Hearing Lin Bin's shameless statement, Guan Peng was completely stunned.

"Phew——"The younger sister wanted to laugh,"Brother Bin is right, it's not illegal to fall in love."

However, she glanced at the stack of bills on the table and did not agree.

Lin Bin immediately understood, it seems that the price is not enough.

He picked up another stack of bills and put it over,"Twenty thousand!"

The grade of this Golden Bay is relatively high, and this girl is also carefully selected by Lin Bin, with good looks and figure.

The most important thing is that she is not a professional in this field, so she is worth the price.

After adding another ten thousand, the younger sister was completely moved.

However, she looked at the large pile of bills left on the table, and a trace of greed appeared in her eyes.

Lin Bin saw the other party's expression clearly, smiled and shook his head,"If you don't want to, forget it."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to take back the two stacks of bills.

It's not that Lin Bin is unwilling to spend more money, but he just doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

With twenty thousand yuan, you can find any kind of woman.

"Brother Bin, we agreed on two hours!"

The younger sister quickly grabbed Lin Bin's right hand, smiled and blinked.

"Yes, just two hours."

Lin Bin nodded, stuffed two stacks of banknotes into the other party's hands, and then turned to look at Guan Peng.

"Dapeng, I'm leaving first. When you've had enough fun, go and date someone. Remember, you should enjoy life while it lasts." Guan Peng saw Lin Bin standing up and quickly said,"Take the rest of the money with you."

"You keep it first, I won't settle the bill, and you can continue the discussion later if two hours is not enough."

Lin Bin said with a smile, and then patted his butt and left.

Guan Peng's matter was temporarily settled, and he was relieved.

After leaving Golden Bay, Lin Bin first returned to Century Plaza and went to the Chanel counter to buy two bottles of perfume to take back as gifts.

When he drove back to the Bishuiwan Villa, it was already past three in the afternoon.

""Hey? Where are those two people?"

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Bin found that the living room on the first floor was empty, and he didn't see even a single person.

Just as he was wondering, he heard the sound of water splashing.

Following the sound, he soon saw two mermaids in the swimming pool.

""Ah! Uncle, why are you back?"

Bai Lele was the first to spot Lin Bin on the shore and exclaimed immediately.

Seeing his thieving eyes roaming around her, Bai Lele quickly covered her chest with her hands.

However, she soon found that she couldn't cover herself with her hands, so she squatted down in a hurry, leaving only her head above the water.

Although the water in the swimming pool was very clear, the light was still affected by the refraction of the water surface.

Lin Bin could only look away with regret.

"Brother Bin, come down quickly and swim with us!"

Zhuo Xinyi stood in the water openly and hooked her finger mischievously.

Lin Bin had the same idea and immediately said with a smile:"Okay, I'll come and teach you."

After he took off his shirt, he remembered that he hadn't taken his swimming trunks yet.

"Hey, have you two bought me swimming trunks?"

"Ah, I forgot to buy it! Otherwise, uncle, you don't have to swim today."

Bai Lele blinked her big eyes, and water drops fell from her long eyelashes.

What a joke, a pair of swimming trunks can't stop her determination to swim.

"Forget it, since I don't have swimming trunks, I'll just make do with this for now."

Anyway, this is in my own home, and there are no outsiders, so Lin Bin took off his trousers and jumped into the swimming pool with a splash.

"Ah! Uncle, you...Why didn't you go into the water without wearing swimming trunks?"

Bai Lele immediately covered her eyes and took a peek through her fingers, her pretty face flushed.

Zhuo Xinyi didn't care at all, after all, she had seen the"big scene" before, and even received hands-on guidance.

Lin Bin didn't care at all,"It's okay, I'm still wearing underwear."

When Zhuo Xinyi saw Lin Bin go into the water, she immediately started to learn,"Brother Bin, neither of us can swim, can you teach us?"

The two of them were wearing swimming rings, and they were paddling randomly before. It was better to say that they were playing in the water than swimming.

"Of course, no problem."

Lin Bin agreed and swam towards Bai Lele.

Bai Lele was wearing a white skirt-style swimsuit. Although it was a bit conservative, I don't know what this girl ate to grow up. She was very well developed.

Coupled with her delicate baby face like porcelain and her fair and tender skin, she looked very attractive.

Lin Bin swallowed subconsciously and really wanted to take a bite.

"big...Uncle, why don't you go and teach Sister Xinyi first?"

Bai Lele looked at Lin Bin's eyes and was a little scared.

"It's okay, you're so dumb, you must be a slow learner, I'll teach you first."

Lin Bin reached out and grabbed the other person, taking the swimming ring off her.

""Ah! Help!"

Bai Lele screamed in fear after losing her swimming ring, flailing her hands in the water.

It seemed that this girl really couldn't swim.

Lin Bin reached out and grabbed her waist, comforting her:"Okay, stop screaming and listen to my instructions."

After feeling that her body was no longer sinking, Bai Lele finally calmed down.

"Come, raise your head and inhale, paddle with both hands, and kick with both legs."

The swimming pool is only about 1.6 meters wide. Lin Bin stood in the water without any pressure. He held Bai Lele with both hands flat and began to teach seriously.

However, during the teaching process, his hands kept changing positions, and he helped Xiaobai check his body.

Bai Lele, who was in an extremely nervous state, did not notice Lin Bin's small movements at all. Like a good student, he listened carefully to the guidance of Teacher Abin.

On the side, Zhuo Xinyi looked sour and came over on her own initiative,"Brother Bin, when will you teach me too?"

Lin Bin took the time to look at her carefully.

The bitch was wearing a sexy dark blue one-piece bikini swimsuit, revealing a large area of snow-white on her chest, but it didn't look large.

However, with her slender figure, it looked very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm teaching Xiao Bai right now. You can learn from the side first, and I'll teach you later."

Lin Bin looked at Biao Biao while holding Bai Lele, and his big hand even 'accidentally' touched the big white rabbit. Zhuo

Xinyi pouted in grievance, and could only watch obediently.

"Xiaobai, I'll try to let go first, you continue to maintain your current position"

"No, uncle, I haven't learned it yet......."

Lin Bin smiled and suddenly let go of his hands. Bai Lele's body immediately began to sink.

Seeing that her head was about to sink, Lin Bin quickly reached out and pulled her up. However, in a hurry, he grabbed the pair of big white rabbits.

Although there was a layer of clothes between them, it felt good.

""Ahem, uncle, please don't let go!"

Bai Lele didn't know if he was choked, and was still in shock, so he hugged Lin Bin's arm tightly.

"OK, I won't let go this time."

Lin Bin showed a smile and held the big white rabbit tighter.

Zhuo Xinyi saw Lin Bin's trick clearly, and although she was a little envious, she didn't dare to disturb the other party's sexual interest.

Just when she was feeling a little jealous, she suddenly had an idea.

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