Tomorrow is the day of my cousin's wedding. Logically, my uncle will definitely treat us tonight, but there is no sound on his phone.

Lin Bin called his father with a puzzled look on his face,"Dad, what's going on? Where are we having dinner tonight?"

Lin Guosheng sighed on the phone,"Hey, Binzi, don't think about dinner yet, come and persuade your brother Rui."

Lin Bin was confused,"Dad, what's going on?"

Dad Lin found a corner where no one was and lowered his voice,"Come over quickly, Xiao Rui said there was a problem with the wedding car, and tomorrow's wedding may not be held."

The wedding car had a problem, not the bride, so how could the wedding not be held?

Lin Bin was confused, but he didn't dare to delay and rushed directly to his uncle's house.

Xiangshan Lijing, Room 302.

Lin Guoqiang kept making calls, and he cursed every time he hung up.

He called almost all the contacts in his mobile phone, but still couldn't find a Mercedes-Benz S-Class car.

The groom Lin Rui was already planning to give up completely,"Dad, forget it, don't call anymore."

"What if I don't call? Is it true that we won't get married tomorrow?" Lin Guoqiang was so angry that he spoke to everyone in an aggressive tone.

Lin Rui was not in a much better mood either."What's the point of yelling at me? Anyway, things have already happened. Let's see what happens tomorrow.""

"Xiaorui is right. We will go pick her up tomorrow. At worst, we can give her more red envelopes. Maybe Xiaoya will agree to get on the car."Tian Guifen also said.

Lin Guoqiang felt that he had lost face in front of his relatives, but he had no choice but to glare at his son.

"You are a government official, but you can't even borrow a car. If Xiaoya doesn't get in the car tomorrow, how can we Lin family put our faces aside?"

""Dad, I'm just an ordinary civil servant. How can I be considered a state cadre?" Lin Rui defended himself, which immediately angered Lin Guoqiang again.

Because of the wedding car incident, a group of Lin's relatives are still hungry, but no one cares. Instead, they keep persuading and trying to give advice.

It's just that everyone is from an ordinary family and they don't usually come into contact with those rich people, so they can't help in the end.

Seeing his eldest nephew's dejected look, Lin Guosheng couldn't help but persuade him:"Xiao Rui, don't worry, Binzi will be here soon, maybe he has some way."

Although Lin Bin is a car seller, Lin Guosheng never thought that his son could have any way. He said this just to comfort Lin Rui.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm fine." Lin Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew the other party's thoughts very well. He had completely given up.

Lin Guoqiang on the side snorted coldly,"Humph! It's true that Binzi sells cars, but he is just working for others. Can you expect him to afford a Mercedes-Benz S-Class car?"

Lin Guosheng opened his mouth and was speechless.

""Dad, my uncle also wants to help, why are you saying that?" Lin Rui said quickly.

Lin Guoqiang also knew that what he said just now was a bit unpleasant. After being told by his son, he felt embarrassed and turned away.

Twenty minutes later, when Lin Bin arrived at his uncle's house, he found that the door of the room was open and more than a dozen people were all there, but they all looked worried.

"Brother Rui, my dad said that there seems to be a problem with the wedding car. What happened?"

Lin Rui smiled bitterly and said,"The first car I ordered had an accident today, so I can't go to pick up the bride tomorrow."

"What's the big deal? Can't we just change a car?" Lin Bin heaved a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Lin Guoqiang said coldly:"It's easy for you to say that. He specifically asked for a Mercedes-Benz S-Class. Don't you have one?"

Hearing his uncle's sarcastic words, Lin Bin felt a little uncomfortable, but the other party was his elder after all, so he couldn't get angry. He could only shake his head and said honestly:"I really don't have a Mercedes-Benz S-Class car."

"Why are you licking if you don't have a car!" Lin Guoqiang is now like an ant on a hot pot, and he will scold anyone he catches.

Lin Bin couldn't tell that his uncle was upset, so he ignored him and turned to look at his cousin,"Brother Rui, it's just a car, isn't there any other way?"

Lin Rui could only smile bitterly and shake his head without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lin Bin also fell silent. This matter was too coincidental. After all, he had to go to pick up the bride tomorrow morning, and it would be too late to buy a car even now.

Seeing his cousin's frustrated face, he could only comfort him,"Brother Rui, I'm really sorry. I thought that the Mercedes-Benz G-Class I drove this time could make do with it as your lead car, but she specifically asked for a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, and I can't help with this matter."

""Binzi, what did you just say?" Lin Rui suddenly became excited, opened his mouth wide, and looked incredulous.

Lin Bin spread his hands,"Yes, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class I drove this time, although it is not a luxury car, but the grade is almost the same. But now people specifically want to sit in an S-Class, there is nothing I can do."

In his mind, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class is only more than two million yuan, and compared with those sports cars that cost tens of millions, it is really not a real luxury car.

"What G-Class or not, don't make trouble, the car they are going to drive is an S-Class worth millions!"

Lin Guoqiang had no idea about luxury cars, he only knew that the S-Class was worth millions, and he had never heard of the G-Class.

Lin Rui suddenly got excited,"Dad, a Mercedes-Benz G-Class costs more than two million, which is more expensive than the S-Class!"

Hearing his son's words, Lin Guoqiang was stunned, his head was a little confused,"What did you say?"

Lin Rui ignored him and turned to look at Lin Bin,"Binzi, how do you drive a Mercedes-Benz G-Class? Did you borrow it from someone else?"

Seeing his anxious look, everyone came back to their senses. It turns out that the G-Class that Lin Bin just mentioned is of a higher grade than the Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

This car is related to whether Lin Rui can successfully marry his bride tomorrow. For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Bin.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Lin Bin touched his nose unnaturally and said,"Yes, I borrowed this car from my leader."

A car worth more than two million yuan. Lin Guoqiang knew that he could never afford it in his lifetime, and his breathing became rapid."Binzi, you are not kidding, did you really borrow a G-Class?"

Lin Bin nodded,"The car is parked downstairs, Brother Rui, go and see if it's okay."

Lin Rui said excitedly,"What are you looking at? If it's really a Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Xiaoya will definitely agree."

"What are you talking about, kid? Let's go and have a look first. What if the G-Class that Binzi mentioned is not the G-Class worth more than two million?"

Lin Guoqiang was still worried, so he immediately took his son downstairs to confirm.

Seeing this, everyone was also very curious about the luxury car worth more than two million, so they all went downstairs together to take a look.

"It's really a Mercedes-Benz G-Class!"

As soon as he came downstairs, Lin Rui saw the car parked in the open space, and his eyes lit up immediately.

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