After having a meal at his aunt's place at noon, Lin Bin stayed for the whole afternoon. Although there was no substantial development, the three of them became much more familiar with each other.

Human nature is always changeable, and often only after getting familiar with each other can one see through the essence.

For an entire afternoon, Lin Bin made small talk and chatted about family matters.

In the end, he finally discovered that Mu Wenjun, who seemed to be well-behaved and obedient on the surface, also had a rebellious heart, or a spirit of adventure.

And the queen Zhou Manqing, who seemed to act decisively and capable, was extremely weak in her heart.

After chatting about a lot of trivial matters, Lin Bin talked about the company's affairs before leaving, and directly appointed Zhou Manqing as the company's vice president on the spot, with full responsibility for the leasing of office space.

As for himself, of course, he had to be a hands-off boss.

After leaving Mu Wenjun's house, Lin Bin originally planned to go to Cheng Ke'er's place to spend the night together, but she was not in Jiangcheng for the time being.

In desperation, he could only transfer another two million to Cheng Ke'er to use money to make up for the other party's spiritual emptiness.

Fortunately, there are two beautiful girls at home, so Lin Bin himself will not feel lonely......

June 28, Wednesday.

Because he was going to Shanghai today, Lin Bin finally did not stay in bed and got up at 7 o'clock.

The early bird gets the worm.

Last night, Bitch was pestered by the excited Bai Lele all night, and in the morning, when she was not paying attention, she secretly drank some Amul.

"Uncle, let's finish our meal quickly and leave, or we will miss the plane."Uncle, let's finish our breakfast quickly, or we will miss the plane."

Under Bai Lele's urging, Lin Bin finished his breakfast in just ten minutes.

The three of them drove the Mercedes-Benz G to the airport, ready to catch the nine o'clock flight to Shanghai.

The airport was crowded with people, all of whom were in a hurry.

Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi each pulled a small suitcase, while Lin Bin was empty-handed like an old man. This group of three people attracted many people's attention.

They came at the right time, and they started queuing up to check in as soon as they arrived at the airport.

The tickets were booked by Bai Lele in advance, and they could just swipe their ID cards.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 2760 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 85.66, and a reverse critical hit of 8566 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 23,642,160. Please check it carefully!"

This was Lin Bin's first time on a plane. He had no idea about the ticket price. He also didn't see the information on the electronic ticket. After boarding the plane, he found out that the girl had bought an economy class ticket.

If everyone knew that he was a rich man, but he still took an economy class ticket, they would laugh at him.

"Xiaobai, why did you book economy class? Who are you looking down on?"

Although the three seats were consecutive, they did not sit together. Lin Bin and Bai Lele sat in a row, and Zhuo Xinyi sat behind them.

Bai Lele stuck out her tongue, looking cute and bubbling,"Uncle, we can get to Shanghai anyway, and business class is several times more expensive."

"Fuck! This girl saved a few thousand dollars, but she lost tens of millions of dollars!

Lin Bin's heart moved, and he asked quickly,"You booked the hotel too, right? How much did it cost?"

Bai Lele nodded his head,"Uncle, I found a fast hotel on the Internet and booked two rooms, which cost more than 800 yuan a day.""

Fuck! I was so careless! I almost missed a few hundred million again.

Lin Bin's face darkened,"I will cancel the hotel after I get off the plane and book a five-star hotel again. Remember, you must book a presidential suite"

""Uncle, we don't have to be so wasteful. The hotel I found is also very nice." Bai Lele timidly retorted. Lin

Bin gave her a slap on the head. What waste? He was doing this to make money.

Besides, with his current net worth, even if he was not doing this to make money, it was not excessive to live in a five-star presidential suite. Finally

, Lin Bin was still not very confident about Bai Lele's thriftiness, so he gave the task of booking a hotel to Bitch.

After all, Zhuo Xinyi is more qualified than Bai Lele in spending money.

What's more, Bitch's sincerity index is not low now, and the critical hit multiplier is not much different.

The three of them were flying for the first time, and they were more or less excited.

Bai Lele quickly forgot about the slap on the head just now, and lay beside Lin Bin and whispered:"Uncle, it is said that those big stars often fly. Do you think we will meet them?"

Lin Bin couldn't help rolling his eyes,"Who of those big stars still sits in economy class? If you had booked business class before, you might have a chance to meet them, but now it's impossible."

A trace of disappointment suddenly appeared on Bai Lele's face. She muttered while looking around,"It would be great if I could meet a big star."

At her age, like most ordinary people, she has some yearning for the mystery of big stars.

Lin Bin ignored Bai Lele's little thoughts. After sitting in his seat, he has been secretly looking at the passengers on the plane to see if there are any surprises.

It is said that there are many beautiful women on the plane, but he was a little disappointed after looking for a long time. The opposite sex on this flight looked average.

At this moment, a figure suddenly passed by, found the seat number, and sat in the same row as Lin Bin and the others, but there was a corridor in the middle.

Lin Bin glanced at him with the corner of his eye, and when he saw the other person's appearance clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The other person looked She looked to be in her thirties, wearing a yellow tank top with her breasts about to show, and denim shorts on her lower body. Her long legs were as white as jade, and her figure was plump, exuding the unique charm of a young woman.

However, she was still wearing a pair of sunglasses on her face, covering up her delicate face, which made Lin Bin feel a little regretful.

What a ripe peach!

The beauty seemed to have noticed Lin Bin's unscrupulous gaze, and took off her sunglasses to look at each other.

Lin Bin smiled and nodded at her. Seeing that his gaze was not restrained, the beauty frowned directly, but said nothing, put on her sunglasses again, and lay down on the seat.

""Uncle, it's a star, a big star!"

Bai Lele's excited voice sounded, pulling Lin Bin's soul back.

"What big star?" Lin Bin turned his head and asked.

Bai Lele danced excitedly and secretly pointed at the beauty across the corridor,"Uncle, she is Leng Yiza, a big star!"

Lin Bin was stunned and glanced at the beauty next to him. He was secretly wondering, what big star? Why didn't he have any impression of her at all?

"Xiaobai, you recognized the wrong person, didn’t you? How come a big star would sit in economy class when traveling?"

Bai Lele affirmed,"Uncle, I’m definitely not mistaken, she is Leng Yiza, I really like the TV series she starred in."

Could it be that this beauty is really a star?

No wonder she is so beautiful.

Lin Bin became suspicious. Just looking at the other party’s appearance, sitting in economy class when traveling, and no assistants around her, she shouldn’t be a first-line star, right?

However, what Bai Lele said was not wrong. Judging from Leng Yiza’s figure, the other party was indeed a"big" star.

Lin Bin said,"Xiaobai, since you have met your favorite star, why don’t you ask for her contact information?"

Bai Lele waved her hands quickly,"Uncle, she is a big star, I dare not."

"Tsk! What's wrong with celebrities? They are all normal people."Lin Bin smiled and shook his head

"If you like, we will open a film and television company when we come back and invest in making movies. When the time comes, whichever star you like, we will let her be your sister."

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