The houses in Tomson Yipin include large flats in high-rise apartments and single-family villas. (It is purely fictional due to the needs of the plot.)

Leng Yiza was in a very bad mood after encountering a series of setbacks in the past few days in Shanghai.

The audition with the crew that had been discussed before was going smoothly, but after waiting in the hotel for a whole day yesterday, there was still no news. Leng Yiza took the initiative to call and inquire, but was told that the role had been decided.

Early this morning, she came to Tomson Yipin and found a friend in the circle, who is also the protagonist of this new play, to find out what was going on.

She learned from her friend that her role was snatched away by a newcomer, and it was decided by the boss of the investment company himself.

After learning all this, Leng Yiza was heartbroken.

""Yiza, you know the rules of the entertainment industry. If you figure it out, I can help you contact the boss of the investor."

Her friend's kind words still echoed in her ears. How could Leng Yiza not understand what he meant?

But if it was the protagonist of a big production, it would be fine. But for just a small role, she had to sacrifice herself. How could she be willing?

"Humph! I just don't believe that I can't find a role to play."

Leng Yiza had just left her friend's house, still feeling a little indignant, when she turned the corner and saw Lin Bin coming towards her, with two beautiful girls following him.

It was this bragging guy again!

Although the young man in front of her looked good, he used some low-level means to deceive girls, which made Leng Yiza feel a little ashamed.

"Uncle, it's Leng Yiza! Doesn't she live here too?"

Bai Lele also saw Leng Yiza at a glance, and excitedly pulled Lin Bin's arm.

Lin Bin was stunned, and then he noticed that the beautiful woman walking towards him was actually the"big" star he met on the plane before.

Leng Yiza was wearing a black dress today, which added some charm to her sexiness, and his eyes lit up.

However, when he thought of being rejected in person on the plane before, Lin Bin didn't dare to go up and talk to her again, so he could only turn his head to Bai Lele and said,"Xiaobai, since you are a neighbor, then you should say hello."

Bai Lele was still a little timid, but finally under Lin Bin's encouraging eyes, she stepped forward and said,"Sister Yiza, we will be neighbors from now on."

"Hello, I don't live here, I just came to see a friend."

Leng Yiza smiled and shook her head.

She had some good feelings for Bai Lele, the little fan girl, and naturally didn't want to see her being cheated. She was thinking in her heart how to expose that guy's lies.

Bai Lele's face was a little disappointed for a moment, but she still made an invitation,"Sister Yiza, we plan to live here in the future, why don't you come to our place and have a seat?"

What a naive girl! The houses here are not affordable for ordinary people.

Leng Yiza's heart moved, and she agreed inexplicably,"Okay!"

She wanted to see what excuses this young man could find if he couldn't afford the house here.

When the time comes, she must persuade this girl not to be easily deceived.

Bai Lele immediately cheered,"Great! Uncle, Sister Yiza agreed to visit us."

The accompanying salesman didn't recognize Leng Yiza either. He had never even heard of this name.

Although the formalities had been completed and Lin Bin had paid the full rent, the other party suddenly proposed to buy another large flat in a high-rise apartment, just for the convenience of sea view.

For Lin Bin, he had too much money to spend anyway, so it would be a waste to leave it alone. Buying a few more properties might even increase in value.

For such a high-quality customer, the salesman was naturally very concerned, but after looking at a few houses, Lin Bin felt that they were too small and there was no suitable house for the time being, so He personally sent them over.

Soon, the group arrived in front of Lin Bin's newly purchased villa, and the accompanying salesperson took out the key to open the door.

Although the house had been sold, he was still introducing the advantages of Tomson Yipin, just to deepen the impression and win the order for the large flat.

This villa is more than 800 square meters in total, with three floors above and below. It is smaller than the Bishuiwan in Jiangcheng, but the price is several times more expensive.

The decoration inside the villa is naturally first-class luxury. Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi, who have never seen the world, are amazed from time to time.

"Sister Yiza, the houses here are so beautiful, why don’t you buy one here too, and you can be our neighbors."

Bai Lele gradually relaxed a little, holding Leng Yiza’s arm and talking non-stop, just like a pair of good sisters.

Leng Yiza shook her head with a smile,"Lele, the houses here are too expensive, I can’t afford it."

As she spoke, she looked at Lin Bin.

After Lin Bin entered the house, he didn’t look at the decoration inside the villa. He paid more attention to Leng Yiza’s curvy figure,"It’s okay, it’s less than 200 million, not too expensive."

Pretend! Keep pretending! I wonder how long you can pretend!

Leng Yiza saw that the salesperson had been accompanying her all the time, and she didn’t know that the house had been bought by Lin Bin. She smiled and said,"Since the houses here are not expensive, why don’t you just buy it?"

When she said this, there was a hint of provocation in her tone.

Except for Bai Lele, all the other people present heard it.

The salesperson gave Leng Yiza a strange look and said with a smile,"Haha, Mr. Lin has just paid the full amount. This villa now belongs to Mr. Lin."

Leng Yiza looked incredulous! That's not right, how could the script be like this?

"you...Did you really buy it?"

"Yes, uncle just spent 189 million to buy it directly. Sister Yiza can live with us when she comes to Shanghai in the future."Bai Lele said innocently.

189 million? And the full amount!

Leng Yiza's heart was in turmoil. He could take out such a large sum of money at one time. How much is the net worth of this young man in front of him?

"Mr. Lin, here is the key to the villa. I will not disturb you for now. As for the availability of the large flat, we will inform you as soon as we have news."

The salesperson handed the key to Lin Bin respectfully.

Hearing his words, Leng Yiza was even more dumbfounded.

Does this mean that Lin Bin is still planning to buy another one?

Although the large flat is cheaper, it must cost at least hundreds of millions, right?

I wanted to expose his boast before, but I didn't expect that he was really awesome!

After the salesperson left, there were no outsiders. Bai Lele enthusiastically pulled Leng Yiza and said,"Sister Yiza, I like you so much. Do you have any new dramas recently?"

Leng Yiza was still in shock. After hearing Bai Lele's words, she came to her senses,"Ah? No one has asked me to film for a long time."

"Ah, is that so?"Bai Lele was a little disappointed, and turned to look at Lin Bin,"Uncle, aren't you going to start a film and television company? Can you ask Sister Yiza to film?""

Could it be that what this guy said is true?

Leng Yiza remembered what Lin Bin said on the plane, and she no longer dared to underestimate him.

Even when her eyes fell on Lin Bin, she felt more expectant in her heart.

"Of course you can!" Lin Bin smiled and nodded, then changed the subject,"However, I have never seen Miss Leng's work before. If you don't try out for a play, I don't know what type of role you are suitable for?"

Bai Lele heard that he was going to audition and immediately asked curiously,"Huh? Uncle, do you know how to film? Who is your favorite actor?"

Lin Bin said meaningfully,"I can't say I like her. The one I am most familiar with is Teacher Cang. I have studied all of her works over and over again."

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