"You're good at the game, right?"

"It's just so-so, all thanks to the help of my teammates."

Bai Lele looked at his phone which was charging,"Would you like to play a game together?""

"OK, let's add WeChat first and I'll transfer the money to you."

Lin Bin nodded in agreement and turned on his phone.

"No need, I just said I'll treat you."

Bai Lele didn't notice that the guy's phone was fully charged.

After the friend verification was passed, Lin Bin was not stingy and directly sent the other party a red envelope of 200 yuan.

"The juice is yours, but you still have to pay for the power bank."

Seeing that he insisted on paying, Bai Lele didn't think much and opened the red envelope directly.

"Oh my god! Two hundred! Uncle, you don't want to pick me up, do you?"

Lin Bin just took a sip of juice and almost spit it out.

Although he had such thoughts, he didn't show them at all just now.

"Ahem, two hundred yuan can be used to pick up girls, that's too cheap. Besides, I'm not that old, am I?"

Seeing the other party's alert face, Lin Bin secretly said in his heart that it was bad and quickly changed the subject.

He originally just wanted to get acquainted with the other party through the game, and maybe ask her to help buy a skin or something in the future, so that he could make hundreds of thousands in one go.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so alert.

It seems that when meeting strangers in the future, he can't be too generous, otherwise he will really scare others.

Bai Lele looked at Lin Bin suspiciously,"Then why did you send me two hundred?"

Seeing that she was holding on, Lin Bin smiled bitterly in his heart, and had to explain:"I wanted to send you twenty just now, but my hand shook and I clicked an extra zero."

Twenty yuan, that's almost acceptable.

After all, a glass of juice costs eighteen yuan.

"Then I will return the money to you."Bai Lele said, and was about to return the red envelope.

Lin Bin quickly stopped her and said,"Forget it, it's just two hundred yuan. I also like playing King of Glory. Let's play games together in the future. You can just give me a skin."

Hearing what he said, Bai Lele immediately became alert again,"Uncle, I'm still a child, you can't have any ideas." He secretly glanced at the pair of little white rabbits, but they didn't look like children at all.

Lin Bin was speechless. This little girl is quite wary.

"My name is Lin Bin, can you please stop calling me uncle and call me Brother Bin? Shall we still play games?"

"Play! Why not?"

When it comes to games, Bai Lele finally stopped talking about money. Lin Bin quickly logged into the game account. Fortunately, he had just played it two days ago and did not need to update. As soon as he logged in, he received an invitation from 'Xiao Le Bai Le Tu'.

After clicking OK and starting the match, he found that the other party was indeed a Diamond III scum.

Lin Bin looked at his own rank, which was a Diamond I boss.

Bai Lele glanced at his ID 'Lace YYDS', his face expressionless, but he complained in his heart: Sure enough, he is an LSP!

One look at Ding Zhen!

"What are you playing? Do you want me to help you grab it?"

Lin Bin was on the first floor, Bai Lele was on the fifth floor. When it came to the ban selection phase, he took the initiative to speak.

"Humph! My best skill is magic. If you help me get Angela, I will definitely win this game."

"Okay, then I'm going to win without doing anything."

Lin Bin didn't care. He could play any position. He decisively helped the opponent grab the"Angel Lax" on the first floor. For a rank like Diamond, when it comes to the fifth floor, there is no doubt that only the auxiliary position is left.

He immediately locked Lanling King......

Ten minutes later

""Uncle, you are so disgusting!"

Bai Lele grinned.

Although he won this round, he looked at his 0-3 record and then looked at Lin Bin's 16-0 record. He felt no pleasure at all.

Lin Bin finally understood that this girl was not only a sucker, but also wanted to win every time.

"So are we still going to fight?"


A new round began. Bai Lele once again chose the confident hero Xiao Lu Dan, while Lin Bin chose Zhang Fei as the auxiliary.

Get the least money and suffer the most vicious attack!

Resolutely don't grab the head.

After one round, Bai Lele finally got a super god record, while Lin Bin was pitiful 0-5, but he had more than 20 assists.

"Humph! Uncle, your Zhang Fei is not that good this time. If I hadn't relied on my invincible output, we would have been overturned."

Bai Lele seemed quite proud of winning the MVP.

"Alas, the main reason is that I don’t even have a skin this time, otherwise, I wouldn’t have died so many times."

Lin Bin showed a 'heartbroken' look, and then looked at the other party quietly.

Sure enough, Bai Lele waved her hand and said,"Here, I'll give you a skin!"

This girl had some coupons in her account before, and she spent 488 points directly and gave her a Five Blessings.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 48.8 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 60.96, and a reverse critical hit of 6096 times!"

"The amount received is 296176.8 yuan, please check it!"

Fuck! I just played two games and got nearly 300,000 yuan!

This is much more efficient than getting money on the subway.

After playing two games, Lin Bin felt bored. He was a rich man, so what was the point of playing games every day?

But seeing that Bai Lele was still interested, he had no choice but to accompany the girl.

After all, he would get money from this little rich woman in the future.’

"Xiaobai, you play games every day, don't you have to go to work?"

Lin Bin chatted while playing games.

"Who said I don’t have to go to work? My job is all about games."

"You're not a game anchor, are you?"

"That's not the case. I'm a Coser who specializes in playing the role of a King of Glory hero. I play games every day to experience the role."

It turned out to be a beautiful girl in the second dimension. Lin Bin suddenly realized.

In an instant, he remembered that there were no female characters in the King of Glory. This girl, if she played Xiao Qiao, would be perfect.

"If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely let her act for me."

"Uncle, what are you doing? Are you giving away heads?"

Lin Bin was thinking happily, but he was distracted and the Zhang Fei he controlled directly gave away the tower, which immediately attracted a lot of roll of eyes.

"It's okay, just give them a head to calm them down......."

Eighteen minutes later, another round ended.��

Lin Bin was about to quit the game when he suddenly felt a figure appear beside him.

He looked up and saw that it was a beautiful woman, but her face was not very good.

"Lele, why are you playing games again?"

Bai Lele looked up when he heard the voice, and shouted in surprise:"Sister Xinyi, you came at the right time, let's play in three rows together!"

Zhuo Xinyi looked at the handsome guy in front of her, who was still wearing a white shirt in the hot weather. He looked like a salesman, and she frowned immediately.

Lin Bin saw the contempt in the other's eyes, but he didn't take it to heart, and said:"Xiaobai, your friend is here, so why don't we not play today?"

"No, uncle, let me tell you, sister Xinyi is a game anchor, she is very good at playing PUBG. Sister Xinyi, this uncle is also good at playing games."

Bai Lele introduced the two to each other.

Good at playing PUBG?

Lin Bin's expression became interesting, and he thought to himself: I must see it if I have a chance.

Zhuo Xinyi is at least 1.7 meters tall, wearing a floral hip skirt, with a pair of beautiful legs, long and straight, which looks quite pleasing to the eye.

She was holding a few bags in her hands at the moment, all filled with snacks. Seeing that Lin Bin was still lingering there, the disgust on her face became even stronger

"Lele, I brought you some skewers, do you want to eat some?"

"Of course I have to eat, I'm a little hungry."

Bai Lele took the paper bag from the other party without hesitation, and said to Lin Bin,"Uncle, come and eat together."

"OK, thank you."

Another chance to make money.���The guest was naturally not polite and ate even faster. He ate two-thirds of the skewers in a bag.

Seeing how he ate, Zhuo Xinyi looked down on him even more. If Bai Lele hadn't been beside him, she might have chased him away.

"Ding! Trigger a critical hit, here comes Zhuo Xinyi's 22 yuan consumption rebate, the sincerity index is 1.56%, and the reverse critical hit is 1560 times!"

"The amount received is 34,320 yuan, please check it!"

This sincerity index is really low!

Lin Bin's eyes turned, and he suddenly had an idea and wanted to test the other party.

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