God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1152: Fool break through the king!

The squally wind strikes.

The pure **** gushes from the mouth of the dragon nose jade elephant.

The strong wind swept through, and the white energy was mixed and condensed, turning into a pure pearl-like ball.

At the same time, the body of the dragon nose jade tooth elephant shrank suddenly, and the energy decay was very obvious.


The dragon nose jade tooth elephant watched his energy accumulation floating in the air, heartbroken.

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Children just have to be more obedient!"

"Fool, come on! This precious orb contains the power of a giant elephant. Taking it can make you break the stone!"

The idiot ran under the elephant bead, looking curious.

It pointed to the white orb, then raised its paw and gestured to its biceps, showing a questioning expression.

It turned out to be confirming with Jiang Chen.

"Does it really become powerful after eating this thing?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Hey! Not only powerful, but also durable!"

As soon as the long-lasting words appeared, Ah Fool's eyes burst out with great spirits.

"Big Bear is the most in need of endurance, the best start in three years!"

Ah Fong couldn't wait to hold the white elephant bead firmly with his bear claws, opened the bear's mouth, and violently stuffed the whole orb into his mouth.



After one bite, the quail instantly realized that something was wrong.

I saw a chubby drum bag stuck in Ah Duan's neck.

It turned out that because the elephant beads were too big, the impatient Ah Fool was immediately choked by the huge elephant beads.

In a few seconds, Ah Stupid's eyes were flushed, and both cheeks were swollen!

Seeing Ah Duong's painful expression, everyone hurried forward, trying to help Ah Duong eat.

The Daikin next to it has a black line.

"I said big brother! I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

"Basic knowledge!"

While being sarcasm, Daikin couldn't see that his good brother Ah Duong continued to be choked.

"I'll help you!"

Da Jin Xie Xie smiled, suddenly raised the dark gold iron rod in his hand, and slammed it on Ah Fong's head with a choke.

Ah Fong was shocked by this sudden shock, and instantly his whole body was tense.


The huge pure white elephant bead was swallowed by the fool!

Everyone was horrified.

"Swallow... swallow it!"

Ah foolishly blinked.


There was a loud hiccup.

Then, a strong translucent energy wave suddenly burst out of its belly!

The energy formed ripples, constantly echoing in Dumb's body.

Its blood and bones are repeatedly beaten by this energy stretch.

A comfortable expression immediately appeared on Ah Fong's face.


With a stupid expression of enjoyment, Dai Jin got goose bumps all over his body.

Even Li Xiaofu couldn't stand it.

"Be careful, public!"

Ah Fool came back to his senses and quickly got up.

This movement scared the dragon nose jade elephant!

I saw the ground cracking under the bear's claws.

A slight movement brings strong winds, flying sand and rocks in the woods.

The surrounding changes are caused by gestures, and only the powerful energy that destroys the world can achieve such terrifying special effects.

Roar! !

Ah Duan suddenly roared upwards, his muscles swelled, and his figure suddenly rose wildly.

The tyrannical aura of king exuded.

Even the remaining Demon King's breath that suddenly broke out suddenly stagnated.

After losing the dragon nose jade tooth elephant queen, Jiuyaoshan ushered in a new king again!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Sandstorm Crystal Armor Overlord Bear

[Monster level]: Level 70 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

【Monster Attribute】: Mutated Rock/Mutated Fighting

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Monster characteristics]: Fusion of complete ancient Tyrannosaurus bloodline, can be transformed into a crystal armor mountain, control the source of the sandstorm, and gain the power of the sandstorm

Obtain the power of the elephant king, master the skills of destroying the decay and pulling the decay, and the next attack can burst ten times the power after opening

【Weakness of Monster Beast】: Mutated Holy Spirit

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Ah Fong rose straight to the king level, surpassed the level bottleneck of ordinary monsters, and entered a rare level in the world.

Li Xiaofu danced happily.

"The king! The king! The king!"

Ah Fong also cooperated very well, bursting out of his own power, adding light effects to the master's fat dance.

During the burst of crystal light, Ah Fool's muscles kept wriggling.

Shangguan Fanxing wanted to take this opportunity to show off his starry sky unicorn, and was immediately dissuaded by Jiang Chen.

The dance field of the starry sky unicorns does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Now there is no enemy in this circle. If this really jumps, the hundreds of thousands of troops will all be alive!

Hundreds of thousands of people watched and danced in school uniforms, and the demon kings on the other eight peaks showed hesitation when seeing this bewildering behavior.

The three demon kings with higher IQs immediately returned to their lair.

The dragon nose jade tooth elephant has degenerated into a primary overlord, and the nine demon kings are missing by one.

Starting a fight now is equivalent to eight to one hundred thousand, just kidding.

Jiang Chen felt that the dragon-nosed jade-tooth elephant that had lost energy was "pathetic", and he persuaded him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Xiang Wang, do you want to restore all your energy?"

The dragon nose jade elephant king has a big left eye and a small right eye, with a very confused expression.

The demonic man in front of him suddenly kindly asked if he wanted to restore all his energy.

Is it possible that there are still good people in this world who eat and vomit energy?

The answer is of course no.

Jiang Chen was full of temptation, and said to the dragon nose jade elephant with a smile.

"Join my staff, I will fight the little monsters to raise you!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, the five-tailed little fairy fox suddenly revealed the expression that a man is a big pig's hoof.

But the dragon nose jade tooth elephant has been asleep for decades, so no one has heard of the internet term "big trotters".

The temptation to restore all the energy was too great, and the dragon nose jade tooth elephant's neck loosened, and immediately agreed.

Jiang Chen still seemed to be very friendly smiling face.

The little Kun Kun had already been summoned secretly.

I saw the light of the silver magic circle flowing, and under the blessing of the elemental power, the little Kun Kun instantly recovered and assumed a giant Kun posture.


The huge mouth opened, and the dragon nose jade tooth elephant was immediately sucked into the abdomen by the little Kun Kun!

This picture happened to be seen by other Demon Kings.

The few big demon kings who were still hesitating just now looked dull, until the demon king with higher IQ had already returned with troops, they all started to use forceful pressure and summoned their own soldiers to come.

All of a sudden, the nine heavenly peaks of Jiuyao Mountain suddenly burst out with shocking pressure!

Jiang Chen everyone was attracted by this pressure.

On the top of the Jiuyao Mountain peak, the sunlight reflects the colorful and different energy.

Between the energy distortions, eight demon king phantoms were formed.

You can vaguely distinguish the huge bird shape, the unusually long limbs, the twisted vine tentacles, and the staggered sharp teeth.

Under these energy phantoms, the endless monsters on the Nine Demon Peak burst out and roared.

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, and behind him were the armies of various races.

The strong momentum of the people in Chang'an collided with the demon king above the nine demon peaks.

The cohesion of power is just like the essence, and two arc-shaped light waves are formed at a time, not giving way to each other in the air!

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