"Boss Lin, may I ask what your background is?"

Zhou Manqing came back to her senses after a long time and asked with a wry smile.

In the Internet age, everyone can easily see the figures of those legendary bosses, which always makes people feel that these bosses are very close to everyone, but in reality, it is impossible to meet them in a lifetime.

Just like Zhou Manqing now, although she has known some rich people before, today is the first time she has met someone as rich as Lin Bin face to face.

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I know what you mean, don't worry, I'm just an ordinary person with some money. And the industries I am going to get involved in are mostly consumer industries, and the entry threshold is relatively low."

Zhou Manqing was a little speechless that such a rich person could be called an ordinary person.

However, she also understood that what Lin Bin said made sense. Whether it was live broadcasting, games, or the automotive industry, as long as you have money, you can participate.

Moreover, looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he is not short of money.

Lin Bin continued:"If you are willing, I will give you an annual salary of 500,000.���, performance-based salary is calculated separately, and there is an annual increase of no less than 10%." Lin

Bin dropped another depth bomb. On Zhou Manqing's resume, the expected salary was only 300,000 yuan per year, and he increased it a lot at once.

Zhou Manqing remained silent and began to think seriously.

Seeing this, Lin Bin did not urge her. He had already said this. If the other party was still unwilling, then he would have no choice.

However, even if he could not become an uncle-in-law, he would not suffer a loss by picking up an aunt for free.

After a while, Zhou Manqing finally made a decision and said with a wry smile,"Mr. Lin, I also want to refuse, but I can't find any reason. I will have to rely on you in the future."

Lin Bin smiled and stretched out his right hand,"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Zhou Manqing no longer hesitated and stretched out her white and tender little hand to shake hands with Lin Bin.

"Okay, now that the matter has been settled, you will start working today. From now on, I will rely on you to help me recruit talents."

Lin Bin directly took out the contract he had just signed with Kaiyuan Finance. Now that he had someone to run errands, the matter of registering the company could be handed over to Zhou Manqing.

The two discussed the specific matters again, and the matter was soon completely settled.

"I will get the office space ready as soon as possible, you just need to recruit people and build up the team as soon as possible. After the company account is opened, I will deposit some money into it first."Lin Bin said.

Zhou Manqing nodded,"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will select the right talents as soon as possible and notify you for the interview when the time comes."

"It's just a small matter that you can decide on your own. To be honest, I don't plan to personally intervene in the company's affairs. I'll just pay the money, and you'll be fully responsible for the rest."Lin Bin shook his head.

Zhou Manqing had no choice but to agree to his willful behavior.

After sitting here for more than two hours, Lin Bin had long wanted to leave. Now that the deal was done, he immediately asked to take his leave.

Just as he was about to call Mu Wenjun to pay the bill, Zhou Manqing stopped him,"Mr. Lin, since this is our first meeting today, let me treat you."

Lin Bin was not polite,"Okay, I'll leave first."

Zhou Manqing probably had something else to say to Mu Wenjun, so he didn't bother her and left directly.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 78 yuan consumption rebate from Zhou Manqing, a sincerity index of 70.88%, and a reverse critical hit of 7088 times!"

"The amount received is 552,864 yuan, please check it!"

As he was about to spend a lot of money, Lin Bin naturally didn't take this small amount of more than 500,000 yuan to heart.

However, every little bit counts, and Zhou Manqing's sincerity index is not low.

After Lin Bin left, Mu Wenjun came over as soon as possible and asked curiously,"Aunt, what were you talking about just now?"

Zhou Manqing's shocked expression had just calmed down,"What else can we talk about? Of course it's an interview. He will be my boss in the future."

Mu Wenjun was a little surprised,"Brother Bin is so powerful that he can be my aunt's boss!"

She knew her aunt very well. Since Zhou Manqing agreed, Lin Bin's company must have a bright future.

Zhou Manqing asked,"How did you get to know him?"

Mu Wenjun said,"Aunt, I scratched Brother Bin's car last time. Not only did he not blame me, he also didn't let me pay for it."

Zhou Manqing finally understood what was going on, and said with some blame:"Wenjun, how many times have I told you, just go to school and don't worry about money, but you just don't stop."

Mu Wenjun smiled sweetly,"Aunt, I'm an adult now, and many of my classmates have already started making money. I also want to take advantage of the summer vacation to do some part-time work." Zhou Manqing sighed

, and felt a little distressed for her.

Her sister and brother-in-law had an accident when Mu Wenjun was very young. The two have depended on each other for so many years, and she has been very sensible since she was a child.

Although Zhou Manqing used to work in a state-owned enterprise and had a good salary, Mu Wenjun has been studying music since she was a child, and the expenses are also very high.

After resigning a few days ago, this girl has been thinking about making money by herself. Zhou Manqing also had a small reason just now. It was because of financial pressure that she agreed to Lin Bin's invitation.

"Okay, since you want to work part-time, then do it well. But when school starts, you have to go to Hangzhou to study."

"Thank you, auntie"

"Remember this, stay away from Mr. Lin from now on"

"Why, auntie, Brother Bing is a good man."

"Humph! Rich men have good things for everyone."

Lin Bin didn't know what Zhou Manqing said about him behind his back. After leaving Starbucks, he went straight back to Bishuiwan. It was already noon, and Bai Lele and the others hadn't come back yet.

He called Little White Rabbit, and the two of them had to continue looking at houses in the afternoon, so they didn't plan to come back. He could only make do with a meal by himself at noon. In the afternoon, it was too hot outside, and Lin Bin was too lazy to go shopping alone, so he just lay down in the villa.

He played some games and slept until four or five o'clock. Seeing that the two girls hadn't come back yet, Lin Bin planned to go out and have fun by himself.

Before leaving, he sent a message to Cheng Keer: I'm going to your place for dinner tonight.

Message As soon as the message was sent, Cheng Keer sent back a smiley face.

Lin Bin glanced at the message and put away his phone with a smile. Cheng Keer was the first woman to strike back, and it was time for him to strike back tonight.

After thinking about it, in order not to let the little white rabbit worry about him, Lin Bin sent her another message: I have something to do and I won’t be back to the villa tonight, so don’t wait for me.

Soon, Bai Lele replied: Ah, Brother Bin, where are you going tonight? Lin Bin

: I’m going to dig a well tonight.

Bai Lele: Digging a well (confused)?

Before Lin Bin had time to explain to her, his phone rang again. He picked it up and saw that it was his mother calling,"Mom, what's wrong? Is there something wrong at home?"

Mother Lin:"Binzi, your cousin is getting married next week. If you can get some leave, try to come back."

"OK, I got it!"Lin Bin agreed immediately, and chatted about family matters for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone.

Lin Bin is an only child, but he has a lot of cousins, and Lin's parents are both born and raised in the countryside, and they attach great importance to the relationship between relatives.

Whenever there is something big or small at home, as long as Lin Bin is free, he will rush back.

I haven't told my family about my resignation yet, and I just transferred 50,000 yuan to my family. When I go back in a few days, it will just help improve the conditions of my family.

Lin Bin put his mobile phone in his pocket, started the Mercedes-Benz G, and headed for the Xingfuli community.

Put everything else aside for now, because my cousin won't be getting married until next week, but I'm going to be the groom tonight.

New well, new mine, new drill bit, the deeper you drill, the more oil you produce. Although I can't be considered a new drill bit, I have to go all out every time I open up wasteland. Lin Bin hummed a little tune while driving to conserve his energy.

"In the little new well, digging and digging......."

PS: It's the official debut. It's not easy to write a new book. Please remember to add it to your bookshelf, keep reading, and support it. There will be more exciting things to come. In addition, I will update at least twice a day. If the performance is good, I will update more.

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