God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 419 Taking Over the Yamen

"As long as you understand in your heart, tell me your opinion first. If you want to control the Dongyu Town Fusi, where should you start?" Mr. Sun said calmly.

Xia Fangtao secretly complained: He really wanted to sell the entire Dongyu Town Fusi...but he didn't have the courage to refuse. Facing a sixth-level person, the other party had firmly grasped all the initiative from beginning to end.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, there are three forces under Pang Lin's command. The strongest is naturally his Pang family, including Pang Lei, Pang Gao and Pang's in-laws. In the entire Dongyu Town Fusi, hundreds of households These people occupy fully 30% of the upper seats!"

"In addition, there is a commander in the Fusi of Dongyu Town named Leng Xihe. He is a cultivator in the fifth realm of Liudie. He has been in the Fusi of Dongyu Town for more than a hundred years. When the commander-in-chief was still there, he was In this position, it can be said that it is deeply rooted in the Fusi of Dongyu Town."

"When Pang Lin took control of the entire Dongyue Town and Fusi, he suppressed dissidents. Leng Xihe and he fought openly and covertly several times, but no one took advantage. Later, the two sides reached some kind of agreement. Leng Xihe supported Pang Lin in taking the position, and Pang Lin can’t move Leng Xihe’s people.”

"Leng Xihe has not been in charge of much in the Fusi of Dongyuan Town in recent years, but he has maintained his basic base very well and received a large amount of spiritual jade from Pang Lin every year."

"The third force is Cao Shang of Qianhu. It is said that he has a backer in the court and is not afraid of Pang Lin. Therefore, some people who dislike Pang Lin, led by Cao Shang, unite to fight against Pang Lin. However, this force The weakest, and over the years, traitors have often appeared, taking refuge in Pang Lin and betraying Cao Shang. Pang Lin did not give them any money, and life was very difficult for these people."

"Your Excellency wants to control the entire Dongyu Town Fusi as soon as possible. I think we should subdue Cao Shang and join forces with Leng Xihe. With their support, Dongyu Town Fusi will get half of it."

"Then support Cao Shang and lead the Lengxi River. In more than ten years, we can completely bring the Dongyu Town Fusi under control."

Sun Changming asked calmly: "Who should be the leader of Pang Lin's forces now?"

"It should be Pang Bing, Pang Lin's fourth brother."

Yanwu City was the largest city in the entire eastern part of the Wu Dynasty, with a population of more than three million. Rich merchants gathered in the city. The headquarters of many local government offices in the eastern part of the Wu Dynasty were established here.

On a street in the north of the city, there is the magnificent Fusi Yamen of Dongyu Town!

Since Concubine Pang gave birth to the seventh prince, Pang Lin no longer kept a low profile, and carried out extensive construction work to rebuild the yamen. Many cultivation methods were used in the process. To this day, it is still one of the most magnificent buildings in Yanwu City.

The tall stone beasts in front of the gate were suppressed, and the plaque of Fusi of Dongyu Town hung high. There were two rows of guards outside the gate, a total of sixteen people, arranged in a figure of eight. The front door was deserted, and no ordinary people dared to approach it. The small merchants and hawkers walking in the streets would not even approach this street.

Deep inside the yamen, a few adults from thousands of households, whose feet would make the whole city tremble if they stamped their feet on the ground, surrounded a tall, fat middle-aged man with extreme uneasiness.

The man's imperial robe was a little messy. He had just been dragged out of the most expensive brothel in the city by several thousand families, so his appearance was certainly not neat enough.

"Why are you panic?!" Pang Bing raised his knuckles on the table in front of him in dissatisfaction, with a hangover in his eyes. He shouted to the captain outside the door: "Make me a pot of tea."

"Pang Qianhu, do you still want to drink tea?" Several Qianhu said anxiously: "Think about what to do, brothers now have no backbone..."

"A bunch of trash!" Pang Bing straightened his clothes and cursed, "Is the Seventh Prince dead?"

"Has Concubine Pang been deposed?"

"Did my eldest brother be beheaded by the emperor?"

Several thousand households were startled: "No."

"Isn't this it?" Pang Bing spread his hands: "What do you have to be afraid of? The seventh prince is not dead, Concubine Pang is not deposed, and the foundation of my Pang family is there. No matter why the seventh prince chose to help Liu this time No matter what, he will always be the grandson of my Pang family."

"The emperor didn't kill my eldest brother on the spot, which means he was reluctant to kill the Sixth Realm. No matter what crime my eldest brother committed, at least his life is safe."

"There is a prince and a sixth realm, why are you panicking?"

Several thousand households are not as confident as him: "But Sun Changming has been appointed as the commander of the Fusi of Dongyu Town, and he is coming soon..."

"He is nothing!" Pang Bing said disdainfully: "What is the foundation of Dongyu Town Fusi these years?"

Several Qianhu looked at each other and couldn't answer. Just as the captain brought tea, Qianhu poured tea for Pang Bing diligently: "Please give Pang Qianhu some advice."

"You are really a bunch of trash. Dongyu Town Fusi has been able to win over so many brothers over the years. Everyone is united and united. This is basically our Dongyu Town Fusi's profitable business!"

"Every brother from top to bottom has taken money, who dares to betray us? To betray us is to betray himself!"

"Even if Sun Changming is in the sixth realm, is it possible that he can still control the entire Dongyu Town Fusi by himself? If he wants to do things and have his orders executed, he has to rely on our brothers!"

"The fight between Pang and Liu Zhi is a high-level matter. We don't know about it and can't control it. But Sun Changming is here. If he wants to gain a foothold in Dongyu Town Fusi, he needs the support of our brothers."

Several thousand households thought about it and realized that this is really the truth! They all knew how embarrassing it would be for a chief official in a yamen like Chaotiansi to be sidelined by his subordinates.

"So as long as Sun Changming enters the city, Ben Qianhu will go and talk to him. He also has Mengjiang Dusi, and that is his home base. He doesn't have much energy to devote to Fusi in Dongyu Town."

"If he knows the truth, we will not lose a penny from the share that should be given to him. In the future, as long as he sits in Mengjiang Dusi, he will be able to receive hundreds of millions of spiritual jade every year. This money is so hard to come by - —Who can say no?!”

"If he is ignorant and insists on competing with us, let's join forces and let him experience the unity of our Dongyu Town Fusi!"

Having said this, Pang Bing put down his tea cup and glanced at everyone present with a sinister look: "Don't blame me for not explaining it in advance. If anyone dares to disobey orders and submit to Sun Changming, your base will be ours." It’s all clear at home!”

Several Qianhu said in succession: "Don't worry Pang Qianhu, we will never betray Pang. It's just Leng Xihe and Cao Shang..."

"We agreed a long time ago, so I don't have to worry about you." Pang Bing replied lazily, and several thousand households finally felt relieved.

Pang Bing is so confident. Firstly, it is because Pang Lin has been in business for many years, and the whole Fusi of Dongyu Town is indeed monolithic. Secondly, he has received news from his family. Concubine Pang in the palace still firmly supports Pang, but the seventh prince He is closely protected by the Imperial City Department and cannot be contacted for the time being. It is unclear why he "rebellion".

But as long as Pang Lin, the sixth realm, survives, the Pang family will still be full of information.

It is impossible for the Pang family to give up Dongyu Town Fusi easily. If they want to entrust the Seventh Prince to do big things, they need a lot of wealth, and the main source is Dongyu Town Fusi.

These people were discussing, when suddenly a school captain rushed in: "Master Qianhu, Sun Changming has entered the city!"

Pang Bing laughed loudly, slapped the table and said: "Very good! Who among you is willing to go out and ask him to share the money?!"

Several thousand households looked at each other and shied away from each other. Pang Bing was furious: "You have no courage." He looked at one of them: "Liu Zisheng, you go."

"Ah?" Liu Qianhu was dumbfounded.

Master Sun arrived in Yanwu City. He did not come quietly, but sent ten thousand dollars to deliver the news in advance. That's why those thousands of households became anxious and pulled Pang Bing out of the bed of the beautiful sister.

Not only did the Fusi of Dongyu Town know about it, but officials from other yamen in the city were also notified.

Early this morning, these officials and generals all arrived outside the city to greet them. In terms of rank, Mr. Sun certainly doesn't deserve such grand treatment now, but he can't bear to say that he is Chaotiansi, who specializes in pulling pigtails, so everyone from top to bottom is very considerate, and he has pushed forward today's official business, and wants to see him as soon as possible. Mr. Sun, please don’t worry about me.

But they all also saw that there was no one from Chaotiansi in the welcoming team!

We are all old men in officialdom, how could we not know what is going on? My heart was filled with joy: We don't care about your internal fighting in Chaotian Division. The more lively the fighting, the better.

Mr. Sun only glanced at it and understood, and simply socialized with these local officials - this was done to reassure these guys and show that I am not here for you.

Mr. Sun now wants to concentrate on handling the affairs of Dongyu Town Fusi and does not want to make other enemies.

So after a peaceful but lackluster reception banquet, Mr. Sun and the local officials said goodbye and left in style.

After the local officials saw Lord Sun off, they dispersed, some in sedans, some on horses, and some in cars. These local snakes were very smart in Yanwu City, and soon one of their clever servants delivered the follow-up news to their master.

"Sun Changming went straight to Fusi Yamen in Dongyu Town?"

"Haha, this Master Sun is indeed worthy of his reputation."

"This battle for Dongyu Town Fusi has reached its climax and is exciting! It's a pity that I can't participate in it."

That's right, Mr. Sun didn't leave any room for buffering and went straight to Fusi Yamen in Dongyu Town in the north of the city. This is somewhat inconsistent with the unspoken rules of officialdom in the Wu Dynasty.

The custom of the Wu Dynasty was that when officials arrived at a place, they would first stop at a post station outside the city, put on airs and don't look cheap, or be reserved and don't look urgent, and wait for their subordinate officials to come collectively to invite them. Will stay in his own government office.

After the reception banquet, Sun Changming should have gone to stay temporarily in a post house in the city as usual - for example, Liu Zisheng Qianhu was waiting outside the huge post house in Yanwu City.

Everyone in the Fusi Department of Dongyu Town was unprepared. When Lord Sun and his men appeared outside the Yamen, the lieutenants didn't know who was coming.

Although Wan Qianlai and the others didn't know what the Lord meant by doing this, since the Lord had given the order, they naturally carried it out without hesitation! But surprisingly, this time it was not Wan Qianlai or Mu Qingmo who rushed out first, but Ma Qizhi!

"You bastard! The Commander-in-Chief of Dongyu Town Fusi is here, why don't you welcome him quickly!"

Ma Qizhi shook the riding crop in his hand and whipped the lieutenants in front of the Yamen so hard that they ran away with their heads in their hands. At the same time, he picked up the reins of the horse, and the majestic war horse jumped up. The two front hooves of the horse neighed and crushed the two doors of the Yamen!

Ma Qizhi poured the power of his fifth realm into the body of the war horse under his crotch.

There was a big chaos in the Fusi Yamen of Dongyu Town. The people inside had not received the news and did not know what happened. A large group of people rushed out with swords drawn: "What kind of dogs who are not afraid of death dare to come to Dongyu Town Fusi act wildly?"

Ma Qizhi broke in first, whipping the horse whip left and right in his hand. Where are these people's opponents in the fifth realm? Suddenly there was a rout. Ma Qizhi was beating and beating him while yelling: "Trash, bitch, idiot, scum..."

The Wan Qian Lai people looked at each other in confusion, and then looked at the adults together, only to see that the adults looked dull.

Ma Qizhi was holding back resentment, and Master Sun knew it. During his stay in Mengjiang Dusi, Sun Changming didn't know if Song Gongquan secretly persuaded him, but after such a long time, he should have figured it out.

If he still can't figure out some key points on his own, Lord Sun won't use him. He will just be an idler in the future. Song Gongquan's "investment" will always give a certain return.

Now it seems that Ma Qizhi took advantage of the topic to express the resentment in his chest, and Sun Changming left him alone. Moreover, he came straight to Fusi Yamen in Dongyu Town, intending to cause a scene.

After Ma Qizhi beat and scolded him all the way and rushed through the front yard of the Yamen to outside the main hall, Pang Bing led the thousands of households and hurriedly blocked it. Pang Bing yelled: "What a madman, you are impatient, aren't you?"

Ma Qizhi sneered, and the aura of the fifth realm surged over unreasonably!

The Pang soldiers couldn't hold on any longer and fell to their knees on the ground. In most places in the Great Wu Dynasty, the fourth realm was more than enough to serve a thousand households. The fifth realms that Pang Lin brought to the capital have almost wiped out the high-end combat power of Fusi in Dongyu Town. Pang Bing and several of them are in the fourth realm. What can they use to fight against Ma Qizhi?

Ma Qizhi let out the bad breath in his chest, stood sideways, and said loudly: "Kneel down to welcome Mr. Sun Changming, the commander of Dongyu Town Fusi——"

Pang Bing and others were shocked and reluctantly raised their heads to look. They saw Sun Changming solemnly walking in with his hands behind his back and sitting in the main hall.

"Who are the people kneeling below?" Master Sun asked. Pang Bing and others naturally refused to give in like this. However, when the Sixth Realm opened its mouth, there was an irresistible power. Pang Bing and others were sweating like soybeans. After falling, he couldn't hold on for a moment and kowtowed: "Pang Bing, a humble soldier."

"The humble job is thousands of miles away."

"Humble job Mao Baoli."

Names were reported one by one.

Sun Changming glanced at him and said: "You all stay in the Yamen. You are not allowed to leave even half a step without our order!" No one dared to resist!

Pang Bing was furious, but he didn't dare to explode on the spot. Sun Changming waved his hand: "Take him down."

Wan Qianlai personally took them into custody, but Pang Bing sneered in his heart, "This yamen is all our people. Although you are powerful, how can you keep us from secretly communicating with the outside world."

After seeing these people off, Sun Changming pointed at Liu Sibai: "Check the accounts."

After these words were spoken, the expressions of the people in the Fusi Department of Dongyuan Town near the main hall changed greatly. Some people were already thinking about whether to cause a fire accident and burn all the account books.

But after Mr. Sun said these words, the domain opened up and enveloped the entire Fusi Yamen of Dongyu Town, no more than an inch, no less than a point! Every move of everyone in the yamen is under the perception of the Lord. Under the authority of the seal, they cannot disobey the orders of the Lord in the slightest!

"Yes!" Liu Sibai took the order and left.

Less than half an hour later, Liu Zisheng rushed back sweating profusely. He successfully entered the Yamen but could not get out again. When Pang Bing saw that Liu Zisheng was also being imprisoned, he cursed in anger: You idiot, what are you doing back here? You should be outside to help!

After Liu Zisheng, another member of the Qianhu family came to the Yamen: "Please tell me, Cao Shang wants to see you."

Cao Shang didn't wait long before he was led by the school captain and met Mr. Sun in the back hall.

"My subordinate, Jiaozhou Guard Qianhu Cao Shang, pays homage to the commander."

Sun Changming waved his hand: "No need to be polite, what's the matter with Cao Qianhu coming to see me?"

Cao Shang seemed very excited: "I have been waiting for my humble job day and night, but finally I have waited for the day when the clouds cleared and the mist appeared! In these years, Pang Lin has been covering the sky in the Fusi of Dongyu Town, using public weapons for personal use, which has created a mess!

I was determined to fight against him, but I was too weak and could only do so much. Fortunately, justice prevails in the hearts of the people, and there is a group of righteous people who are unwilling to join forces with Pang Lin and unite around the humble position, and finally wait for the adults to bring order to the chaos!

I am willing to serve as a front-line soldier for you. I am fully aware of the dirty deeds of Dongyu Town Fusi! "

Sun Changming showed a smile: "Very good, it's the right time for me to hire someone. You should immediately lead your lieutenants and take over the entire Fusi Yamen of Dongyu Town." He pointed around and said, "There are huge buildings inside and outside. I’m worried about Lin’s legacy!”

Cao Shang was overjoyed: "Thank you for your trust, sir. I am here to transfer people to protect you. No matter who wants to offend you, you must first step over Cao Shang's body!"

Not long after Cao Shang left, another school captain came in tremblingly and reported: "Sir, Leng Xihe wants to see you."

Sun Changming nodded: "Please come in."

Leng Xihe's beard and hair were gray, showing his age. After receiving the gift, he said bluntly: "Your Excellency should not live here. If you don't mind it, I have a courtyard in the west of the city that I can dedicate to you for a temporary stay."

Sun Changming waved his hand and said: "No need, I have ordered Cao Shang to mobilize troops and replace all the guards in the Yamen."

Leng Xihe hesitated before speaking, and then said after hesitation: "So... I am worried too much. If your Excellency has any mission, please send me an order. I will definitely obey the order."

"That's very good."

Leng Xihe said a few words plainly, then said goodbye and left.

Wanqianlai came in and said, "This old guy is too selfish and doesn't think much of you."

Sun Changming also saw through Leng Xihe's thoughts: "He has only a few years left to live. In the current situation, naturally he will not bet as heavily as Cao Shang."

Wan Qianlai sneered: "He is waiting to see the outcome of the struggle between the master and Ponzi, and then sells it at a price."

"So he can never be a commander."

Cao Shang's Jiaozhou Qianhu Office was not far from Yanwu City. At noon the next day, he led his five hundred lieutenants into the Fusi Yamen of Dongyu Town and replaced all the guards.

He first sent his cronies to closely guard Pang Bing and others, and ordered the formation master he brought to arrange a large formation to seal the houses of several people. Then he personally carried the sword and stood guard outside the Lord's door as a personal guard, kneeling and licking in a very precise manner.

The Lord walked out of the room and said to Cao Shang: "Come with me for a walk. I haven't seen this Yamen yet."


Cao Shang followed behind, and whenever he went to a place, he took the initiative to introduce it to the adults. After going through the entire Dongyu Town Fusi Yamen, Sun Changming asked: "Cao Shang, you once said that you knew all about the dirty deeds of Dongyu Town Fusi, so I came to ask what kind of dirty deeds there are. Dirty business."

Cao Shang immediately replied: "Almost all the health offices in Fusi, Dongyu Town, colluded with local officials in Yurou Township. My subordinates have been secretly collecting evidence of their crimes over the years. Let me first tell you about those whose annual income exceeds tens of millions of spiritual jade." business."

Sun Changming nodded, and Cao Shang began to report, including the human trafficking in Changling Mansion. In addition, there are some things like bullying and dominating the market, seizing farms and mines.

"The most outrageous thing among them is the beggar gang business run by Pang Bing."

"All beggars in the entire Dongyu Town Fusi area must pay money to Pang Bing. Every year, Pang Bing instructs the so-called beggar gang to abduct poor children, and then performs the unscrupulous harvesting and cutting process. In order to make these beggars look more pitiful and beg for more money."

"Over the years, it is initially estimated that they have killed more than 100,000 children, and they earn more than 30 million spiritual jade from the beggar gang every year!"

Sun Changming's eyes flashed with anger: "Do you have any evidence?"

"Bizhi found out that the Beggar Clan Headquarters under Pang Bing was within the jurisdiction of Wang Dingben, Pang Bing's brother-in-law. If you want evidence, please give Bizhi an order. Bizhi immediately led someone to take Wang Dingben and destroy it. The Beggar Clan General Forum will definitely be able to find all the evidence!"

Sun Changming asked: "Where are Wang Dingben's hundred households?"

"Shoumo Port on the bank of the East China Sea."

Sun Changming thought for a while and said: "Okay, I give you an order to go to Shoumo Port to investigate clearly. Once you get the evidence, destroy the devil's cave on earth! But remember, I am different from Pang Lin. You are not allowed to target me. Using his banner to bully others, he does evil things outside!

If you are discovered by me, you must know very well what the anger of the sixth realm means! "

Cao Shang knelt down on one knee and clasped his fist and said, "Sir, please rest assured, I know the importance of taking care of my humble position!"

After he got up, he said: "Sir, I have to ask you to send another capable general for this job. First...as a humble supervisor, and secondly, Pang Bing has made ill-gotten gains from the beggar gang over the years. We have won over many powerful evil cultivators, and one person in this humble position is really unable to complete this task."

Sun Changming thought for a while and called Shui Linghua over: "Excuse me, Fairy, for a trip. The East China Sea is close to your master's door. You can also go back and have a look."

Shui Linghua leaned forward to accept the order. When Cao Shang left, she said confidently: "Sir, is it time to give me a title?"

She was not angry: "In the past, I still saved my face and just asked me for help if I had anything to do. But this time it's better, I just asked for help!"

Sun Changming laughed and said: "What kind of status does the fairy want? Qianhu, guest, minister, it's up to you to choose."

Shui Linghu thought for a while and said, "I'll be my guest."

Qian Hu will have no choice but to follow Mr. Sun from now on, and it seems too old to worship him, so only Ke Qing is suitable.

"Okay." Sun Changming agreed with a smile, and the two discussed Shui Linghua's various treatments at Mengjiang Dusi. When Shui Linghua went out, Sun Changming smiled with satisfaction, and Mu Qingmo was left alone.

As for ten thousand dollars? unimportant.


Happy holidays to all young people with an immortal heart, myself included!

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