God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 714 Famous 2 Clans

Mr. Sun sensed Shui Jing's "ulterior motives" from Shui Jing's endless thoughts. In the past, when trading with Shui Jing's monster, it always gave a very concise answer.

This time it explained a lot.

It seems that I want to explain the entire issue as clearly as possible, but if you analyze it carefully, it actually contains multiple answers to questions that can be traded separately.

The Kingdom of God was originally a characteristic of the God Clan. The current Fairy Kingdom of the Immortal Clan should have learned from the "Kingdom of God" and evolved from the "Little World".

But later on, there were fewer and fewer divine kingdoms, or in other words, fewer and fewer divine kingdoms outside the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace.

The fundamental reason is that the two ethnic groups have embarked on two different paths in terms of organizational structure. The gods have a clear hierarchy, and it is difficult for lower-level gods to resist higher-level gods.

The Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods is actually a divine court. At the highest level of power are the God Emperor and several main gods.

They are the imperial court in the upper world.

The Immortal Clan is more "free". Until now, the various yamen actually have no subordinates, but they all accept the leadership of the five emperors.

If there are differences among the emperors, they will also meet to discuss and decide.

In order to fight against the immortals, the gods gathered all their strength as much as possible and built the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods. Then every god has his own palace in the Palace of All Gods.

The Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace has become the physical manifestation of the entire divine court. The gods and the Heavenly Palace of All Gods are tightly bound together, so that all the divine power can be condensed.

When they control the Heavenly Palace of All Gods, they can travel across the sea of ​​stars, and no existence can stop them.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace has become an invincible battle fortress of the gods.

After the Gods tasted the sweetness, they continued to strengthen the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, such as integrating their own artifacts with the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, embedding their own divine kingdoms into the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, and so on.

Gradually, the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods came to bear everything about the divine race.

This indeed makes the Protoss unrivaled in terms of combat power, but they have all overlooked one problem: Under such circumstances, the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace is still based on the power of faith and thought.

Even because of the continuous "gathering" of the gods, the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace requires even greater power of faith to maintain its form.

The belief in telekinesis, or the foundation of the existence of the entire divine race, is to spread faith.

Going to the wilderness to spread the light of faith has become the most noble and greatest act in the entire system of the Gods.

When their faith spread throughout the world, their desire to "expand their faith" still couldn't stop. At this time, if a lot of "evidence" suddenly appears in the chaotic void, indicating that there are also a large number of "intelligent life"... the chaotic void becomes a place where the divine fire of faith must be ignited!

However, all the gods understand that going to the Chaotic Void to preach will lead to death. They will restrain this instinct, but the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace also possesses this "instinct".

If the gods work hard to suppress this instinct of the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, then the overall combat power of the gods represented by the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace will inevitably decline.

The gods have been firmly bound to the Heavenly Palace of All Gods, and it is very difficult to escape.

With another "push" from the immortal clan, the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace slid into the chaotic void...

If you don’t spread the divine light, I will do it myself!

The gods and the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace were bound together, and they could not leave the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace for a long time, so they were brought in.

It sounds complicated at first, but in fact it is because the Ten Thousand Gods Celestial Palace cannot resist the temptation of "spreading divine light". After all, the Ten Thousand Gods Celestial Palace is not an intelligent life, and there is no so-called "reason".

If the gods cannot cut off contact with the Heavenly Palace of All Gods, they are destined to be led into the chaotic void.

The water mirror monster is right, the Protoss still has this fatal problem. It is even more serious than 20,000 years ago, because many gods are more dependent on the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace.

For example, when some weak gods first returned, their belief power was transferred through the Heavenly Palace of All Gods.

They were too weak at that time, and if the power of belief was pointed directly at them, the target would be unclear, and the power of belief they could receive would be tenuous.

Therefore, the power of faith is directed towards the target of the "huge" Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, and they receive their share from the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods.

And it is easier for them to bless believers in the lower world through the Heavenly Palace of All Gods.

Now we are gradually reaching the same situation as before: the faith of the gods has been ignited in all the lower realms, and the expansion of faith will gradually encounter bottlenecks, but the instinct of expansion cannot be suppressed...

As for whether there are really a large number of intelligent beings in the chaotic void, it doesn't matter, as long as you create evidence and make the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace believe it.

After the water mirror monster explained this to Mr. Sun, he no longer entertained any visitors. He became ethereal and disappeared from the huge dark planet unknowingly. I wonder if he was looking for the next prey. Planet.

Lord Sun meditated for several hours before returning to the [Shenmu Fairy Kingdom].

The meaning of the water mirror monster is very clear: you are completing our deal, but you are also saving the gods!

Master Sun was not surprised at all that the water mirror monster could see through his true identity. Shui Jing obviously has some kind of special magical power, which allows it to hold countless secrets - the secret of its own identity, which happens to be among them.

Master Sun's biggest headache at this time is of course how to separate the gods from the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods.

At this time, Master Sun also suddenly realized: "Since I have known about the gods in the upper world, in my consciousness, I have always been connected with the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods."

"Obviously, the entanglement between the gods and the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods has penetrated into the rules of the upper and lower realms, and is embedded in the cognitive level of every intelligent creature."

"It's very difficult to separate them. Let them establish a palace and a kingdom of gods outside the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods. The resistance they will encounter may be greater than I expected."

In addition to this difficult task, Master Sun also has another question: "Why do the five emperors start the war with great fanfare?"

"The emperors today are the same ones who exiled the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods to the Chaotic Void 20,000 years ago."

"They are very clear about the weaknesses of the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, and they must also be able to see that the Gods have not made up for this weakness, so they just need to watch the development of things honestly and then repeat the operations of the past. Why spend countless treasures and fight for it? To start a big war with a large number of fallen immortals?"

In addition, there is a small question: According to the water mirror monster, there once existed a God Emperor in the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, but why have I never heard of the God Emperor’s deeds?

When Mr. Sun returned to [Shenmu Fairy Kingdom], the second master, Lord Zhenshui, had already used his wrath to make the entire Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods tremble. Several ancient high-ranking gods, such as [Lord of Wealth] and [Weaving Divine Hand], etc. , were captured by the huge divine power, and tremblingly prostrated under the Jade Majesty of the temple. They thought that the Crown of the Lord God had discovered their disobedience and was going to punish them.

However, the Lord God asked in a deep voice: "Why do you know the flaws of the Ten Thousand Gods Celestial Palace but don't say anything about it?!"

The voice under the main god's crown turned into countless sharp blades, scraping layer by layer from the bodies of these ancient high-ranking gods. They endured a punishment similar to "death by a thousand knives", and each one of them was in excruciating pain!

In the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, the superior gods exerted an absolute suppressive effect on the inferior ones. Several superior gods could not resist and could only endure it.

This time, the Lord God was really offended, and that question was repeated over and over again in the palace. Every time it is repeated, they suffer "death by a thousand cuts."

And every time, they will be shattered to pieces!

Although there was no damage to their fundamentals, and they were soon able to use their divine power to reunite their divine bodies, the pain they endured in the process did not diminish at all.

After a full nine times, Shenyin finally came to an end.

Several ancient high-ranking gods knelt on the ground obediently, but they were extremely confused: "Your Majesty, please make it clear that the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods is the number one artifact of our clan. What are its flaws?"

Master Sun was too lazy to say anything more. With a thought, he used the Heavenly Palace of the Gods to summon a whip-shaped artifact.

This artifact belongs to another high-ranking god, and her divine authority includes "tricks" and "lies." This artifact was also integrated into the Heavenly Palace of the Gods by her. Its function is to identify lies. Liars will receive three whippings.

"Say it again?" The angry voice of the Lord God once again filled the entire palace.

Several high-ranking gods were full of grievances: "We really don't know."

Master Sun found that the whip was motionless and couldn't help but frowned: They really didn't know. The logic is also more believable. If they know that, no matter whether they have any opinions about themselves as the main god, they do not want to return to the chaotic void, so they will definitely remind themselves.

It seems that this flaw was strictly kept secret by the former God Emperors and Lord Gods, and other gods did not know about it.

The Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace is the number one artifact of the God Clan, almost the foundation of the God Clan. If it has such a huge flaw... if it is really leaked, the consequences will be serious indeed.

It's a pity that the few beings who knew about this flaw have completely perished. The Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace has returned, and no one reminded Master Sun. Master Sun didn't know about it until now.

Lord Sun had a sullen face and secretly cursed these wastes. Then he waved his hand and a violent divine wind surged from the ground, blowing these ancient high-ranking gods away and hanging them on the walls of their shrines!

Of course, this scene cannot be hidden from anyone. Almost all the gods in the Palace of the Gods saw it, and the high-ranking gods were disgraced. The gods were trembling with fear, and they all wondered why these high-ranking gods had offended His Majesty?

The majesty of the Lord God cannot be violated!

Only the god of construction saw nothing, noticed nothing. She was seriously studying various difficult problems that interested her in the depths of her palace.

Suddenly, there was an extremely majestic figure, ignoring the void restrictions in the palace, projected in front of the God of Construction.

The God of Construction was still unaware and was concentrating on the problem at hand. Lord Sun was embarrassed and found that this guy was really distracted, so he had to cough a few times and use the sound to lightly shake the void - otherwise Master Sun Guess, this guy is probably turning a deaf ear.

The God of Construction was startled. After seeing the projection of his Majesty, he hurriedly knelt down and said, "The little god is frightened. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Master Sun waved his hand: "Pingshen."

"What do you think of the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace...this building?" Master Sun's voice carried a faint sound of water waves. He had already used part of his divine power, and his power of bewitchment exploded.

The god of construction has unknowingly followed the path, and he himself is unaware of it.

In fact, Master Sun has long seen that as a god in the field of construction, she has a low opinion of the [Tianwan Palace of the Gods].

When the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace was being built, the God of Construction was very quiet and made several suggestions, but no one paid any attention to him.

She also had a fearful temperament. When she saw that no one cared, she retreated. She made a lot of plans and designed several plans for building the shrine. She thought that each one was better than the Temple of the Ten Thousand Gods, but she also I can only take it out to enjoy and entertain myself when I have nothing to do.

After Mr. Sun seduced him like this, the God of Construction couldn't help showing a look of disdain: "From the perspective of architectural design, the level of this temple is extremely low, which is probably lower than the craftsmen in the lower realm who are responsible for building palaces and temples. They are just slightly better.”

The craftsmen who are responsible for building palaces and temples in the lower realm are all great craftsmen in the world and figures whose names have been recorded in history. However, comparing them with the gods is undoubtedly a serious derogation to the gods.

Master Sun added, "I will pardon you today and you can speak freely."

Social fear often holds countless complaints in mind. This is exactly what the God of Construction is like. She has been looking down on this Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace for tens of thousands of years. Over these tens of thousands of years, when she sees every corner of this huge palace, she feels an urge to complain and feel unhappy. .

But I held back, I just didn’t say it.

The main reason is that I don’t know who to talk to, and it’s not good to talk to myself all the time. I am a god after all, and it seems that I am mentally disturbed.

So the God of Construction talked about everything from the overall design idea to some small decorative sculptures for several hours and couldn't stop...

Among them, the God of Construction pointed out that there are several major problems in the overall design idea. One of them is: for the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace built according to the standards of artifacts, the restrictions on the entire "artifact" are insufficient, and it is easy to form Relying too much on this artifact ended up being dominated by it.

Mr. Sun's heart was shocked. Isn't this the reason why the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace led the gods into the chaotic void!

It's just that the God of Construction discovered this flaw and has not yet studied the specific cause.

"The Gods are also full of talents, but it is a pity that the former God Emperor and Lord God were too arrogant and could not make full use of their talents and materials!"

Mr. Sun waited until the God of Construction was done venting, and then slowly spoke: "If you are allowed to preside over it and the power is completely delegated to you, can these problems be completely improved?"

The god of construction shook his head without hesitation: "The design idea is wrong from the beginning. How to change it? If you want to change it, you will actually tear it down and rebuild it."

Master Sun seemed to have difficulty making a decision. He pretended for a while and then revealed his true purpose: "What if I let you preside over the construction of a new temple?"

The God of Construction was stunned: "Your Majesty... you want to build another Heavenly Palace of All Gods?"

"There is no need to build a palace as large as the Ten Thousand Gods Celestial Palace for now. You can also build it according to the standards of a battle fortress. In the war with the immortals, we also need such a palace that can reach the front line."

The God of Construction is still a little unbelievable. Although she is now considered to be very important to the emperor, being responsible for the construction of a temple on her own is really her dream job!

The god of construction was so excited that his body kept shaking, his legs softened and he knelt down again: "Thank you very much for your consideration! The work of this little god will definitely satisfy me!"

Master Sun suddenly gave a weird smile: "Satisfy me? Can the palace you built withstand the immortal weapon that governs the country?"

"Ah?" The God of Construction was dumbfounded. Isn't this a difficult task?

Master Sun smiled enigmatically: "If you design it carefully, it will definitely be able to withstand the immortal weapon that governs the country."

The news announced to the outside world is not to build a "palace", but a "Palace of the God of War".

In fact, it is the Shrine War Fortress, used as a bridgehead in the war.

This errand is entrusted to the god of construction. Although many gods secretly disdain it and feel that entrusting such an important errand to that little god is considered nepotism.

However, several high-ranking gods had just been crowned and hung on the palace wall. If they had any opinions, they could only hide them in their stomachs. They did not have the courage to discuss them in private.

In the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, all kinds of materials are gathered and continuously delivered to the God of Construction.

The first thing the God of Construction did was to recruit a large number of "heroic spirits" from all lower realms. They are all well-known "master craftsmen" in every world.

When the souls of these great craftsmen came to the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, they were confused: We who build houses, build tombs, cut down trees, and burn kilns...can we also become heroic spirits?

My Majesty the Great God, has your favored gaze fallen in the wrong place? It should be on the battlefield, not the construction site!

The main thing is... I also want to be reincarnated into a good family and not be a mason in my next life!

It's fine now, I'll keep doing it forever...

The God of Construction has never had so many subordinates. He was full of enthusiasm, and with a large number of his own heroic spirits, he started work in full swing.

Before starting work, she was stopped by the Lord God. First, take your men to practice and get used to it: transform the [Rebirth Pool] in the Palace of the Gods.

In the past, the gods, servant gods, and heroic spirits returned from the rebirth pool after being killed on the battlefield, which was a bit slow. After being transformed by the God of Construction, they can be reborn and return one hour after being killed!

On the side of the God of Construction, Lord Sun completely delegates power and never dictates; but on the other side, the [Forging Hammer], Lord Sun has a completely different style of painting.

[Forging Hammer] During this period, he was also organizing his own gods and working overtime to create various war artifacts.

The Lord God taught them almost step by step how to forge and what kind of artifact to forge.

Forged Hammer is so awkward. I've been putting up with you for several days. Can you please stop giving random orders? !

Finally, the Forging Hammer couldn't stand it any longer, and with the noise from his subordinate gods and servant gods, the Forging Hammer went straight to the palace of the Lord True Water God, and wanted to give his Majesty a good advice, leaving professional matters to the professionals. God did it - as soon as she walked to the entrance of the palace, she saw a strong wind blowing out several high-ranking gods and hanging them on the palace wall.

Forging Hammer shrunk its neck, turned its head and slipped back.

What about "loyal ministers" and "straightforward remonstrances", whether you can do something or not, I have always been a good and obedient god!

Then he discovered that his Majesty treated the God of Construction and himself like two different people, and he became even more resentful in his heart - this emotion lasted until the newly refined war artifact went to the battlefield and achieved brilliant results.

This batch of artifacts made under the personal instruction of the Lord God Crown have played a great restraining effect on the immortal clan's martial arts skills. In the first battle, the martial arts soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and the Heavenly Palace of the Gods was filled with joy. The praise for the Forging Hammer reached its peak in an instant.

The resentment has completely disappeared!

Just be a shitty minister and follow your Majesty honestly. You can do whatever your Majesty asks you to do. It’s relaxing and comfortable, and then you have everything you need. Isn’t it delicious?

But [Forging Hammer] never expected that she would have everything she shouldn't have - she would become famous among the fairy clan!

In the previous mutual tests, the Immortal Clan had always had the advantage. In addition, the Immortal Clan had been exiled to the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, so the Immortal Clan had an absolute psychological advantage in this war.

As a result, this was a disastrous defeat, and a total of 141 military aircraft soldiers were killed!

how so? !

The fairy clan was very excited and asked to find out the reason for the tragic defeat, and the answer soon came: the gods forged a targeted artifact for the martial arts immortal machine!

This batch of artifacts are all made by the [Forging Hammer]!

In a short period of time, the immortal clan first held up the [Forging Hammer], saying that she was a forging genius who could compete with Zhang Xuzun!

The two of them are the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix in the field of refining during the Great Tribulation, and they are called the "Twin Prides of Refining"!

Some people felt that the word "Double Pride" was blasphemed by Tantai Eagle and Sanwei Immortal King, so they changed the title to "Refining Two Heroes".

Tantaiying is so fucked, I gave up the dark side and turned to the bright side!

The martial arts soldiers who participated in the war showed up one after another and told the horror of those artifacts! It highlights that the reason for defeat is not our incompetence, but the enemy's weapons are too terrible.

This defeat was also called "Ying Lie Shang" by the immortals because the battle took place near the "Ying Lie Star Territory".

This is a sign that this fiasco will be recorded in the history of the fairy clan.

Then another Immortal King stood up and proposed to assassinate [Forging Hammer]!

His biological brother died in this battle, and the rebirth method arranged failed.

To raise the reputation of [Forging Hammer] among the immortals, this was of course arranged by Mr. Sun himself, and it was also to divert the firepower for himself: Don't stare at me all day long, talking about "the person who deserves to be punished by refining immortals" "Look outside. There is also a very strong refining god from the God Clan.

But sending the assassins was obviously not arranged by Master Sun.

[Forging Hammer] heard the news and was so frightened that he cowered in the Heavenly Palace of the Gods and refused to come out even a step! In the past, when she needed materials, she would often do it herself, leading her subordinate gods to mine in the sea of ​​stars.

Now he refused to go out even if he said anything.

Although she is a high-ranking god now, her divine power is biased towards refinement. When she encounters a powerful Immortal King, she can still escape with all the artifacts on her body, but when she encounters the Immortal Lord... she will definitely die.

[Forging Hammer] After thinking about it for three days and three nights, I still can’t figure it out: Why am I suddenly famous among the two clans?

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