If they really had to pay for a car worth more than two million, Zhuo Xinyi knew very well that neither she nor Bai Lele had the financial resources, and that Lin Bin would definitely have to pay for it, which was why she had said that before.

Since he had the system, Lin Bin had never been short of money, and his subconscious concept of money had also changed, but Zhuo Xinyi didn't know that.

She thought that Lin Bin's money was all earned through hard work, so she would rather be beaten than insist on repairing the car and not paying for a new one.

Lin Bin hugged Zhuo Xinyi, who was in tears, into his arms, patted her back gently, and comforted her:"Okay, don't cry, it's just two million, I can earn it back in minutes."

It's just more than two million, a critical hit can solve it

"Humph! You are so arrogant! Since you are so rich, you should compensate me for my new car."

Wang Li was even more upset when she saw the three of them being so affectionate.

Lin Bin frowned. When he came here just now, he was only concerned with comforting Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi. Now that the two women's emotions have stabilized, he has time to take a closer look at the fat woman in front of him.

���I was supposed to spend a good night with Cheng Ke'er today, but my plan was disrupted. I blame this fat woman.

Lin Bin was so angry that he looked at Wang Li,"Are you sure you want me to compensate you with a new car?"

Wang Li spitted and pointed at Lin Bin and started to curse,"You like to find a mistress, so if you have the ability, you can compensate me with a new car. If you don't have money, don't pretend to be a rich man."

Lin Bin took a deep breath, nodded and said,"Okay! I'll compensate you. How much did you spend on this car?"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers were in an uproar.

Just a scratch, but you have to compensate with a new car. This doesn't make sense, not to mention that this is a luxury car worth more than two million. But from the tone of the young man in front of him, it seems that he really intends to compensate others with a new car. This is incredible.

Wang Li sneered,"You said that. I just bought this car today. It cost me 2.8 million yuan. If you don't believe me, go to the 4S store and ask for the price."

She didn't think Lin Bin would really compensate her with a new car. Even if he was rich, more than 2 million yuan was not a small amount, unless the money came from the wind.

The reason why she was so unreasonable was that she wanted to take advantage of her own reason and teach those two beautiful girls a lesson.

Although Lin Bin's money didn't come from the wind, it was from the system, and he didn't even have to bend down to pick it up.

"It's just 2.8 million. I'll transfer it to you now. Just give me a bank account number or a payment code."

Wang Li looked disdainful. She didn't believe that this young man would pay her 2.8 million. She immediately opened the payment code on her phone and said,"Come on, let's see how long you can keep pretending."

Lin Bin didn't waste any words. He also took out his phone and scanned the other party's payment code.

"Humph! You're pretending quite well."

Wang Li muttered to herself, but she had already made up her mind. No matter how many thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan the other party paid her, she would insist that he compensate her with a new car.

Who made him support a mistress? She must make him lose face!

There was a sound of gold coins falling.

Wang Li turned on her phone and prepared to continue to laugh at the other party, but the next moment, when she saw the receipt information clearly, she was completely dumbfounded.

2.8 million yuan has been received in Alipay, please check it!

A total of five zeros, a full 2.8 million!

"How is it, has the money arrived?"

Lin Bin put his phone away again, waved at Zhuo Xinyi and the other person who were hesitant to speak, and looked at the fat woman in front of him with a smile.

Wang Li's eyes were a little flustered. The other party paid 2.8 million at the first move. It seemed that she had hit a wall today.

However, she still said stubbornly:"Humph! You are brave, I will spare them both today."

""Wait a minute!" Seeing the other party turning around to leave, Lin Bin immediately said,"I have compensated the money now, shouldn't we settle other accounts?"

The onlookers were all dumbfounded when they heard this.

More than two million yuan was compensated without blinking an eye, he is so damn rich.

Wang Li's heart was pounding, and the arrogance on her face had long disappeared. She said with a gloomy face,"My car is yours, what else do you want to settle?"

Lin Bin put away the smile on his face, shook his head, and said seriously,"Let's not talk about the car first, how about you swearing and fighting just now?"

"You want me to apologize to these two mistresses? You're dreaming!" Wang Li screamed

"Forget about the apology, I don't expect it."Lin Bin shook his head and looked at Zhuo Xinyi again,"But we have to return this slap."

Wang Li immediately jumped up and down, like a cat whose tail was stepped on,"You still want to hit me? Let's see who dares!"

Lin Bin narrowed his eyes,"I am a person who values fairness the most. I have given you 2.8 million, and now I am slapping you in the face. Isn't this normal?"

"I......"Wang Li was so angry that her fat body trembled. When she looked at Lin Bin, she suddenly felt a little more afraid."At worst, I can apologize to these two mistresses."

Even now, this woman still called her a mistress. Lin Bin became more and more angry.

"If apologies are useful, then why do we need the police! Xinyi, don't be polite, just hit her back the way she hit you just now."

Zhuo Xinyi had been unable to get a word in, but now that she saw that Lin Bin had spent more than two million just to let her return that slap, she was already very touched.

Seeing that Zhuo Xinyi was eager to try, Wang Li pointed at her nose and cursed,"You stinky mistress, just try to touch me!"

Lin Bin snorted coldly,"Hmph! I advise you to be honest, otherwise you just extorted 2.8 million from me. This huge amount is enough for you to eat free meals in jail for a few years."

After hearing what he said, Wang Li was completely panicked. The 2.8 million just now became a hot potato,"I...I'll give you the money back.���I don't want the money, just fix my car."

Lin Bin shook his head,"I don't want the money, I want to give you a slap in the face."

Two hundred and eighty-five in exchange for a slap, is it worth it?

For the sake of the bitch, Lin Bin felt it was worth it! There was no other way, who made him not short of money?

"Xinyi, do it. If she dares to resist, we will just call the police."

Lin Bin's last words completely crushed the last glimmer of hope in Wang Li's heart.

Zhuo Xinyi gritted her teeth, stepped forward step by step, raised her right hand high, and slapped it hard.

Wang Li's lips were trembling with anger, but she stood there obediently, not daring to dodge.

Snap! A crisp and loud sound rang out.

Wang Li's greasy old face quickly became red and swollen, and an obvious handprint was imprinted on it.

The slap worth 2.8 million was really powerful!

Seeing this, Lin Bin finally laughed,"Xinyi, how is it, are you relieved?"

""Woo woo~ Brother Bin!"

Zhuo Xinyi's grievances burst out again, and she threw herself into Lin Bin's arms.

""Okay, stop crying. If you're still not satisfied, let's continue."

Lin Bin comforted her while patting her back.

Still want to continue? Wang Li didn't care about the pain on her face when she heard it. Her old face turned green with fear.

She wanted to slap herself a few times at this moment. Why did she let the other party pay for a new car?

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