holding the phone, with a faint smile on her face,"How about you go back and take a look first?" It was really a bit embarrassing.

Lin Bin put the phone down, but ended up drinking the water cup in one gulp, and then he felt a lot more comfortable,"Forget it, there's no need.

Cheng Keer nodded and said,"Why don't you go take a shower first?"���, I asked someone to help you up the stairs yesterday, and I just wiped your body."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Bin also felt a bad smell on his body and was about to go to the bathroom.

"You wait a moment."

Cheng Ke'er said, and then she opened the closet and took out a whole set of clothes, even underwear,"I bought you several sets of clothes, but I don't know if they will fit you. There are also toiletries in the bathroom, see if you need anything, and I'll go buy them for you."

Lin Bin took the clothes and was very satisfied with Cheng Ke'er's thoughtfulness,"Then I'll go take a shower first"

"Do you want me to help you wash it?" Cheng Ke'er's voice came from behind.

"No need!"

Lin Bin ran to the bathroom as if escaping.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 168,800 yuan from Cheng Keer, a sincerity index of 85.44, and a reverse critical hit of 8544 times!"

"The amount received is 1442227120 yuan, please check it!"

Fuck! 1.4 billion! This is what we call a super rich man!

In the bathroom, Lin Bin looked at the prompt in his mind and was ecstatic.

It seems that his training plan has begun to bear fruit.

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