Tang Lan opened her mouth wide, not knowing how to describe her current mood.

She finally hooked up with a rich man, but the other party turned out to be her good friend who was a backup.

Judging from Lin Bin's reaction, he should have known about the relationship between her and Guan Peng.

Then, wasn't everything just now a deliberate trap set by the other party?

After Tang Lan figured it out, she was immediately furious and pointed at Guan Peng and cursed,"Guan Peng, you actually found someone to test me, you wait for me!" Guan

Peng was also very angry. It was obvious that he was kept in the dark, but now this woman was blaming him.

However, this time it was indeed Lin Bin who tested the other party for him, and he didn't know how to refute the other party for a while.

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows and said impatiently,"Okay, don't make a fuss, come at me if you have the guts."

Tang Lan stopped talking immediately when she thought of Lin Bin's worth.

Although she also hated Lin Bin, she didn't dare to do it again when she thought of his money ability.

Seeing the pointing eyes around, Tang Lan just wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

"Dapeng, let's go."

Since the matter has been resolved, Lin Bin didn't want to stay here and be treated like a monkey, so he took Guan Peng away.

After leaving the hotel, he glanced at Guan Peng, who was in a low mood, and stepped forward to hug his shoulders.

"Man, it's just a woman, it's not worth getting angry at her."

Guan Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head,"Binzi, thank you for this time, otherwise, I don't know how long I would be trapped in it."

""Okay, let's be friends."

Lin Bin patted his shoulder, took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to him.

Guan Peng took it casually, then lit it and took a puff,"I'm not angry, I just feel a little sad. Two years, it's really not worth it!"

Lin Bin remained silent. After experiencing what happened with Yang Man, he could understand Guan Peng's feelings at the moment.

What's more, he and Yang Man had only known each other for a few months, but Guan Peng had known Tang Lan for two years, and they were planning to get married.

This kind of blow will not be healed in a short time.

It was for this reason that Lin Bin decided to help Guan Peng see Tang Lan's true face no matter what.

"Dapeng, I'm the same as you. I also met a woman before, but I gave her my true love in the end. But now I've figured it out. As a man, you should enjoy life while you can."

Lin Bin blew a smoke ring and gave him a sip of chicken soup.

Guan Peng was obviously in a low mood."I just don't understand, is it really that good to be rich?"

"Nonsense, of course it's good to have money!"

Lin Bin still has a say in this. If it weren't for the system, how could he live in a villa and raise a few white rabbits?

"Humph, I don't believe it! There must be women in this world who don't like money!" Guan Peng said unconvinced. Lin Bin was speechless.

Seeing his indignant look, he knew that this guy was getting stuck in a dead end.

He had to teach him a good lesson.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Guan Peng will be stuck in this memory for a long time.

"Come on, I'll take you somewhere!"

Lin Bin threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and pulled Guan Peng into the car.

"Where to go?"

"You'll know when you get there!"

The two arrived at the parking lot, and when Guan Peng saw the Mercedes-Benz G in front of him, his eyes widened immediately.

"Didn't you drive an Audi R8 before? Why did you change your car again?"

Lin Bin opened the car door and said casually,"I just bought it today, just for fun.""

Just for fun?"

Guan Peng was speechless. This car cost more than two million yuan. Ordinary people may not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime. When it came to Lin Bin, it became a toy.

"you...How come he's so rich all of a sudden?"

The two of them are old classmates. They went to school together for three years and knew each other's families to some extent. As far as Guan Peng knew, Lin Bin was not a second-generation rich.

Lin Bin made up an excuse,"I was lucky. I won dozens of first prizes in lottery, and then I made a lot of money by speculating in stocks. Anyway, I have enough to spend now."

Dozens of first prizes, that means several small goals.

Guan Peng could only envy him.

No wonder this guy drove an Audi R8 and a Mercedes-Benz G-Class. He really didn't understand the world of the rich.

The car had just gone a short distance when it stopped by the roadside.

"Wait for me for a moment."

Lin Bin pushed the door open and got out of the car. He went to a convenience store on the side of the road to buy a pack of cigarettes and asked for a black plastic bag. Then he ran to the ATM across the street.

"Did you go to withdraw money just now?"

After he got in the car, Guan Peng looked at the black plastic bag in his hand and asked curiously

"Yes, sometimes cash is more convenient."Lin Bin did not explain much and continued driving.

After more than 20 minutes, the two arrived at a leisure club called Golden Bay.

"Let's go, we're here."

Lin Bin parked the car and got out with the plastic bag.

""Binzi, what are you going to do? I'm a decent person!"

Guan Peng was prepared when he saw this place.

Lin Bin gave him a contemptuous look,"What else do you want to do? This is a decent place."

There is nothing wrong with decent people going to decent places!

Guan Peng has never been to such a place, so he can only follow behind carefully.

In fact, Lin Bin has never been to such a place. He didn't have money before, and now there is no need. If it weren't for Guan Peng, he wouldn't come here.


At the door, the long-legged girl's cheongsam was slit almost to the root of her thighs.

Guan Peng looked straight ahead and only dared to stare at the floor.

"Brother, help us get a private room and find a few girls to sing with us.

Although it was Lin Bin's first time here, he had money in his pocket, so he was naturally confident. He casually called a waiter and told him a few words, and the other party enthusiastically led the way.

""Binzi, the decoration here is really luxurious, I guess the cost is not low, right?" Guan Peng was nervous and uneasy, and was full of curiosity about what was going to happen next.

"Don't worry, it won't cost much."

Lin Bin comforted him, and after entering the private room, he ordered some drinks and snacks, and finally asked for a fruit plate.

After the waiter brought everything, he picked up the intercom to notify the backstage, and soon, four girls in cool clothes walked into the private room.

"Hello, bosses!"

The four girls have their own characteristics. Although their looks are average, they are all good at dressing up.

"Dapeng, are you satisfied with this? If not, let's change it!"


Guan Peng was embarrassed and hesitated for a long time without being able to explain clearly.

Lin Bin thought about Tang Lan's conditions and decided to make his own decision. He changed two batches in a row and finally picked two girls with the best figure and the richest nutrition for Guan Peng.

In order to sacrifice himself to accompany his buddy, he also picked two girls with more delicate looks.

""Boss, do you want to drink or sing?" a girl asked.

Lin Bin didn't waste any words. He took out the plastic bag he was carrying and poured all the contents onto the table.

The stacks of red banknotes made the girls breathe faster.

Lin Bin picked up a stack of banknotes, took out two, and said to the girl next to him:

"Come, call daddy and let me hear it."

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