"Ahaha~ Give me a cup of love water, so I can stay erect all night......"

Early in the morning, Lin Bin got up, washed his underwear, and then washed up before picking up his phone.

"Oh, by the way, let me see how many people have sent me red envelopes!"

As soon as I turned on my phone, the ding ding ding messages kept ringing.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 66 yuan consumption rebate from Cheng Keer, a sincerity index of 58.77, and a reverse critical hit of 5877 times!"

"The amount received is 387,882 yuan, please check it!"

Sure enough!

Lin Bin was delighted.

He just clicked on the red envelope sent by Cheng Ke'er, and it triggered a critical hit as expected, which also confirmed his guess.

Seeing that there were more than 30 red dots on his phone, Lin Bin immediately became excited.

He first collected all the red envelopes from the male compatriot, which were basically tens of yuan or a few yuan.

There was not much news for the rest.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 88 yuan consumption rebate from Zhuo Xinyi, sincerity index 15.63, reverse critical hit 1563 times!"

"The amount received is 137,544 yuan, please check it!"

As expected of a bitch, with a sincerity index of just over 15 points, Lin Bin curled his lips and regarded this woman as a tool in his heart.

In the future, just take advantage of her, and don't make close friends.

Next, continue to receive red envelopes

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 188 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 66.66, and a reverse critical hit of 6666 times!"

"The amount received is 1,253,208 yuan, please check it!"

Wow! It's a hit!

A red envelope directly hit more than 1.2 million yuan, it really deserves to be called 666!

Lin Bin forced himself to suppress the excitement in his heart and clicked on the next red envelope.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 188.8 yuan from Lu Xiaoyu, a sincerity index of 91.23, and a reverse critical hit of 9123 times!"

"The amount received is 1,715,124 yuan, please check it!"

It is more than 1.7 million yuan again!

And the sincerity index is 91.23%, which is the highest index Lin Bin has encountered so far.

"It seems that Lu Banzhang is really his goddess!"

Lin Bin was ecstatic, but he soon calmed down.

There were still a few red envelopes left, and more than 400,000 were critiqued in bits and pieces.

I took a look at the account balance, and it skyrocketed by nearly 5 million in just one night.

"The one with the highest crit is Xiaoyu, the one with the lowest crit is Biaobiao. Xiaobai and Cheng Keer are also good and can be cultivated for a long time......."

Lin Bin looked at the critical hit record and analyzed it carefully.

He would treat different people in different ways.

For example, for a tool like Bian Bian, he only needs to give a few gifts at ordinary times, even a little bit counts.

But when facing Lu Xiaoyu, he can't throw money at people.

If he gives the other party a large sum of money at one time, let alone whether the other party will accept it, I am afraid that the sincerity index will also decrease. You can play games with Xiaobai frequently, just as a way to relax, and by the way, you can get the wool for a long time. As for Cheng Keer, Lin Bin had already thought about it, and he would give her an opportunity later, which was also a favor.

After all, she was the first woman to reverse the critical hit after the system was turned on. Did n't Yang Man run away with someone because of an Audi Q7? Then he would buy one today, and buy a more expensive one.

Anyway, he is not short of money now.

Thinking of this, Lin Bin quickly got dressed, went downstairs and took a taxi directly to Jinhua Audi 4S store.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the destination.

"Those who looked down on me, I will make you regret it!"

Lin Bin stood at the gate, looking at this familiar place, and swore secretly in his heart.

Coincidentally, as soon as he entered the door, he met Yang Man at the gate of the exhibition hall.

This woman taught him a hard lesson yesterday!

"Lin Bin, why are you here again?" Yang Man frowned, looking disgusted,"Please stop bothering me!"

""Psycho! I'm here to buy a car, it's none of your business!"

Since he had seen through the other person's character, Lin Bin was not polite and directly scolded him.

Yang Man was furious and immediately shouted,"Security, where is the security?"

She shouted at the top of her voice, which immediately attracted other people's attention.

Two security guards came quickly, staring at Lin Bin with a fierce look,"What's going on?"

"This scoundrel has already resigned, but he still comes to harass me every day. Get rid of him quickly!"

Yang Man pointed and gestured, with a condescending manner.

The two security guards were also old employees, and they recognized Lin Bin at a glance.

They also heard about his"cuckolding" and made a judgment in their hearts when they saw the situation in front of them.

""Buddy, I advise you to forget it. You can't mess around here." One of the security guards persuaded.

The two did not fight directly and spoke very politely.

Lin Bin did not embarrass the two security guards and explained:"Don't listen to this crazy woman. I'm here to buy a car. Besides, she looks like that. Why would I harass her if she doesn't take a piss and look in the mirror?"

The two security guards were a little confused. They looked at Yang Man's curvy figure and were speechless for a while.

Speaking of which, this woman does have some capital, otherwise the local boss surnamed Wang would not spend money to keep her.

Yang Man was furious when she heard Lin Bin's foul language.

"Who do you call a crazy woman?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lin Bin spread his hands and didn't even look at her. He kept talking to the two security guards."You tell me, I came here to buy a car, but this woman kept pestering me. What kind of service attitude is this?""

""You two are idiots, why did a poor guy like him buy a car? Why don't you kick him out?"

Yang Man went completely crazy, not only scolding Lin Bin, but also scolding the two security guards.

The two security guards were also unlucky, but for the sake of their jobs, they dared not talk back, and began to persuade Lin Bin,"Brother, you'd better leave quickly. If things get out of hand, it will not be good for anyone."

Although they were security guards, they also knew that the cars here were not cheap, and of course they did not believe that Lin Bin could afford it.

"I really came here to buy a car. If you listen to this woman and drive the customer away, can you afford the consequences?"

Lin Bin was not panicked at all.

These days, customers are God, and as long as he has money, no one dares to drive him out.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the two security guards did not dare to act rashly.

Seeing that the security guard was of no use, Yang Man began to threaten again,"Lin Bin, I warn you, if you pester me again, I will call the police!"

"Then please report it quickly. If you don't know the phone number, I can tell you."The angrier she got, the happier Lin Bin felt.

Yang Man was so angry that she couldn't speak. She knew she was in the wrong. If the matter really got out of hand, she wouldn't have a good ending.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, get out of the way and don't delay my car purchase."

Lin Bin was too lazy to waste words with this woman. When he picked up the car himself, the slapping effect would be better.

Thinking of this, he raised his foot and walked into the exhibition hall.

""Okay! I want to see what kind of car you can afford today!"

Yang Man snorted coldly and followed.

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