God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 710 Double pride of alchemy weapons

Fight the rabbit with all your strength, everyone knows this. But the reality is that this is often not allowed, especially for a huge force - such as the Immortal Realm. If you send out the Immortal Lord for the second time, it will be equivalent to putting the Bahuang World on an equal footing with yourself and treating the lower world as your own. Evenly matched opponents.

The Immortal Lord is already a prince in the upper realm and cannot be moved lightly.

Master Sun immediately understood what Dacheng Emperor meant.

When the martial arts soldiers are fighting, they will be assisted by five fixed martial arts immortal machines beside them. More than 70% of the time during the battle, the martial arts soldiers are not required to control the martial arts magic machines. These fairy machines with certain intelligence can cooperate with the martial arts soldiers on their own.

But there is still about 30% of the time, and the martial arts soldiers need to uniformly deploy martial arts magic machines. For example, working together to release some particularly powerful magic.

There are also some powerful martial arts soldiers, such as those at the Immortal King level, who will use six or seven martial arts soldiers at the same time when performing tasks.

Therefore, the most important link in the selection and assessment of martial arts soldiers is the degree of tacit understanding with martial arts soldiers, also called "fit screening". The higher the degree of compatibility, the better the tacit understanding between martial arts soldiers and martial arts soldiers, and the corresponding ability to control the martial arts soldiers at the same time. The more martial arts skills there are.

Those immortal kings who were unsuccessful were all stuck at this level.

Master Sun's magical brain solved this problem exactly.

In theory, it is true that the more martial arts machines that can be used at the same time, the stronger the martial arts soldiers will be. However, the "Immortal Realm" is the biggest watershed in the division of strength in the upper realm. It does not mean that one can be "matched" by simply accumulating strength.

The most terrifying thing about the Immortal Lord is not the Immortal Lord Seven Treasures, but the Immortal Kingdom. They can draw power directly from the fairy kingdom.

Emperor Dacheng's gaze fell on Master Sun with substance and heavy expectations. This is the attitude of Emperor Zun and cannot be refused!

Mr. Sun carefully calculated in his mind before speaking: "But... Your Majesty Mingjian: Even if you can really control twenty martial arts immortal machines at the same time, it is unlikely that you can really match the combat power of the immortal master, and the martial arts immortal There are many types of machines, and controlling twenty of them at the same time will inevitably lead to chaos. Various martial arts machines have different abilities, and conflicts in power attributes may occur."

Emperor Dacheng said calmly: "Think of a way to solve this problem."

Mr. Sun was a little dumbfounded and looked up at Emperor Zun. The latter was aloof and looked like a "big leader". Don't tell me about difficulties or conditions, I just want this effect, leave the task to you, make it happen!

Then Dacheng Emperor added another sentence: "Hurry!"

Master Sun never had a chance to say another word before he was moved out of the Immortal Palace of Emperor Dacheng by a huge force!

Mr. Sun secretly muttered, "The great leader is domineering." Then at the gate of the Immortal Palace, he met the martial arts soldier who had just brought him here, named "Ming Shuxian". He looked at Master Sun earnestly: "Your Majesty..."

Lord Sun understood where he meant "taking care of" before.

Master Sun said: "We just need a few martial arts soldiers to cooperate with the experiment. Are you interested?" Ming Shuxian was overjoyed: "Thank you for your support."

Master Sun asked Ming Shuxian to recommend three more people, and Ming Shuxian went there excitedly. This is a benefit given to him by Master Sun. The three selected people will definitely remember this favor from him.

Master Sun took away the four martial arts soldiers from Dacheng Emperor without encountering any obstacles. Even when Mr. Sun went to Lianxian Terrace, Jingui Terrace and other places next, doors were opened everywhere.

This is a key project named by Emperor Zun, and the entire upper realm is secretly promoting it.

Master Sun was enjoying this kind of treatment, but he felt extremely unhappy. Mr. Sun is used to being the one in power, and he doesn't like people forcing tasks on him like this.

In this case... all the progress made by Master Sun has been shared with the [Forging Hammer] in the Heavenly Palace of the Gods.

In fact, every time Mr. Sun built a country-defending fairy weapon, he not only left a secret door, but also contributed it to her.

This little god has grown rapidly, and just two days ago, he officially became a high-ranking god!

In addition to her, there is the [God of Construction] who was also promoted to a high-ranking god without knowing it, and even received an errand from the Lord God: to repair and expand the Heavenly Palace of the All Gods!

This made countless beings in the Heavenly Palace of the Gods turn green with envy.

Sure enough, if you hug the thigh under the Lord's crown, you will take off!

Mr. Sun actually has no motivation here, but he didn’t expect that there would still be people fighting for this hard job! Pengri Xianzun from Baigongtai took the lead and united with three other immortal refining yamen to meet with Dacheng Emperor. They successfully convinced Emperor Zun to compete with Lord Sun for this job.

Immortal Ming Shu received the news and hurriedly came to remind Master Sun. Master Sun was happy: "Is the injury of the Immortal King Cross-sea healed?"

Ming Shuxian's information is very well-informed: "Pengri Xianzun has a rich net worth. It is said that he spent a lot of money to buy a high-quality healing elixir from [Qianjinfang], but it seems that it is still not thorough. That knife of yours is really... It almost cost him his life."

[Qianjinfang] is the best among the elixir yamen in the upper realm. The elixir it refines has two major characteristics: Good! expensive!

Mr. Sun was a little dissatisfied: "Don't Qianjinfang know that the old man was injured by me? I just want him to lie in bed for hundreds of years, but he still dares to sell him elixirs!"

Ming Shuxian couldn't answer the call, but Master Sun had already made a note for [Qianjinfang] in his notebook.

Master Sun thought for a while and asked: "Although Pengri Immortal Lord has a poor character, he is not a brainless person. He suddenly jumped out to compete with me. He must have something to rely on?"

Immortal Ming Shu gave a thumbs up: "Well done! That's right, Immortal Pengri found a genius for refining immortals named Tantai Ying. He was originally from [Thirteenth House of Flames], two thousand years ago He is also a genius who refines immortals, but for some unknown reason, he hated the Immortal Sun Yao Sun and was sent to garrison in the difficult [Zhishi Immortal Realm], far away from the upper world."

"No one expected that he would be promoted all the way to the Immortal King Realm in a barren and dangerous place like the [Qishi Immortal Realm]."

"After the death of Immortal Sun Yao, no one thought of him. He would have been wasting his time in the [Jishi Immortal Realm], but somehow he was discovered by Immortal Peng Ri and brought back to the upper world... It is said that Peng Ri The Immortal Master immediately made an appointment with three other Immortal Masters from the Immortal Refining Yamen, and they secretly tested Tantai Ying together, and then they became more confident and went to see His Majesty to steal this job from His Majesty."

Ming Shuxian was very worried. The four Pengri Immortal Lords... had actually been beaten by Lord Sun, so they would never act blindly. It must be Tantaiying's performance that gave them confidence that they could defeat Lord Sun, so they would Jump out and compete with Master Sun.

Immortal Ming Shu continued: "Pengri Immortal Lord and the others have begun to build momentum in the upper realm, saying that this time is a battle for the destiny of the immortal in the upper realm! Whoever can win will be the real winner of the immortal refining in the next great catastrophe. The proud man of heaven! The one who loses will definitely be deprived of all his luck and will never recover from the fall."

Master Sun chuckled, his intentions were sinister, but is Immortal Pengri really so confident? Mr. Sun touched his scarlet seal secretly: "You think it's strange or not, I'm not panicked at all!"

Master Sun said to Ming Shuxian calmly: "Ignore him, we will proceed according to our own plan."

Master Sun's progress is slow. In fact, Master Sun had spent more than half a month before holding the Sun Immortal Lord in Tantai Ying.

For the immortals in the upper realm, half a month is just a blink of an eye. But at such a critical "before the war" moment, half a month is very critical.

Moreover, according to Mr. Sun's past practice, even the Zhenguo Immortal Artifact has been tinkered with in the past half month, but now there is no progress, which makes people wonder whether the appearance of the Tantai Eagle really caused the separation. Mr. Sun's luck is no longer "magical".

The other three martial arts soldiers around Lord Sun were originally very grateful to Ming Shuxian, but now they are a little wavering.

Tantaiying is also recruiting military aircraft soldiers to cooperate with them in experiments. He was also recruited under the sect of Emperor Dacheng, and it is said that a major breakthrough has been made in the first few days. People who could only control five martial arts machines at the same time can now control seven at the same time.

The good news from Tantaiying was released one after another, and the progress seemed to be flying. It seemed that the final "qualitative change" would be completed tomorrow, allowing the martial arts soldiers to control twenty martial arts magic machines at the same time.

Master Sun is still calm and calm here. Even the number of times we ask military aircraft soldiers to help with experiments is decreasing.

Pengri Immortal Lord and [Qianjinfang] suddenly "linked" again! [Qianjinfang] has introduced an alchemy genius named "Sanwei Immortal King". She boasts that she is the "person who deserves disaster" in the alchemy world. She has achieved great results and has continuously achieved breakthroughs in high-quality elixirs. She does seem to have a bright future. .

The two sides continued to praise each other in public, and the effect of building momentum was very good. Soon, the saying "double pride of elixir and weapon" appeared in the upper world, and the two of them were juxtaposed.

Even not only in the fields of refining and alchemy, some people think that the two have a very good relationship and can become Taoist couples. In this case, they can support each other and have no shortage of immortal weapons and elixirs. In the future, they are guaranteed to be two immortals, or even Possibly the first pair of Kangli Emperors in the history of the upper world!


This last statement was spread by Master Sun secretly instructing His Majesty King Qin.

Although Mr. Sun is here and does not regard these two newly rising guys as threats at all, these two guys always "confront each other" and use their own fame to enhance their popularity. Mr. Sun is still very unhappy. , do it casually, mainly the disgusting ones.

The Immortal King of Three Flavors has a fat body. Fairies have many ways to lose weight and change their appearance. However, the Immortal King of Sanwei may have had a problem with his elixir test. He couldn't lose weight no matter what, and his weight was as much as three Tantai Eagles.

How could such a large fairy be praised?

In addition to her outstanding attainments in alchemy, it is also because she is the daughter of the owner of the [Thousand Gold Room] and the Immortal Lord of the World.

Compared with the Immortal King of Sanwei, Tantai Ying came from a very humble background. He was an ordinary person who ascended from the lower realm and had no background in the upper realm. Otherwise, how could the Immortal Lord of the Sun be suppressed at all?

Tantai Ying's appearance can only be regarded as Zhou Zheng, not handsome, and he is short in stature. He is very inconspicuous among the male immortals in the upper world who are "jade trees in the wind".

It was because he was suppressed by the Immortal Lord Yao Ri. After going to the [Zhi Shi Immortal Realm], he vowed to achieve the position of Immortal Lord and make the Immortal Lord Yao Ri regret it. All the energy and resources were invested in cultivation, and the opportunity to modify the appearance was wasted. After thousands of years, the immortal body was completely stable, and it would take a lot of effort to adjust it.

Mr. Sun is disgusted with these two idiots: they probably despise each other.

I don’t know if Mr. Sun’s methods have any effect, and whether the relationship between these two people has been "drifted", but their performance has been improved again and again.

In just three months, Tantai Eagle has allowed ordinary martial arts soldiers to control ten martial arts machines at the same time! If it is a powerful Immortal King Realm martial arts soldier, it can control thirteen weapons at the same time!

The request of Dacheng Emperor seems to be within reach.

And the Sanwei Immortal King has just announced that he has mastered a fourth-grade elixir! Fourth-grade elixirs are almost the ceiling for elixirs in the Immortal King realm.

There are more and more martial arts soldiers around Tantai Ying, and they are no longer limited to the Dacheng Emperor. Many of the other four emperors' martial arts soldiers have also come over through connections, hoping to participate in this experiment.

Regardless of whether he can be powerful in the lower world or not, being able to control twenty martial arts machines at the same time is a huge improvement in strength. In future battles, he will have a few percent more confidence to save his life.

From Mr. Sun's side, there has been no good news for a long time.

Ming Shuxian was surrounded by three colleagues that day. Each of them hesitated to speak, but their faces were a little ugly.

Ming Shuxian understood everyone's thoughts: You led everyone to participate in this project. Everyone is very grateful to you and remembers your kindness; but the situation is different now. There seems to be no progress on Master Sun's side. Are we delayed by you? Already?

If we didn't come here and went to Tantai Ying's place, would it be a better choice?

And because he came to Lord Sun's side and offended Tantai Ying, he may never have the opportunity to control twenty martial arts machines at the same time in his life.

Ming Shuxian then said: "Are you really optimistic about Tantai Eagle?"

A colleague said: "Not only are we optimistic about him, but the entire upper world is optimistic about him!"

"We used to think that Zhang Xu was a person who was born in the process of refining immortals. But in history, there are indeed many cases like this: people who are in need of disaster often appear at the last moment. Before that, many geniuses will appear. , each leads the way, forming a prosperous age of genius.

But they are not that person. "

"The current situation is very similar to this situation."

Immortal Ming Shu smiled disdainfully: "You have all seen other people's magical thinking, right?"

The three nodded. During the last expansion of the army, some people were selected by Dacheng Emperor's martial arts soldiers with the help of their Immortal Machine Brains. Indeed, their colleagues had all observed the Immortal Machine Brains.

"Do you think if you were given the Immortal Machine Brain, how many martial arts machines could you control at the same time?"

The three of them are very confident about this: "We are not those who cheated to get in. If the immortal machine brain is given to me, I can control eight bodies at the same time!"

Immortal Ming Shu smiled and said, "Then, don't you understand?"

The three of them were reminded and suddenly understood: Tantaiying had previously made a big publicity by letting the martial arts soldiers control seven martial arts immortal machines at the same time... In fact, at that time, he had just barely caught up with Master Sun.

"But..." The three of them still hesitated: "There are already thirteen bodies now."

Ming Shuxian didn't want to say more: "You can decide for yourselves. Your Majesty has already said that you can come and go freely. No matter what, I have no doubts about your Majesty!"

The three of them nodded and went back to their own thoughts.

Lord Sun was unaware of the conversation between them. However, some of the four people have second thoughts, and Master Sun can predict it.

If Lord Sun knew what Ming Shuxian said, he would definitely nod his head in approval. Sure enough, there are many smart people.

The next day, two military aircraft soldiers came to say goodbye to Mr. Sun. They made various excuses that seemed reasonable, but Mr. Sun knew exactly what was going on, and he sent them off in an open-minded manner without any hesitation. To retain.

There were only two martial arts soldiers left to assist Master Sun in the experiment.

The two men only waited for two days before going to seek refuge with Tantai Eagle. It is said that Immortal Pengri laughed on the spot and valued the two of them very much. This was because they came from the disciple of "Zhang Xu" and had great symbolic significance.

Immortal Master Holding the Sun immediately arranged for manpower and began to spread the news: Zhang Xu is already a thing of the past, and today the hero who refines immortals still needs to watch Tantai Eagle!

There are very few people in the entire upper world who are optimistic about Lord Sun. The only one who is willing to stand up and risk being slapped in the face to speak for Lord Sun is the Hoe Immortal.

He was still convinced: "Those two martial arts soldiers made a stupid choice. So they are just 'soldiers' and do not have the long-term vision of a general level."

Ming Shuxian was secretly excited: the fewer people there are, the greater the love! The four people are actually divided very thinly. But in the next few months, Master Sun asked them to cooperate in a handful of experiments, and they failed every time.

And these few experiments seem to have nothing to do with Xian Ji Nao. Instead, they are constantly testing new martial arts immortal machines!

As for Tantai Eagle, good news continued. Finally on this day, [Baigongtai] announced that Tantai Eagle was confident that the martial arts soldiers could control twenty martial arts machines at the same time!

It is planned to conduct a public test in three days and invite everyone to observe.

The upper world was boiling for a while, and several emperors expressed interest and might come to the scene in person.

The martial arts soldier who stayed with Ming Shuxian fell down in despair. What else can I do? When the Hoe Immortal Lord supported Mr. Sun, he was quite happy. Now thinking about it: Hmm, what kind of vision can a farmer have? !

But in the Yuanzi Division, Mr. Sun is still there, and he doesn't feel depressed about being defeated at all.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. [Baigongtai] made this ceremony very grand. There were actually three emperors who came to the scene to see how powerful it would be to control twenty martial arts machines at the same time.

Mr. Sun stayed peacefully in his Yuanzi Department. When it was almost noon, Ming Shuxian rushed in with excitement on his face, dancing and shouting: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Lord Sun curled his lips and said, "Calm down."

Ming Shuxian came to Master Sun and smiled cheerfully: "Did you expect that they would fail?"

Master Sun chuckled and said: "It is not difficult to control twenty martial arts machines at the same time. But what your Majesty wants is to have combat power comparable to that of the Immortal Lord. Who said that if you control twenty martial arts machines at the same time, your combat power can really be achieved?" Are you on par with the Immortal Lord?"

Ming Shuxian was startled for a moment, it was really true. What everyone was thinking about at first was how to let the martial arts soldiers control twenty martial arts immortal machines at the same time, but they never thought about whether they could really match the immortal master?

Ming Shuxian was sincerely convinced and raised his thumbs up: "You have guessed it all. Tantaiying did let a Immortal King Realm martial arts soldier control twenty martial arts fighting immortal machines at the same time, but the scene was very chaotic, let alone defeating the immortal. Seriously, it’s even worse than controlling ten martial arts machines at the same time.”

"The emperors returned disappointed, holding the Sun Immortal's old face, the color at that time was really wonderful!"

Master Sun waved his hand: "Tantaiying's idea is still my fairy brain. He and Pengri are both idiots. They don't even think about it. If this idea works, what will happen to me as the inventor of the fairy brain? Will it be slower than their progress?”

Ming Shuxian was curious: "Then what is your thinking, Your Majesty?"

Lord Sun smiled slightly: "It's okay to tell you, it's almost completed: the Immortal Machine Army Formation!" a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to give out benefits for newcomers to read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e


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