Master Sun has always tried to avoid the interaction of clones in the upper world, because most changes in the upper world cannot escape the eyes of the emperors.

For example, Mr. Sun thought he had hidden the Seven Emperor Seals of Hedao very well, but the emperors still knew about it and informed Immortal Lian Luan.

Once there is a linkage, even if it is not obvious mutual assistance, the connection may be seen through by the emperors.

But this time Lord Sun decisively made an exception and simply asked the True Water God Emperor to take action directly.

The shielding ability of the True Water God Emperor can only deceive the Emperors for a short time and slightly confuse their judgment. Because the emperors knew that the three immortals were here to plot "Zhang Xu", as long as Zhang Xu showed up alive and the other three immortals were missing, the emperors would immediately understand what happened.

The life and death of the three immortals were also confused by the True Water God Emperor, and the emperors were unable to sense it for a short period of time.

Master Sun did this because this opportunity cannot be missed. Once missed, this clone will lose all value in the upper world.

Since the emperors decided to kill him, they would not give him any chance in the future.

Therefore, the Immortal Kingdom and the Seven Treasures of the three Immortal Lords are the only chance for Master Sun to reach the peak of the Immortal Lords. From then on, he will completely break up with the Emperors.

Mr. Sun showed no mercy, so in front of him at this time were the Immortal Lord Huaidan and the Immortal Lord Lianluan who each had six fairy kingdoms, and the Immortal Lord Gongshu had four fairy kingdoms.

There are also a total of eighteen "Seven Treasures of the Immortal".

Mr. Sun can choose as he pleases.

Before that, Master Sun quietly summoned Xuanyuan Pei, and Xuanyuan Pei immediately contacted King Qin. King Qin quietly left the Immortal Kingdom, was supported by the Xuanyuan Immortal Clan in the starry sky, and hid in the Star Beast Immortal Palace.

In the next period of time, I will get along with Xuanyuan Pei day and night.

Xuanyuan Pei is very happy to have a good wife!

Master Sun did not notify Shen Sanniang, Xian Xia Immortal King, Hoe He Immortal Lord, etc. because they actually had no problems themselves and would at most be interrogated. However, the relevant interests of the Yuanzi Department must not be preserved. Shen Sanniang may have the most miserable fate. The best outcome is to return to the original state and survive in the gray area of ​​Yunshangfang City.

But Mr. Sun cannot make too much noise and inform everyone close to him. Even more because Master Sun cannot tell them to betray the entire immortal clan in a self-righteous way.

If Lord Sun succeeds, then these people who suffered because of him will definitely receive generous rewards.

If it fails... there is no need to talk about everything.

Master Sun was not in a hurry to integrate the Immortal Kingdom and the Seven Treasures, but began to check the memories of the three Immortal Lords.

The immortals all have their own clever methods. Once they fall, they can immediately activate the secret arrangements, or at least reincarnate and rebuild.

But under the cover of the True Water God Emperor, all these methods came to nothing.

Therefore, even Immortal Luan and Immortal Huaidan tried to destroy the memory of their own immortal souls, but Master Sun rescued part of them.

Gongshu Xianzun's immortal soul memory is the most complete. He obviously did not expect to encounter such a situation and had no preparation in advance.

The first person Master Sun checked was Immortal Lian Luan.

He wanted to find out what the "discus" he ordered Ao Wuxian to find in the lower world was. Obviously this matter was very important to Immortal Lian Luan, and Master Sun quickly found the relevant memories.

As expected, the mission did not come from Emperor Shuangji - Emperor Shunji must keep a low profile, and his cronies cannot disobey him, but how can he be willing to endure tens of thousands of years of loneliness and loneliness as a powerful immortal?

Emperor Shunji did not explain to his subordinates why he kept such a low profile, and his subordinates could not see any hope.

The black discus is the "skin of the Tao Fruit", a relic left behind by an ancient heavenly being who gave up his original identity, chose to practice cultivation to advance to the emperor level, and then failed in his pursuit of transcendence.

And that heavenly being once possessed an innate artifact, and his Dao Fruit evolved from this innate artifact.

This "discus" is most likely the material remnant of that innate artifact.

This treasure has been wandering after the deity failed to transcend. At that time, it seemed to still have spirituality and did not want to be captured by anyone. As a result of running around, it lurked in the eight wilderness worlds.

At that time, many great powers in the upper realm were looking for this object. They originally wanted to send people to the Bahuang World to search for it. Later, the sky track reversed and the upper and lower realms were isolated, so they had no choice but to give up.

For more than 20,000 years, many great masters have forgotten this matter, but Lian Luan Immortal Lord has always remembered it. He was rebellious and wanted to be promoted to Emperor and no longer be subject to the control of Emperor Shuangji. Immediately, Ao Wuxian was sent to the lower world to look for this object.

Lord Sun looked at the memory of Immortal Soul of Huaidan Immortal again, and surprisingly discovered that the shadowless ghost holding a black short knife to assassinate the God of Construction was sent by Immortal Huaidan!

Huaidan Immortal Lord is one of the seven Tongtian Ghosts, but this order comes from Emperor Shuangji, who is one of the three Hongmeng Ghosts!

Lord Sun frowned, was Hongmeng Ghost really the Emperor?

Is the Shadowless Ghost organization so powerful? unreasonable.

From this point of view, at least one of the other two Hongmeng ghosts should be at the main god level.

The three Hongmeng ghosts join forces and can influence most of the decisions of the two clans - how can they let the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods slide into the chaotic void?

Lord Sun shook his head, there were too many doubts about the Shadowless Ghost. Moreover, the Shadowless Ghosts in the later period may have already given up on their original purpose. They did not pursue peace between the two races and turned into a simple assassination organization.

The so-called Hongmeng ghosts, such as Shunji Emperor, probably only use the Shadowless Ghost organization as a tool, and what they value more is their own status as Emperor.

Master Sun said to himself: "Emperor Shunji is obviously not really low-key. He has some key arrangements secretly. What is his purpose?"

At this time, Mr. Sun has more and more secrets in his hands, but instead of seeing the light of day, he feels more and more confused.

Master Sun shook his head slowly and didn't care about that much. At least one thing can be confirmed. The Emperors never expected that Master Sun would be able to climb to the pinnacle of Immortal Masters, and furthermore, with the help of "Discus", he would be able to reach the level of Emperors!

Lord Sun selected three immortal kingdoms that suit him, and a set of the Seven Immortal Treasures.

At this time, the avatar of "Zhang Xu" is still under the protection of the True Water God Emperor. This protection is enough to support him to be promoted to the pinnacle Immortal Lord, but it will inevitably be exposed once he attacks the Emperor.

This great defeat of the Immortal Clan was originally planned by the emperors, so naturally, their ministers had made certain arrangements in advance to minimize the impact of public opinion.

And a series of counterattacks were subsequently arranged.

Unexpectedly, none of the four immortal refining immortals came back!

This is an unbearable loss for the immortal clan. The emperors were also keenly aware that things were probably out of control.

At this time, due to the cover of the True Water God Emperor, the five ministers had not seen through the truth of the matter, but they immediately gave up their previous plan. Instead, they added fuel to the flames and pushed the public opinion of the immortal clan to a climax.

Countless immortals asked angrily to get to the bottom of it! If you lose successively, there must be someone inside!

The emperors took advantage of the situation and launched the [Administrative Office], claiming to be a thorough investigation of traitors, but in fact it was a yamen with the nature of Chaotiansi. And this military governor's office is not in the hands of the Dacheng Emperor who is on duty, but is ordered by the Shunji Emperor who has always kept a low profile.

The Shunji Emperor has "come out of anger". This emperor has been indifferent to the world for so many years, and for the sake of the entire upper world, he sent the last two trusted immortals out, and they all fell. The emperors had already predicted this.

Emperor Shunji wants to investigate this matter personally, and no one can snatch it away.

But few people realize that the [Warlord's Office] is the first powerful and unified law enforcement department in the upper world. This department will gradually allow Emperor Shunji to gain greater power, eventually overtaking the other four.

If Mr. Sun knew this news at this time, he would immediately understand: some kind of opportunity that Shunji Emperor has been waiting for for tens of thousands of years may be about to come, so he will no longer hold back and take action brazenly.

[The Warlord's Office] recruited troops aggressively and immediately surrounded the entire Yuanzi Department, shouting "Don't let anyone go"! He went to arrest the King of Qin but failed, so he decided that "Zhang Xu" had colluded with the King of Qin, and he was the devil in our clan!

All the properties of the Yuanzi Department, including those in Yizhangtian, fell into the hands of the [Warlord's Office].

Dinxia Fairy King, Shen Sanniang, Tantai Ying and others were all imprisoned.

[Warlord's Office] built a large prison outside a dangerous area in Xinghai called [Shuohan Sea]. It was suppressed by the command of Emperor Shuangji, and it was said to be "impossible to escape."

Anyone imprisoned in it will be destroyed and burned by the "evil wind" and "scorching fire" in [Shuohan Sea] at all times, and their realm will continue to fall and suffer incomparable pain.

The captured prisoners will be sent to prison after being tried and found guilty. But the so-called trial is also handled by the Military Governor's Office.

When the Xianxia Immortal King was arrested, he resisted vigorously, but Shen Sanniang remained very calm. Even when it came to the "trial", she did not make any noise or even say a word.

She knew that no matter what she did, it would be useless.

Immortal King Dinxia tried every means to ask for help from Immortal Doumu, but Immortal Doumu did not respond.

There are hundreds of people in the Yuanzi tribe. In fact, except for seven or eight people including the Xianxia Immortal King who is defined as the "chief culprit", the rest of them will be released immediately as long as they come forward to "testify" that Zhang Xu is a traitor to the Immortal Clan. You can even get a chance to join the [Warlord's Office].

The Warlord's Office is vigorously developing, and it's time to hire people.

Hundreds of people defected, and there were only a dozen people who would rather die than surrender, rather than frame Lord Sun.

General Diansao Xian was captured from the military machine soldiers' camp by the [Military Warden's Office] five days later. Surprisingly, Dian Saoxian will not betray.

From the beginning to the end, he cursed the [Warlord's Office] for persecuting Zhongliang.

Lord Sun fulfilled his dream of being a martial arts soldier and supported him in pursuing his dream. After General Dian Saoxian was arrested, he knew that even if he framed Lord Sun, he would not be able to return to the martial arts barracks. At most, he could only stay in the Governor's Office Be a lackey.

Emotionally broken, he desperately fought with the Warlord's Office to the end.

All resistance they made was feeble. All "recalcitrant" traitor accomplices were quickly convicted and sent to prison.

But just the day before the prisoners were escorted, a man came to the gate of the Military Governor's Office.

It is the Immortal Lord Hoe.

The person in charge of the [Warlord's Office] at this time was the "Luck-Promoting Immortal King" who was previously unknown in the upper world. He was in charge of the Warlord's Office for only more than ten days before he was promoted to the Fortune-Promoting Immortal!

At this time, when the Fortune-Promoting Immortal heard that the Hoeing Immortal was coming, his eyes lit up and he sneered: "I was planning how to capture him, and he actually came to the door alone. It's great, it's really a great achievement sent from heaven! "

In the opinion of the Warlord's Office, the most important prisoner among Zhang Xu's traitor group is the Immortal of Hoe He. It's just that he has the Genliang Division behind him, so it's not easy to attack him.

The Luck-Promoting Immortal welcomed the Hoeing Immortal in. Before the Luck-Promoting Immortal could say anything, the Hoeing Immortal said: "Don't do things too badly."

"In a game at the emperor level, why would you, a small fortune-teller like you, be willing to offend that person to death without knowing anything about it?"

Luck-promoting Immortal Lord laughed out loud: "A game at the Emperor level?"

Others present at the Warlord's Office also burst into laughter.

"What kind of emperor level is Zhang Xu? Are you confused? The dignified immortal is not suffering from paranoia, is he?" The fortune-enhancing immortal sneered: "Since you are here, you can't even think of leaving my military governor's office. Come on, general The repeat offender will be captured by the Immortal Lord Hoe!"

The captains on the left and right swarmed forward, but they were afraid of the power of the Hoe Immortal Lord, but no one around him dared to take the lead.

The Immortal Hoeer couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's your own fault! There is no need to go through any formalities. Send me and Shen Sanniang to prison together. I must protect them before Zhang Xu comes back."

The Luck-Promoting Immortal was not sure of defeating the Hoeing Immortal, so he thought for a while and nodded: "As you wish."

Immortal Hoe Ho was captured without any help, and Immortal Pushing Immediately used a huge prison car to imprison Immortal Hoe Hoe, Immortal King Xia Xia, Shen Sanniang, Immortal Dian Sao, etc., and personally escorted them to the prison of [Shuo Hanhai]. .

After entering the cell, a few strands of the white hair of the Hoe Immortal Lord turned into seeds, and the void grew into a green barrier, temporarily blocking the evil wind and fire from the Shuohan Sea for everyone.

Then the Hoe Immortal Lord sat down cross-legged in the cell, feeling at ease, and just muttered: "Hurry up, kid. My strength is suppressed in this prison, and I won't be able to withstand it for long."

The Immortal Pushing the Luck saw with his own eyes that all the felons were put into cells, placed under twelve layers of restrictions, and placed the Emperor's Spirit Talisman to suppress them - absolutely foolproof! Luck-promoting Immortal Lord returned excitedly, preparing to claim credit from Emperor Shunji.

He had just walked outside the Immortal Palace of Emperor Shunji when suddenly everyone in the upper world looked at a certain place uniformly.

Even the emperors are no exception.

No one can see it because they are too far apart. But everyone knew for sure that in the sea of ​​​​stars in that direction, something big happened that shocked the upper world.

Immortal Lord Doumu sat in his immortal palace, looking at it in surprise, and then murmured to himself: "Is he really not afraid of death? At this time, he will attack the Emperor Realm without the permission of his Majesty?"

Although the Emperors seemed to have acquiesced before, during the war between the two clans, they let go of their control and anyone with the ability could attack the Emperor's position.

But they have all labeled you a traitor. If you expose your position at this time, aren't you seeking death? Especially when attacking the Emperor Senior Realm, he cannot be disturbed.

The immortals had not yet digested the shock caused by Zhang Xu's impact on the Emperor Realm in the sea of ​​​​stars and the condensation of Dao Fruit. Suddenly, they sensed that in the Eight Wilderness World, the sky rails were rotating and thunder disasters were rolling in. There were actually people and "Zhang Xu" is preparing to transcend the tribulation and ascend at the same time!

The immortals and emperors took the time to glance down, and it turned out to be Sun Changming, the traitor from the lower world who had long been known to Da Nang!

The emperors frowned and realized that something was unusual, so they secretly calculated, but found that with their own abilities, they could only see the future in a fog, with unknowable blessings and misfortunes...

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