Lin Guoqiang is extremely concerned about his son's career, even more than Lin Rui himself.

Lin Rui had suggested borrowing a car from someone before, or renting one, but Lin Guoqiang thought that it would be more impressive to borrow the Mercedes-Benz G from Lin Bin.

At that time, Lin Rui took into account that his cousin would come to the county town for a blind date anyway, so he didn't think much about it, so he didn't make other preparations.

But now that he is about to go to pick someone up, it is too late to borrow a car.

Lin Rui thought about it, his expression still a little embarrassed, and said:"Dad, I think we should forget it. If it doesn't work

, just take a taxi." Lin Guoqiang said unhappily:"What nonsense are you talking about, kid, didn't Xiaoya introduce a date to Binzi, what's wrong with asking him to drive to help pick someone up?" It would have been fine if he didn't mention the blind date. As soon as he mentioned it, Lin Rui's face became even uglier

"Forget it, I can't trouble Binzi with this matter anymore."Lin Rui shook his head.

Lin Guoqiang looked unhappy,"If you are embarrassed to call, I will. I don't believe that Binzi won't even lend me a car."

Seeing him take out his mobile phone, Lin Rui hurriedly stopped him, but Lin Guoqiang was determined to borrow the Mercedes-Benz from Lin Bin, so he called him in the end.

Lin Bin had just come out of the department store and bought some local specialties from his hometown to bring to Little White Rabbit and Bitch.

He looked at the time and it was almost eleven o'clock. Wang Han had sent a message to confirm the meeting place at noon.

He was thinking about going there early, but his mobile phone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was his uncle who called. Lin Bin was a little surprised,"Uncle, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Lin Guoqiang laughed,"Binzi, come to my place first, your brother Rui has something to discuss with you."

Lin Bin looked at the time and said,"Uncle, I have an appointment with someone at noon today, how about I go there in the afternoon?"

Lin Guoqiang said:"That won't work! Come here first, your brother Rui's matter is urgent, and it won't take you too long."

After asking for a long time, the uncle didn't say what the matter was on the phone. Helplessly, Lin Bin could only hang up the phone and drive to his uncle's house first.

"This kid, he even told me that he had an appointment."

Lin Guoqiang grumbled in dissatisfaction, turned to look at his son,"See, it's that simple. Binzi will be here soon, let him help drive to pick him up."

Lin Rui looked a little embarrassed,"Dad, Binzi might really have something to do."

"Humph! What could possibly happen to him? Besides, nothing is more important than your work!" Lin Guoqiang disagreed.

Twenty minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz G stopped in the Xiangshan Lijing community.

From what he heard on the phone just now, his cousin's matter was quite urgent, so Lin Bin did not dare to delay and went upstairs.

"Hey, Binzi, you are finally here, come in quickly!" Lin Guoqiang let him in with a smile.

Seeing that everyone was at home, Lin Bin greeted them first, then looked at his cousin,"Brother Rui, uncle just said that you had something urgent, what happened?"

Lin Rui opened his mouth, but it was really difficult to speak.

"Hey, your brother is just shy, let me tell you."Lin Guoqiang saw that his son was useless, so he could only speak for himself.

"Your cousin has an appointment with a senior leader in the county today, and wants him to help transfer his job. We are almost at the restaurant now, and the car we found before had an accident, so now we want to borrow your car."

Lin Bin was stunned, and then he realized why his uncle wanted to find him,"This is easy, brother Rui, you can just drive my car."

Uncle often boasted that his cousin had a good relationship with those leaders in the county. He didn't know whether it was true or not, but no matter what, he couldn't delay his cousin's business.

Lin Guoqiang frowned,"Binzi, can you help your brother Rui pick up the person first, and then go and do your thing?"

Lin Bin said:"Uncle, I really have an appointment with someone at noon, and it's not easy to turn it down."

He had already made peace with Wang Han at noon. Although her aunt was not a high-ranking person, she was the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau after all. She was very busy with work on weekdays, so it was not easy for him to postpone it.

Lin Guoqiang's tone was a little displeased,"Binzi, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but what can be more important than your brother's work? The person you have an appointment with today is an important leader. Once he is transferred to another job, he can still help you in the future......."

"Dad, please stop talking, Binzi really has something to do."

Seeing that his father was about to continue talking, Lin Rui quickly interrupted him.

Not to mention that he is now worth billions, even when he was poor before, he never expected his uncle's family to help.

Lin Bin smiled faintly and did not bother with his uncle,"Brother Rui, it's really not a coincidence today, please drive there yourself, it's almost time here, and I'm in a hurry to meet someone."

Lin Rui quickly took the key,"Binzi, you also have an appointment, what will you do if you give me the car?"

Lin Bin shook his head and said,"It's okay, I can take a taxi. That's it, I'll leave first."

"I'll take you downstairs."

Lin Rui personally walked him downstairs, saying as he walked,"Binzi, my dad is like this, don't take it to heart, and as for the blind date, I'll ask your sister-in-law to make sure she keeps a close eye on it for you."

Lin Bin smiled and said,"Brother Rui, we're all family, there's no need to be polite."

After saying goodbye to his cousin and leaving the community, he directly took a taxi and headed for the agreed restaurant.

After he left, Lin Rui sighed, feeling a little inexplicably guilty.

But it was really getting late, and he didn't dare to delay, so he went upstairs with Ding Xiaoya to pick someone up.

In the car, Ding Xiaoya complained,"Your cousin is really something, asking him to help pick someone up but he still refused."

It's true that people from the same family stick together, and she has the same character as Lin Guoqiang.

Lin Rui said unhappily,"Okay, Binzi has also made an appointment, and she really has something to do"

"Humph! The person we are meeting today is Deputy Director Zhou of the Finance Bureau. Who can he meet?"

"Why do you care who they are meeting? Besides, we have lent the car to you."

When Lin Bin arrived at Shenglong Hotel, he saw Wang Han waiting at the door as soon as he got off the car.

"Brother Bin, this way!"

Wang Han had been waiting for the vehicle at the door. Seeing Lin Bin getting out of the taxi, he was curious and said,"Brother Bin, how did you get here by taxi?"

"The car has been lent to someone else." Lin Bin said casually,"Is your aunt here?"

Wang Han stretched out his arm and said with a smile:"She is very busy every day. It will probably take a while for her to come. Let's go in first."

The hotel was booked in advance. Because they had something to discuss, they specially booked a private room called Furong Hall.

Lin Bin and Wang Han chatted casually. After more than ten minutes, a figure pushed the door and walked in.

The person was a beautiful mature woman with delicate features, short hair, white shirt and black trousers. At first glance, she was an open-minded person.


Wang Han stood up quickly, ran over and hugged the other's arm, looking very friendly,"Aunt, this is the General Manager Lin I mentioned."

Lin Bin also stood up and said with a smile:"Director Wang, my name is Lin Bin, you can just call me Binzi."

Wang Tao smiled faintly and stretched out her fair right hand,"My name is Wang Tao!"

The two hands gently clasped and then released.

Lin Bin looked at Wang Tao carefully, and there was no trace of time on the other's fair face.

If he hadn't learned from Wang Han that her aunt was almost forty, he would have thought that she was only about thirty.

What a pair of lotus flowers!

Looking at the two beauties, one big and one small, in front of him, Lin Bin suddenly remembered the name of this private room.

It was really appropriate.

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