After Wang Han sent the text message, she held her phone anxiously, fearing that there would be no response after the message was sent.

She has been working in the bank for two years and has long been tired of the boring working environment. Fortunately, her aunt also works in the county government and has promised to find an opportunity to recruit her into the unit.

However, Wang Han's aunt has not had a good time recently. The director of the Finance Bureau was transferred to the Investment Promotion Bureau. Although they are both directors, this transfer is actually a promotion in name only and a demotion in reality.

Since Wang Han had previous experience working in a bank and with the background of her aunt, it was not a big problem for her to be admitted to the Investment Promotion Bureau.

However, Zhushan is just a small county town. Not to mention the backward economy, the geographical location is not good either. Investment promotion work is not easy at all.

Today, Wang Han happened to meet the rich man Lin Bin, and her mind became active.

Although she has not officially joined the company yet, she has already started thinking about her future work.

"If we can get in touch with Lin Bin and persuade him to invest in his hometown, then my aunt will definitely be able to open up the situation in the Merchants Group soon."

After the 'borrowing a car' incident, and knowing from Lin Rui that he wanted Ding Xiaoya to help introduce a partner to Lin Bin, Wang Han concluded that the Lin family didn't know Lin Bin's true worth yet.

Otherwise, why would a man worth billions need a blind date?

After a brief contact today, Wang Han felt that Lin Bin was not only rich, but also very low-key. Apart from being lustful, he did not have any of the shortcomings of those rich people.

How could she let others get there first with such an outstanding man.

Therefore, Wang Han just sent a message directly, asking if the other party was still in the county.

Ding! The phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that it was a message from Lin Bin, Wang Han was delighted and quickly replied,"Brother Bin, how about we have dinner together tonight? I'll treat you to the delicious food of our Zhushan County."

"OK, then send me the location."

Lin Bin replied with a smile, and soon his phone received a location.

Since a beautiful woman invited him, how could he refuse.

Lin Bin took a look, quickly replied with an OK gesture, put the phone in his pocket, and took a taxi to the place where the other party had agreed.

Ten minutes later, when he just arrived at the door of the hotel, he saw Wang Han waiting on the roadside.

It seems that the other party had prepared to come in advance, otherwise it would not be possible to come so quickly.

Wang Han dressed up carefully tonight, with a white T-shirt and tight jeans, which just set off his curvy figure.

This outfit looks very simple, but it shows the youthful vitality on his body perfectly.

When he saw Lin Bin coming over, Wang Han's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the initiative to greet him,"Brother Bin, although our Zhushan is a small place, there are many delicious foods. Youqi is the private dish here, and they are all authentic and wild."

As she introduced, she led Lin Bin into the restaurant.

A rich man like him must have eaten everything, so Wang Han carefully selected this wild vegetable restaurant.

The name of the restaurant is Zhushan Private Kitchen. It is not large, with a total area of only more than 100 square meters, but the business is very hot and almost every seat is full.

Wang Han should have made a reservation in advance. After the two of them entered the store, she just greeted them and the waiter began to serve the dishes. Lin Bin didn't even see the menu.

There were a total of six dishes, all of which looked delicious.

Lin Bin tasted them all and couldn't help but nodded and praised,"Not bad, the taste is really good."

When Wang Han heard his praise, a smile immediately appeared on his face,"I'm glad that Brother Bin likes it. I was worried that you wouldn't be used to it."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I'm just an ordinary person. What's there to be unaccustomed to?"

The two ate and talked. When the meal was halfway through, seeing that the time was almost right, Wang Han pretended to be indifferent and said casually

"Brother Bin, you are really low-key. Today I heard Sister Xiaoya say that she would introduce you to someone. For someone as outstanding as you, why would you need to go on a blind date?"

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"I just have a little money. In fact, I am the same as ordinary people, and it is normal for me to go on a blind date."

Seeing that the other party did not shy away from the fact that he was rich, Wang Han joked,"That's not right. With your net worth, you are definitely the richest man in our Zhushan County. Take blind dates for example, rich people are definitely different from ordinary people."

Lin Bin looked at the other party with interest and said with a smile,"Poor people go on blind dates and the relationship ends as soon as they meet. Rich people go on blind dates and the relationship ends as soon as they meet. Aren't they all the same?"

Wang Han was stunned and subconsciously said,"You are so rich, how could you go on a blind date and the relationship end?"

Lin Bin smiled and said,"It depends on how you go on a blind date."

Hearing what he said, Wang Han was puzzled at first, but soon reacted, and her pretty face suddenly became hot......

Xiangshan Lijing, Room 302.

Lin Rui and Ding Xiaoya returned after having dinner with relatives and friends.

After a whole day of hard work, the two were exhausted. After washing up, they did not rush to the last step. Anyway, the things that needed to be done had been done long ago.

Lin Rui hugged the bride with a happy face and said with emotion:"Xiaoya, today is really thanks to Binzi. You should quickly pick a suitable person and introduce him to him in the next few days."

Ding Xiaoya said indifferently:"You are quite warm-hearted. You haven't even decided on your job transfer yet, but now you care about others."

Lin Rui has worked in the tax bureau for several years, but his position has not changed.

Some time ago, relying on the relationship with his father-in-law, he finally introduced him to a county leader and prepared some activities to transfer him there.

"Xiaoya, haven't we already agreed on the job transfer? In a few days, when I go to see your father, I can just arrange a meal with the leaders, and everything will be easy by then." After so many years of work, Lin Rui's ambition has long been worn down. If Ding Xiaoya hadn't been urging him, he wouldn't have bothered to transfer.

Ding Xiaoya frowned and returned to the previous topic,"Your cousin only has a college diploma, and he's in sales. His family conditions are average, how can I have the nerve to introduce him to someone else?"

Lin Rui retorted,"What you said is not right. Binzi is handsome, and he can talk and do things. Although your uncle's family conditions are average, they are still acceptable."

"Then who do you want me to introduce to him?" Ding Xiaoya asked back.

Lin Rui thought about it, his eyes lit up,"Wang Han, who is your bridesmaid today, is not bad, and she is a good match for Binzi."

Ding Xiaoya sneered,"You are really bold! Hanhan works in a bank, and her sister-in-law is the director of the Merchants Bureau. Your cousin is just a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

Lin Rui was speechless for a moment. After thinking about his cousin's conditions, he really had no way to refute,"It's said that, Binzi still has many advantages. If Wang Han is not good enough, we can introduce him to someone else. Anyway, I promised my uncle about this."

Ding Xiaoya said impatiently:"Okay, I get it, I'll introduce him to someone in two days"

"Hey, how about we take a short break?"

"Ah! Turn off the light first!".......

On the other side, Lin Bin and Wang Han had almost finished eating.

Wang Han looked at the time and felt that he was not satisfied yet, so he said,"Brother Bin, it's still early, how about we go for a walk?" It's just a small county town, what's there to do at night.

Lin Bin's eyes flashed, and he said,"How about we go to the hotel and have a seat?"

The other party invited him to eat the delicacies of Zhushan County tonight, so he should also invite her to taste the taste of the richest man in Zhushan County.

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